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*can't, for the life of him, figure out why it seemed like a good idea to ask out a girl who's about half his age*

*thinks it's because she has Ways and is therefore, like all women, not to be trusted*

*addresses his bathroom mirror* Not to be trusted.

Tags: fingon, aredhel

From: [info]irisse Date: 01/15/2007 10:00:49  

*sweeps into the bathroom* *perches on the edge of the toilet*

Who's not to be trusted?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 01/15/2007 10:04:52  

*jumps about four foot in the air* Woman, have you never heard of knocking?

From: [info]irisse Date: 01/15/2007 10:08:59  

Now, now, 'káno. Anyone would think you had something to hide from your little sister.

*crosses her legs and lights a cigarette* Now, who's not to be trusted? Dwarves, is it Dwarves? Ooh, or Elwë? I bet it's Elwë. Or do the corporation want to build a motorway through Hithlum? Is that it?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 01/15/2007 10:14:37  

I have many things to hide from you, Írissë, so no change there.

*shakes his head* I'm not a Sinda so I've nothing against Dwarves, Elwë - *shudders* *grits his teeth* - is seldom to be trusted and you appear to have forgotten that I am the corporation, sister-dear. There will be no motorway through Hísilómë for as long as I'm in charge.
From: [info]irisse Date: 01/15/2007 10:26:13  

*acts entirely hurt and wounded* You hide things from me? Findekáno. After all we've been through!

Tell me.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 01/15/2007 10:30:57  

*acts entirely pure and innocent*

Tell you what?
From: [info]irisse Date: 01/15/2007 10:38:53  

*counts on her fingers* Number one: Who's not to be trusted? Number two: What are you hiding from me? Number three: Why are you wearing aftershave?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 01/15/2007 10:44:29  

*reaches out and closes his hand over hers* Did you ever consider, dear Írissë, that all three of your questions - and I can't imagine that you're so innumerate that you needed to count them out on your fingers - have the same answer?
From: [info]irisse Date: 01/15/2007 10:55:56  

Which, I have to note, you're not telling me.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 01/15/2007 11:14:02  

Which, I have to note, has taken you long enough to realise.
From: [info]irisse Date: 01/15/2007 11:38:37  

Tell me.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 01/15/2007 11:39:12  

From: [info]irisse Date: 01/15/2007 11:40:21  

Tell me.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 01/15/2007 11:41:27  

&*£$$!! No. And quit it with the puppy-dog eyes. That hasn't worked since you were a child.
From: [info]irisse Date: 01/15/2007 11:42:09  

*puppy-dog eyes*
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 01/15/2007 11:45:23  

Damn you and everything you stand for. Fine. Fine. I'm taking Lúthien out to dinner. Laugh all you like. Go on.
From: [info]irisse Date: 01/15/2007 12:18:42  


My god. I never had you down for being this devious. It's brilliant, Findekáno, brilliant! You get in with Elwë's daughter, knock her up and proceed to take over Delving through your bastard child. You're a genius, 'káno, an utter genius!
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 01/15/2007 12:28:48  

From: [info]irisse Date: 01/15/2007 12:31:25  

Wait. You mean ... you don't intend to knock her up? I mean, I know the last bastard child you had didn't do a damn thing for your reign but you shouldn't take it too personally, 'káno!
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 01/15/2007 12:34:35  

I have no intention of knocking her up. I had no intention of taking her out but she somehow convinced me it was a good idea! There will be no knocking up, Írissë, and no attempts at a coup, and no bastard children!
From: [info]irisse Date: 01/15/2007 12:49:06  

*with as much dignity as she can muster* Findekáno? You suck.
Community: [info]opus_two
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