*scans his post, only looking up when his secretary comes in*
What? My son? Come on now, Margaret. I thought we'd decided that, after last week's debacle, we weren't going to fall for the "I'm his son" line again. In fact, I thought we'd decided we'd just take them out and shoot them.
Brilliant journey except for the fact that Lindon isn't by the sea! Did you know that? It's just a fucking mountain range. I wonder if there's anyway to, like, make an ocean.
*sweeps in* Findekáno, how did your date go? Gil-galad? When did you get in? How did you get here? Findekáno, have you gotten Gil-galad something to eat?
That's exactly what I thought. I mean, sure, she's young but she is the daughter of one of the most powerful people around. Elwë would be a powerful ally and it would be no harm to encourage friendship with Lúthien from a purely political perspective.
If you think that Elwë would let anyone -- especially a Noldo -- within an ass's roar of becoming allies with his daughter, you are so very sadly mistaken, Írissë.
Now, if you two could continue your conversation outside my office, I'd appreciate it.