opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*goes out to one of the less salubrious bars in Delving to drown her sorrows*

*even if she doesn't fully understand her sorrows*

*but knows who's responsible for her sorrows*


Tags: beren, thingol, daeron, beleg

From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 16:52:58  

*wanders in for a drink and to mull over (a) Lúthien and (b) being randomly kicked in the shins by Daeron*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 16:57:32  

*vaguely notices you* Dude, you're limping. Is your name Brandir?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 16:59:57  

I'm not limping. And, no, it's Beren.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:00:50  

You so are. What happened?

*sips her drink* Beren? Never heard of you.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:02:54  

Nothing. I certainly did not get kicked in the shins by Daeron.

*sighs* Nobody has heard of me. What's with the collective amnesia, huh?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:04:25  

*snorts some of her drink back out through her nose* Daeron? Oh, man. You can be sure that people will hear about that.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:05:13  

*dryly* Oh, great. Notoriety at last.

*orders himself a large whiskey*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:06:00  

*dabs at her face* So, what have you done that we should have heard of you, Beren?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:09:15  

Let's see. I used to be an outlaw, with a price on my head. I fell in love with the most beautiful woman in the world and she fell in love with me in return. She was a great dancer. Honestly, she had moves like you would not believe. Her father was a bit of a nut, though. Kept sending me off on these useless quests, you know?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:15:24  

*orders another drink* Sounds like the sort of thing Thingol would do if someone tried to date Lúthien.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:16:18  


*meaningful silence*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:18:55  

Oh, you've got to be joking me. Let me guess? Once upon a time, you were Lúthien's husband?

No offence but you don't look like her type.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:21:41  

*snorts* Yeah, once upon a time. What does it matter, though? She doesn't remember me and neither does anyone else.

So. What's your sad story that has you in a place like this? No offence but you don't look the type.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:23:34  

Oh. I don't know. I just have a few bad memories to work through. *half-shrug*
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:24:57  

Anything you can talk about? You've heard about my bad times. I was kicked in the shin by Daeron. Surely that's worth learning your name, at least?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:26:33  

*slight smile* My name's Beleg. I get Cúthalion too, occasionally.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:28:43  

*blinks* Beleg?

But you're a girl.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:29:28  

Ah, you've noticed that too, huh? It does seem to be the first thing guys notice about me, to be sure.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:31:29  

Beleg, man! One of the last times I saw you, we were hunting Carchorath in Esgalduin. There was you and Mablung and me and Thingol.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:32:52  

*blankly* We were hunting who in the where now?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:34:58  

*through gritted teeth* You don't remember?

Fucking amnesia.

*rubs his face* I need another drink.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:37:47  

*to the barman* Larry! Another drink for my confused friend here!

So. You knew me, huh?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:39:49  

*downs this drink pretty quickly*

*kind of likes the way his tongue is slurring words now* I knew you, only you were taller back then. *waves a hand* And you were a boy. A tall boy.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:42:48  

OK, I get that much. I was a boy.

*finishes her drink and waves at Larry to keep the booze flowing*

Say, did you know Túrin?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:44:12  

Túrin? *shakes his head* No, I guess he was after my time? Friend of yours, is he?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:46:56  

I -- I don't know. He was a friend, according to the books, but he killed me and I don't think I've gotten over that.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:51:06  

*winces* Well. That's understandable, I guess? I mean, not to have gotten over it. You probably just need time. And drink. At least, that's my plan. To keep drinking till I get over it or until people start damn well remembering me around here.

*puts a companionable arm around your shoulders*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 17:54:55  

But why would you need to get over my death? Oh. You meant Lúthien. Got it.

*chances a smile* Thanks, Beren. For a guy no one remembers, you seem pretty cool.

*presses a kiss to your mouth* *a mostly platonic kiss of gratitude* *and appreciation of your hotness*
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 17:57:15  

*pulls back, surprised*

Uh. Thanks? And be so, so grateful you never pulled that shit when you were a guy.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/21/2007 18:07:26  

*walks in, looking to drown his sorrows about Lúthien and his Daddy not loving him*


*runs out about as happy as he has ever been in his entire, entire, entire life*

*can't wait to tell Lúthien!*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/21/2007 18:16:49  

*word travels really fast around here*

*really really really fast*

*walks into the bar, flanked by several armed guard-types*

*points to Beren* There's the bastard.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 18:19:09  

*stumbles jumps to his feet*

*looks at you but has some difficulty focusing*

From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/21/2007 18:25:41  

You remember me. I'm touched.

*snaps his fingers to release his minions upon you*
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 18:28:35  

What the--? What's going on here?
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/21/2007 18:36:27  

*eyeroll* YOU are going to prison. Am I being somehow unclear?

*glowers at Beleg* And fraternizing with the enemy? I'll deal with you later.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 18:40:35  

Fraternising? Enemy? I thought he was your--
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/21/2007 18:45:59  

From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 18:48:48  

*laughs harshly* You know, it's a relief, in a way? At least someone fucking remembers who I am.

*to Beleg* It's okay. I won't put up a fight.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 18:51:25  

Uh. Thanks?

*has a pair of handcuffs handed to her by one of the mafiosi guards* *reluctantly cuffs Beren*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/21/2007 18:55:49  

A sensible choice. *impatiently* Get this creature out of my sight, Beleg. Quickly.

*and really hopes he didn't just see his foster son leaving with said foster son's sister, dammit*
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 19:00:57  

*fixes you with a steady gaze* I'll see you later, Thingol. Do give my love to Tinúviel.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/21/2007 19:02:35  

*stares back* Speak her name to me again and see what other fun things I can pull out of the hat.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 19:09:48  

*just smiles* Gosh, Thingol, you're the first person who knows who -- *pauses* -- Tinúviel is.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/21/2007 19:14:32  

*mutters some order to one of the scarier-looking heavies*

*grins* It must be comforting, finally meeting someone who knows all. about. you. I'm so glad I can reacquaint you with the more...unique aspects of living in Doriath. 'Living' being a relative term.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/21/2007 19:18:55  

*to Beren* C'mon.

*in a low voice* Don't make it any worse for yourself. & make the most of the fresh air on the way to the dungeons. It'll be your last chance.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/21/2007 19:20:53  

*keeps his eyes fixed on Thingol's as he is hustled out of the establishment*
Community: [info]opus_two
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