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*walks onto the RB (Really Bonkers) ward, engrossed in a file*

...And how are we feeling today, Níniel?

*lowers the file* Nín-

*finds and reads her note*


*raises the alarm and tells the staff to issue generally public notices immediately*

[Edit] *is preparing to retrieve Níniel when he is called away to talk down a suicidal former Ent*

*in an EPIC standoff, naturally*

Current Mood: worried
Tags: elrond, luthien

From: [info]luthiekins Date: 01/21/2007 19:48:27  

Oh, crap.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/21/2007 19:52:39  

*continues flying around the hospital in a tizzy*

*a calm tizzy. honest.*

Great-grandma Lúthien, would you mind running these flyers off on the copier? The key is to find the patient quickly. *bReAtHeS*
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 01/21/2007 19:55:29  


Uh. I think I might know where she is, Dr. Ron.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/21/2007 19:57:42  

*brightens considerably*

You do?? But that's excellent news!
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 01/21/2007 20:00:38  

*doesn't feel nearly so excellent*

I sort of mentioned to her ---- I mean, I didn't know ---- It was a mistake. *takes a breath* She mentioned Túrin and I told her he was staying at my house. I didn't realize she was so determined about finding him! I didn't think.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/21/2007 20:07:14  

*gently* It's not your fault, Lúthien. Don't beat yourself up about it.

*with confidence* It's good that she's set on finding Túrin. I'm sure he'll have the sense to keep an eye on her once he sees she doesn't recognize him as her brother.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 01/21/2007 20:11:32  

*winces* Túrin has amnesia. He only knows what she decides to tell him.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/21/2007 20:14:52  

*squeaks* Oh fiddlesticks.

*shakes his head* It's all right. I'll give your father a ring and ask him to tactfully explain to Túrin-

I think I'll just make a house call.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 01/21/2007 20:16:18  

That sounds like a good idea.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/21/2007 20:21:08  

Thank you for letting me know. *reassuringly* And don't fret; I'm sure I'll straighten things out in a jiffy in spite of with your father's help.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 01/21/2007 20:22:42  

*nods* Okay. Just let me know if I can do anything to help. Anything.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/21/2007 20:27:48  

*smiles* Would you be so kind as to call ahead and ask the staff to keep your houseguest...well, there...until I arrive? I'll just get some things together and run over-

*stops short as his pager starts beeping* *unclips it from his belt and checks the message*

Oh dear...it seems I've got another crisis. *already sprinting down the hall* I'll be over as soon as humanly possible!

*thinks he won't possibly arrive too late to prevent any further damage*

Community: [info]opus_two
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