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*hears of the 'Beren Situation' from the palace gossip*

*saw this coming a mile away, really. literally*

*heads into Thingol's office WITHOUT KNOCKING*

*makes herself comfortable in a chair*

You're making a terrible mistake.

Current Mood: annoyed
Tags: thingol, melian

From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/22/2007 21:31:06  

*doesn't bother looking up*

Mm-hmm. So what else is new?
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 01/22/2007 21:35:24  

Your daughter is never going to speak to you again when she finds out what you've been up to. That seems new. Not even that bothers you?
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/22/2007 21:43:16  

*coolly* Up to? Whatever do you mean? The man is a trespasser. A thief. A criminal. That's hardly my fault, my lady.
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 01/22/2007 21:50:46  

*equally as coolly* Mmhmm. I understand completely. You want only to protect your... city. Though it is interesting that I found a pair of your scribes going through my personal library the other day, rewriting the books -- leaving out annoying little details and, oh, entire chapters, here and there. Strange that. You needn't worry, though. I took the originals from them. They're being kept safe. For posterity.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/22/2007 21:57:11  

Tell me, Melian. Will you ever find a hobby engrossing enough to keep you from meddling in affairs which are best left to me? I am perfectly content to leave you to your singing or...whatever it is you do around here.

*laces his fingers together* Or has the useless, no-account mortal vastly changed in some way so as to be worthy of our daughter? Have you some relevant information? I'd love to hear it.
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 01/22/2007 22:03:32  

Oh, Elwë, your affairs are my hobby, and I find them quite engrossing, thank you. They're rather frustrating as well, but I do love a good challenge.

*considers* I rather think his general dislike of you is enough to make him worthy, don't you? It shows that he is an apt judge of character, he knows who and who not to trust, and that he is, at the very least, not deaf, dumb, and blind. What more could you possibly want in a son-in-law? Or were you seeking another pretty trinket?
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/22/2007 22:12:17  

*barks a laugh* By that logic, I should give Lúthien away to the first contrary sod who comes around asking for her. At least if I did that there'd be an off chance she'd go to someone who could get himself out of the occasional scrape without depending on her to fix everything. A more helpless whiner was never seen in this world OR the last.
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 01/22/2007 22:13:53  

Or, perhaps, you could listen to what she wants? Maybe Lúthien knows what is best for Lúthien? It's a revolutionary idea, but I hear it's catching on.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/22/2007 22:19:31  

*brusquely* She doesn't know what she wants! You ought to see that as well as I can. She's a baby! She's naive! No child of mine is going to be thrown to the wolves. She followed her own foolish fancies once and it got her killed. Have you already forgotten?
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 01/22/2007 22:23:37  

*fiercely* I see much more than you, remember. Death was part of her lot in life last time, as it will be this time. Not even you, the great powerful Thingol, can prevent that. Why deny her happiness in the interim?
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/22/2007 22:27:38  

*sneers* Oh, yes, the bottom of the bottle must afford you a great deal of clarity. Hurry back; you've been away a whole ten minutes now.

*grinding his teeth* It is not graven in stone that she may find happiness nowhere else. If you're asking me to entertain that 'one true love' bullshit, you can stop talking right now. In fact, why not do that either way?
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 01/22/2007 22:33:53  

What will pass will pass. There is nothing you can do to stop it; there is nothing any of us can do to stop it. If you seek to continue you current course, so be it. At least I know I tried to guide you. The repercussions will be of your own doing.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/22/2007 22:36:15  

I prefer to make my daughter's own destiny, thanks.

Now is that all you wanted to say, or have you not reached your daily philosophy quota yet?
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 01/22/2007 22:41:13  

*sighs* *needs a drink badly*

Good luck, then, Elwë. It worked so well for you last time. You have my best wishes, as always, misplaced though they may be.

*stands to leave* *as an afterthought* Don't drink your evening tea. Horace has poisoned it. Apparently he's an anarchist.

From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/22/2007 22:44:52  

You have my best wishes

*not quite so gruffly* Wonderful. Thank you ever so much.

*does not appear to have an opinion of any sort regarding your additional information*


*waits until you've gone before pulling out a fresh execution order and setting to work*
Community: [info]opus_two
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