opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*has finally received the word regarding the escaped mental patient*

*goes stalking through the house in search of his foster son*

*suspiciously eyes any unfamiliar maids in case they're actually a crazy daughter of Húrin*

*eventually finds Túrin in his quarters, packing up what little belongings he has*

Where do you think you're going?

Current Mood: irritated
Tags: thingol, turin

From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/23/2007 21:03:02  

*doesn't pause for a moment*

From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/23/2007 21:04:23  

*leans against the doorjamb*

Hmm. Let me think about that for a minute No. I don't think so.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/23/2007 21:07:15  

*situates his bag on his shoulder*

I'll kill anyone who tries to stop me. How about that?
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/23/2007 21:10:24  

*snort* Kids.

And what is prompting this sudden exodus, pray tell?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/23/2007 21:14:09  

*turns and looks you squarely in the eye*

Let's see. You neglected to tell me that I killed my best friend in a former life. Then you neglected to tell me that my wife is a nutjob living in a mental hospital. I thought I had a baby. Turns out that's just a figment of her imagination. *smiles angrily* Crazy old world, isn't it?

So the way I figure it, you don't actually give a shit about anybody but yourself. Can you work that out by yourself, or do I need to go through it step by step?
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/23/2007 21:16:59  

*defensively* I was TRYING to PROTECT you. I was PLANNING on someone like Melian breaking it to you GENTLY. It's not my fault she broke out before I could, ah, get down to the details.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/23/2007 21:18:00  

"It's not my fault"? Is that your personal fucking mantra?!

*strides over to the door* Get out of my way.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/23/2007 21:19:04  

*crosses his arms*

From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/23/2007 21:20:23  


*bodily moves you out of the way and pushes past you and down the hall*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/23/2007 21:24:30  

*furiously* That's right, run away. RUN AWAY LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO. I'm sure Nienor will be comforted to know that you've abandoned her.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/23/2007 21:26:36  

*without even thinking about it* Nienor? Nienor, my sister? What does she have to do...

*stops in his tracks*



From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/23/2007 21:28:45  

Oh motherfucking cunt whore shit bollocks bloody christing FUCK.

Túrin? Hello?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/23/2007 21:30:49  

*standing perfectly still*

Nienor. My sister.

My wife.

My sister. My wife.

My sister. My wife.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/23/2007 21:32:45  

*very slowly moves closer*

Swords baaaaad. Pills good! Guns baaaaaad.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/23/2007 21:33:34  

*stumbles toward the nearest bathroom*

*is in there for quite a while*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/23/2007 21:35:45  

*knocks on the door when there's a lull in the retching noises*

What would Melian do? What would Melian do??

From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/23/2007 21:37:39  

*eventually emerges, looking like death warmed over and roughly as mentally intact*

*doesn't utter a single word to you*

*just leaves*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 01/23/2007 21:39:06  


That didn't go so badly. Or well?

Community: [info]opus_two
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