opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*can't help but notice this what with the stalking and all*

*is of several minds about the whole situation:

1.) wants to run straight to Thingol so this 'Gil-galad' chap can be rounded up, tortured, and killed
2.) wants to cry like a little girl
3.) wants to be happy that at least Lúthien looks happier than the last time he saw her
4.) wants to taunt Beren with the news even though it kills him too :(*


*wanders nonchalantly down to the prisons at a break-neck speed*

Tags: beren, daeron

From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 16:18:48  

*is still lying on his cot, staring at the ceiling*

*barely stirs when Daeron arrives*
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 16:24:30  

*big smiles all around!*

Hellooooooooo there! How are you? Really, how are you?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 16:26:02  

*raises his head to look at you*

Here to gloat?
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 16:27:39  

*pauses for a second to think*

*second's up!* Pretty much, yeah. I've got such great material. Really, you should hear it.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 16:30:44  

I'll just wait for the album, I think. I was never a fan of your live works.

*sits up stiffly* *coughs a little and winces*
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 16:33:57  

No, no, really. I think you'll like this one. It starts out really well. See, listen...

*points and laughs*

*just points* *and laughs*

From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 16:40:43  

*sneers faintly*

*conversationally* What do you think Lúthien will say, Daeron?
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 16:41:55  

Oh, I think she'd say "Daeron, who's that weirdo you're laughing at? Hmm. Never seen him before!". That's pretty much what I think she'd say.

*grins* What do you think of that?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 16:44:48  

And when she remembers who she is? When she remembers that you betrayed her? What will you say then? When she remembers that I am her husband?
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 16:45:47  

She won't. Give up while you're ahead, kid. She won't.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 16:49:20  

Oh, I'm not giving up. You think that my Tinúviel is stupid? I think she knows already but she doesn't realise it herself.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 16:50:49  

Maybe you're just not important enough to remember. Did you think about that? *laughs* I mean, it's not like she's sitting at home pining for you right now. That's for sure...
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 16:55:03  

Just as you're not important enough to-- Never mind.

*sits back, folding his arms* Tinúviel is not the sort to pine, no.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 16:57:18  

*laughs* That's for sure. I mean it's been what -- two days since you've been missing? *gets really, really close to the bars* She's already moved on to another guy. Out with him right now. They were getting pretty cozy last I checked. So no, not the sort to pine. Or waste time on something that isn't worth it.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 17:02:35  

*moves quickly, ignoring the bolts of pain that rip through him* *as well as the figurative pain at the thought of Lúthien spending time with another guy*

*grabs you through the bars by the front of his shirt*

*softly* So tell me. If she doesn't waste time on things that aren't worth it, why does she ever spend time with you?
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 17:04:39  

*isn't scared by a long shot, buster*

*well, maybe a lot little, but the guards are right down the hall*

*okay, so he's scared to fucking death*

*forces a freakishly calm smile* We're close.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 17:45:21  

*pulls you that bit closer* As close as this?

*draws back his fist before punching you square in the nose*
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 17:48:15  

*staggers backwards and falls against the far wall, blood seeping from his nose*

Dour doing do regret dat, didiot.

*just glares at him, trying to come up with something clever and threatening to say and having little luck*

Owww. ;_;
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 17:49:21  

*laughs softly* Maybe I am but that? Was intensely satisfying.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 17:52:28  

*wipes his face of blood*

One word and I could bring a world of pain on you.

*pauses, tilts his head, and looks at Beren closely from a safe distance* Except that I think I already have. It's much more fun to watch you suffer while conscious.

From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 17:56:02  

*tries not to let Daeron show how close to the truth that is*

*settles back on his bed*

Guards! Guards! My visitor has outstayed his welcome!
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 18:00:18  

*laughs* Maybe I have. In fact, I think I know a pretty little girl... about yea high, great body, really gorgeous. She'll be getting home right about now and will need some company. *shrugs* I need someone to nurse me back to health and all anyway.

Take care, Beren.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/25/2007 18:02:32  

*calls out as Daeron leaves* From the sounds of it, Tinúviel already has company.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/25/2007 18:04:09  

*does his absolute best not to let you see him wince/shudder/cringe as he walks away*

*and sort of totally fails*

Community: [info]opus_two
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