opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*has been recruited to do some guard duty around Delving during the Great Black Out*

*has a flashlight and a whistle for attracting attention*

*proceeds to ditch both and patrols with her bow* *best bow in the armoury!!*

Current Mood: working
Tags: orome, elrond, turin, beleg

From: [info]aromez Date: 01/27/2007 10:38:41  

*still wandering about doing his own sort of patrol*

*which involves yelling really loudly and chasing people around*

*hey, it works!*

*sees her and assumes another of the Kids have gotten lost in the Great Panic*

*wanders over and comes face to face with her bow*

Whoa, there, little girly. You sure you're big enough to handle that thing?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/27/2007 12:30:14  

*looks up at him*

*coolly* I can handle it better than anyone else in Thingol's realm.
From: [info]aromez Date: 01/27/2007 12:33:16  

*loud laugh* I've no doubt about that. I've seen some of Thingol's security force, you know, and I've made some of Thingol's security force wet itself. But just because you're better than everyone doesn't mean you're good. Aren't your little wrists going to break? *isn't trying to be mean, oh no, is genuinely curious*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/27/2007 12:38:46  

*winces a little at his laughter*

*scowls* My little wrists are perfectly capable of handling a bow. In fact, I'm renowned for my archery and I fought in some pretty major battles. *frowns faintly, somehow knowing this to be true*
From: [info]aromez Date: 01/27/2007 12:40:36  

*grins!* Good, good, little girl! I like to hear that the womenfolk are helping with the fighting. If you get bored with your battles, you should take up hunting. It's good for the soul, the population, and animal control! I can even teach you. *quickly* Not that you're not perfectly capable of learning on your own, you clever girl, you.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/27/2007 12:44:56  

*can't help feeling faintly amused* Oh, I can hunt. I just never get the chance. My best friend and I used to hunt all the time. It was the only way we'd be sure of eating.

*wrinkles her brow at the memory because, yes, it's a memory*

*shakes it off* So. What do you hunt?
From: [info]aromez Date: 01/27/2007 12:47:13  

*stands up tall* Of course I hunt! Oromë is the very definition of HUNTING. Ask Yavanna.

*pauses* I like you and your spunk, little girl. You will hunt with me some day soon. You and this... friend of yours. It has been decided.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/27/2007 12:52:33  

Oromë? You're Oromë? Fuck. I'm sorry for not recognising you. Is that really stupid of me? That's really stupid.

*breaks into a small smile* We could go hunting with you? I can't wait to tell Túr--. Oh.
From: [info]aromez Date: 01/27/2007 12:55:50  

Hahaha! No need for apologies. Sometimes I prefer to blend in. Sometimes not. So long as you remember who I am when we hunt, all will be fine.

*pulls out Valaróma and blows loudly* I'm off, little one. Remember to come hunting soon!
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/27/2007 13:00:10  

*claps her hands over her ears*

*in a weak voice, after he has left* I -- ah -- will.
From: [info]aromez Date: 01/27/2007 13:02:28  

*takes off through the woods, looking for other lost souls to scare to death guide back to the path of righteousness. or Delving. whichever*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/28/2007 01:31:36  

*weaves unsteadily through the streets, using the lights from random emergency flares and bobbing flashlights as vague navigational guides*

*not that he has any idea where he's going, anyway*

*wields a flask of something in his left hand and an old-school six-shooter in his right*

*frequently attempts to drink from them and wave them menacingly without differentiating between either*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/28/2007 06:13:14  

*instinctively raises her bow*

*suddenly realises who this great blundering individual is*


*doesn't actually lower her bow*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/28/2007 10:43:39  

*swings his arm around to aim his gun at you, or in your general direction*

*teeters slightly before righting himself again*

Oo's 'ere? Don't call me that...not m' fuckin' NAME don't call me that.

*lowers the gun after a moment but makes no effort to remember who you are through the comforting haze of drunkenness*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 13:08:48  

*still doesn't lower her bow*

Are you DRUNK?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 13:13:24  

*halfheartedly tries to focus on you* S'what if I am?! You gonna call th'...the... *gives up on forming that particular question*

*inspects his gun as if not quite sure how it arrived in his hand*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 13:16:44  

*calmly* I am the police, you utter idiot, and you are definitely causing a disturbance. You need to sober up. Give me that gun right now.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 13:23:19  

*not listening to you* 'S weird. *pops out the loaded cylinder with a practiced gesture and gives it a spin* Five, see? *snaps it back into place*

*aims the gun at his temple and pulls the trigger, not even flinching at the sharp click!* Fifty, sixty times, nothin'. Know what th' odds are? Hundred...millionfifty...point hundred...a lot. *goes through the same process a second time and maintains possession of all his grey matter*

*confusedly* 'At seem right t'ya?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 13:29:54  

*can't keep the panic out of her voice* Túrin, stop that right now! You'll hurt yourself!

*drops her bow and moves towards him*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 13:31:39  

*takes a step back and levels the gun at you*

FUCK OFF... *cordially* ...wossyer name again?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 13:33:55  

*realises that she is, in fact, fucking terrified for her life*

You know who I am, Túrin, and don't you fucking dare think of killing me again because this time, I won't forgive you.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 13:44:06  

*thinks about this reeeeeally hard* *lightbulb!* Beleg.

*his eyes filling with tears* 'Ell y'are. Fuckin' buried Beleg. Wrote 'im a fuckin' SONG. It was shit. Fuck that. Fuckin' loved 'im. 'N'e was way taller'n you. Nosso girly.

*grips the gun tighter to try and stop it from shaking quite so damned much*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 13:48:21  

*doesn't really have anything to grip to keep from shaking* *starts to tremble violently*

Some things have changed, Túrin, but I'm still him. I'm still the schmuck who agreed to babysit you in Doriath and who trained you and taught you and cared for you.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 14:01:04  

*angrily* Dint need yer 'elp. 'Is 'elp. Stay 'way. Safer.

*jabs the air with the gun to emphasize his point*

*unfortunately happens to pull the trigger at the same time*



*starts sobering up in a hurry*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 14:37:11  

*cries out as a sharp pain rips through her shoulder*

*instinctively clamps her hand over the area and starts to whimper slightly as blood wells up between her fingers*

*sinks to the ground* You -- you fucker.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 14:43:44  

*sees where he hit you and is ridiculously relieved for all of about one second*

*drops everything and rushes over to you, falling to his knees*

Shitshitshitshit. Are you okay? Let me see. *reaches for you*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 14:51:13  

*glares at you with a fair amount of venom*

You fucking well shot me in the shoulder! Of course I'm not okay!

*blinks back tears but reluctantly allows you to see her shoulder*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 14:57:45  

*gently* Yeah, okay, so I'm an asshole. Just be still.

*examines the wound carefully* The bullet went straight through. *sighs* That's a lot of blood, though.

*tears a strip off his shirt and binds the wound tightly* Come on. Luckily I already know where the hospitals are. :(

*glances around* When did it get so fucking dark?!
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 15:00:20  

*winces and grits her teeth* *tries to fight off the wave of weakness that sweeps over her*

Uh.. Vána.. tWo DaYS Ago. *takes a deep breath and slumps forward against him*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 15:06:48  

Oh. *catches you reflexively* Oh! Are you... *panics just a bit when he sees your eyes flutter closed* Beleg??

*gets to his feet and gathers you into his arms a little awkwardly*

*thanks Eru the hospital's not far*

*makes quick work of carrying you there through the calmish blackout chaos in the streets, suddenly all business*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 15:17:04  

*hovers on the edge of consciousness*

*digs her fingers into your shirt, instinctively holding on*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 15:25:18  

*arrives at the emergency room and after a very brief couple of words and some dirty looks is led to a room*

*lays you on the table carefully as the staff bustle about*
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/29/2007 15:26:42  

What have we here? *gets to work straightaway* Ah. Gunshot wound.

*looks up at you* Oh. Túrin. *confusion!* How did this happen then?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 15:27:58  

*contritely* Ah. Yes. It's an interesting story.

Ikindasortashother. *quickly* Accidentally!
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/29/2007 15:29:37  

*blinks* I see. *totally doesn't*

*continues working his magic* Well, it's a clean wound. She's going to be fine.

*slaps Beleg's cheek very lightly* Can you hear me? *to you* Do you know her name?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 15:30:29  

*swallows hard*

From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/29/2007 15:32:07  

*glares his patented oh-no-you-DIDN'T glare*

*makes a sound that's somewhere between a snort and a derisive 'HMMM'*

Beleg. You're going to fine, Beleg.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 15:34:40  

*mumbles* It hurts.


Where's Túrin?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 15:40:44  

*takes your hand and rubs it reassuringly*

Here. I'm right here. I know it hurts. We'll get you some painkillers, okay?

From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/29/2007 15:42:19  

*finishes up and bandages your wound*

*gives you a shot of something happy-making*

I'm just going to borrow Túrin for a minute, okay, Beleg? We'll be right back.

*grips Túrin's arm and marches him out the door before anyone can protest*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 15:43:24  

*shakes you off once you've closed the door*

What the hell?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/29/2007 15:46:27  

*looking uncharacteristically upset*

*possibly angry, even!*

You. You will clean yourself up and present yourself for the first of many, many therapy sessions. I wish you hadn't found out about your wife the way you did but this is... *breaks off and just shakes his head*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 15:47:46  

*laughs a little crazily* You mean my sister, don't you?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/29/2007 15:48:44  

How's Wednesday sound then?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 15:50:39  

*gets ahold of himself for the moment*

*loftily* I can take care of my own therapy, thanks. It's double malt.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 01/29/2007 15:51:43  

*dryly* I can tell. You smell rather like you live in a distillery.

Two o'clock?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 15:52:29  

*doesn't answer*

*reaches past you to open the door and heads back inside to see Beleg*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 16:05:17  

*is curled up on her good side, dozing lightly*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 16:35:14  

*shoos out the nurses, who have brought a wheelchair for you*

*thinks you look more than a little like the Beleg he knows, the way you're sleeping*

*lifts you up off the hard table and takes you down the hall to an empty bed in Recovery, careful not to jostle your injured arm*

*wonders how much ammo he's got left*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 16:41:39  

*doesn't really let go of your shirt sleeve*

*hopefully* Túrin?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 16:44:25  

*sits on the edge of the bed*

*takes a couple stabs at talking before any sound comes out* *uncertainly* Yes?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 16:49:19  

*comfortably, without opening her eyes* Noth'n'. Hi.

*giggles* The healer with the eyebrows gave me an injection and it hurt but now there's noooo pain at all!
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 16:54:13  

*smiles very faintly* Hi.

*with mock disbelief* Are you DRUNK?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 17:01:24  

'm not DRUNK! Just HAPPY. And no pain. And I'm warm. Why did we never stay in nice places when we were on the road?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 17:12:26  

*stops consciously repressing his memories for just a moment, to see what turns up*

*looks appalled* What?! There wasn't a thing wrong with any of our camps. Even Bar-en-Danwedh. *his smile fading as the sharp edges of all sorts of cruel memories start digging in*

*feels the now-familiar, horrid nausea coming on and looks at his hands only to see that they're shaking again*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 17:14:55  

*forces her eyes open as you fall silent*

Don't, Túrin, don't. 'm too tired. *reaches out a hand towards yours*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 17:19:09  

*struggles to breathe against the tightness across his chest* I can't think about- There's too much. I can't.

*stands, the room spinning a little* You get some rest before they kick you out of here, okay?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 01/29/2007 17:22:23  

*grouchily* You've to come see me again.

*closes her eyes, trying to fight sleep* Y'bastard.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 01/29/2007 17:35:48  

*brokenly* I'll...see you around.

*tries to ignore how his skin's crawling as he retraces his steps and miraculously finds his gun still lying in the street*

*loads the empty chambers with bullets from the gunbelt slung low on his hips*

*points the gun at his head, squeezes his eyes shut, and pulls the trigger*

*hears some part of the trigger mechanism break and jam in place*

*just looks at the gun for a minute before dropping it into its holster and continuing on his way*
Community: [info]opus_two
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