opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*has been up all night and looking everywhere*

*looked all through Delving with his little flashlight, even in some of the scarier places*

*looked in the open, clear areas around the woods outside the city* *wasn't about to go in the woods by himself*

*is tired, worried, dejected, forlorn, and in a perfect song-writing mood*

*realizes, finally, that he needs help*

*goes to...* *GOES TO...* *goes...* *dammit, goes to see Beren*

Current Mood: anxious
Tags: beren, daeron

From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/30/2007 14:38:46  

*recognises Daeron's footsteps*

*waits until the last minute before breaking the silence*

You back for more, Daeron?
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/30/2007 15:09:06  

*sort of sulks for a second*

Lúthien's missing.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/30/2007 15:11:35  

Please don't tell me you're here to give out to me too? I've already had my fill of blame from Thingol and he's far more effective than you.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/30/2007 15:18:28  


I... I.... *chokes a little* I need your help.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/30/2007 15:22:45  

I'm sorry? Speak up a little. I think the cabin fever has damaged my hearing. I could have sworn that you, Daeron, just asked me for help.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/30/2007 15:26:52  

*looks up and meets his eyes with a fierce gaze*

I've looked everywhere I could think of. Everywhere. I called all of her friends. I even called Fingon's palace in Hithlum just in case! She's no where. What if she's hurt or alone or scared or something? I can't find her and Thingol expects me to find her!

And... and... *really kills him to say this* you know her better than anyone so I thought maybe you'd have better luck.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/30/2007 15:31:07  

*doesn't actually voice his belief that LĂșthien is well able to take care of herself and is unlikely to be scared*

*evenly* I can't really look for her from here now, can I?
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/30/2007 15:33:49  

*remains silent*

*goes into the guards' room and rummages around*

*returns and opens the door to the cell*

Don't tell Thingol.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/30/2007 15:36:17  

*is on the verge of replying with a smart quip but decides against it until he is far, far away*

*steps cautiously outside the cell*

*becomes business-like* Right. Where have you looked?
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/30/2007 15:38:54  

*shuts the door and locks it* *maybe Thingol'll think you magically vanished?*

All through the city and a little of the surrounding area. None of the woods, though. And she could be moving from place to place or bleeding in a back alley or being kept hostage by some sicko ome.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 01/30/2007 15:44:28  

Okay. I'll check out the woods. She used to love them. Maybe she still does.

*pulls up the collar of his coat and strides out of the dungeon*

*Fresh air!!*
From: [info]loremaster Date: 01/30/2007 15:45:56  

*calls futilely after him* Once you find her you have to stay away from her forever...

Damn, should have mentioned that sooner.
Community: [info]opus_two
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