opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*stands out in front of his mission in the worst section of Delving, offering kind words to the junkies and prostitutes in the hopes of getting someone besides Hank the Wino to listen to today's sermon*

*waits patiently until he's five minutes late for his own service, then returns inside, dejected*

*walks up to the pulpit and opens his battered copy of Ainulindalë (unabridged)*

"And Eru said: Let not the voices of my beloved messengers rail one against the other, in contention and strife, but let them instead join together in harmony for the betterment of their creation and for the betterment of all my children, who without the teachings of the Ainur, their guardians, will walk upon the earth in darkness, no more enlightened than the lowest beast that creepeth upon the ground."

*absently brushes a piece of dust from the book* And so it is, my brothers and sisters...er...my brother...so it is that even as we children of Eru are helpless without... *trails off, hearing Hank's snoring*

Hank? Are you even listening?


Are you warm enough?

Current Mood: disappointed
Tags: beren, finarfin

From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/03/2007 13:49:42  

*dodges inside, to avoid a pair of marchwardens*

*loiters near the door, waiting for the coast to be clear again*
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 02/03/2007 13:53:48  

*his face lighting up*

Brother! Come in from the cold and take comfort in the word of our Lord. *automatically gestures to the benches before redirecting his hand to indicate a seat farther from the odor of grime and cheap liquor wearing a man's body*
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/03/2007 14:00:10  

*blinks and looks around, taking in his surroundings for the first time*

Oh. Sorry, I'm not actually the religious sort -- *edges towards the door* *sees that the marchwardens are standing on the other side of the road*

*sits down on a bench behind a pillar*
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 02/03/2007 14:04:15  

*smiles* It is unimportant whether a man feels compelled to be guided by any particular religion. He need only have a desire to feed his soul.

*blinks* *glances at the door and back to you* Is there anything the matter, my friend? May I be of assistance to you?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/03/2007 14:08:50  

*mutters something about his soul being all full up*

No! No, nothing's the matter. Please, please, carry on with your -- *waves a hand* -- sermon -- -ising. *forces an interested smile* It all sounded so fascinating.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 02/03/2007 14:15:55  


*carries on animatedly enough, making a smooth transition into talking about Eru's provision to shelter even the most desperate criminals and fugitives among His children, should they be willing to submit to His guidance*
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/03/2007 14:18:44  

*closes his eyes* *keeps falling asleep and fights valiantly to stay awake*
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 02/03/2007 14:23:35  

*continues in this vein for a while before wrapping things up*

*comes down to talk to you* What's your name, friend? I haven't seen you around these parts before. I'm Aro. *offers his hand*
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/03/2007 14:24:57  

*shakes himself awake his hand* Uh. Camlost. I'm not really from these parts. Just passing through and I doubt I'll be back.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 02/03/2007 14:36:08  

*looks disheartened by your demeanor* I understand.

*wanders over nearer to Hank to cough tactfully until Hank should wake up and be on his way again*

*looking back over at you curiously* Well, if I can be of any aid, Camlost... If you don't mind me saying so, you look a bit...harassed.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/03/2007 15:42:55  

*laughs bitterly*

*almost against his will, finds himself replying* Yeah, well. I am being harrassed.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 02/03/2007 16:55:46  

*nods* *doesn't want to pry* You are welcome to take some rest here. I'm certain no one will bother you because nobody ever comes here.

*pensively* It may help you to know that I also have some skill with arbitration, if there is just some argument and no guns or anything.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/03/2007 17:04:07  

It would take more than some skill to bring Elwë around, I think.

*looks at him squarely* Believe me, there are lost causes and then there's me. You should probably forget I ever came here. For your own safety.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 02/03/2007 17:09:07  

Elwë? The king? I have heard as much.

I have heard that as well. Many times. *shrugs* I do not much fear for my own safety except, again, with the gun thing and besides-- *smiles wryly* --the unconcerned public still does not generally look kindly on ill treatment of men of God.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/03/2007 17:13:03  

*looks at him as though he has two heads* Uh, yeah. I guess there's some protection in being a man of God but it's not for me.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 02/03/2007 17:20:58  

*gives you a strange look* You mistake my meaning. I only meant to say that I do not see any detriment to myself in trying to aid you.

*looks at his watch* Forgive me. I must go over to the hospital now. If you would just see that the door shuts securely on your way out...? It's a bit loose.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/10/2007 14:30:44  

I refer you again to the name of the king.

*sighs and nods* Sure. No problem.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 02/10/2007 14:57:15  

*nonchalantly* Still. I insist this place remain available as a refuge to all who need one.

*smiles faintly* Thank you.

*turns and leaves*
Community: [info]opus_two
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