*stands out in front of his mission in the worst section of Delving, offering kind words to the junkies and prostitutes in the hopes of getting someone besides Hank the Wino to listen to today's sermon*
*waits patiently until he's five minutes late for his own service, then returns inside, dejected*
*walks up to the pulpit and opens his battered copy of Ainulindalë (unabridged)*
"And Eru said: Let not the voices of my beloved messengers rail one against the other, in contention and strife, but let them instead join together in harmony for the betterment of their creation and for the betterment of all my children, who without the teachings of the Ainur, their guardians, will walk upon the earth in darkness, no more enlightened than the lowest beast that creepeth upon the ground."
*absently brushes a piece of dust from the book* And so it is, my brothers and sisters... er...my brother...so it is that even as we children of Eru are helpless without... *trails off, hearing Hank's snoring*
Hank? Are you even listening?
Are you warm enough?
Current Mood:
beren, finarfin