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*goes out shopping in Delving to make up for all the clothes Uncle Elwë threw out the window*

*buys a few really cute outfits and smiles as the shop assistant packs everything up*

*hands over her card*


What do you mean, my card's been rejected? Don't be ridiculous, don't you know who I am?

*stamps her foot* *sets her lower lip a-trembling* *blacks out*

*comes to, some hours later, in the emergency room*

Current Mood: sick
Tags: elrond, earwen

From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 10:21:45  

*stands over you as you come around*

Eärwen? You're in the hospital. I hear you had quite a spill. Can you hear me? You took a good-sized bump on the head.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 10:30:11  

*blinks at you* I-- I'm in the hospital? What? *shakes herself and sits up*
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 10:34:17  

*holds up a hand in warning*

Careful, now. Don't sit up too quickly. Did you eat any breakfast this morning?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 10:49:48  

*promptly* I never eat breakfast anymore since my father told me boys don't like fat girls.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 10:53:30  

Tsk, tsk. Didn't you know breakfast's the most important meal of the day?

That would certainly explain the fainting. Have you any other physical complaints? Or mental, considering your father?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 11:00:18  

Oh, well. I'm on a diet 'cause I put on a bit of weight recently but I'm healthy, totally. I've never fainted before.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 11:22:31  

*raises an eyebrow*

You don't need to diet, Eärwen. You're very slender. Have your eating habits changed somehow?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 11:30:25  

*shakes her head* No, I don't think they have. Why is this important if I, like, hit my head?

*runs her fingers over her scalp* It doesn't hurt or anything. Can I go home? Well, back to the hotel, anyway?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 11:36:01  

It's not, necessarily. I only ask because you said you've put on weight. But if they haven't changed...

*considering* You're sure nothing else feels different? Any tenderness? Fatigue? Anything at all?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 11:40:13  

Well, I'm a bit tired from time to time? But I figured that was just the jetlag from Eryd Luin. Have you ever been? The ski-ing is fantastic and so are the men.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 11:42:50  

*smiles* Oh, yes. Once or twice. I'm more of a golf man, myself.

*makes a note on his trusty pad* And have you had any unprotected sex recently?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 11:44:10  

*stares at you* That's a very personal question!
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 11:46:17  

*sighs* Yes, and I'm a doctor, and it may be relevant to your fainting and weight gain and fatigue.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 11:57:38  

*sullenly* I don't really remember. There was a guy, I think. No, there was. But I'm sure we used condoms. Well. Fairly sure. Of course we did. Because it would have been stupid otherwise, right?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 12:03:38  

*winces* Yes, that would certainly be...unadvisable. We mere mortals must take all sorts of precautions.

Would you object to having a blood test done, Eärwen? It won't take but a moment to analyze thanks to Vána's miracle computers.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 12:06:37  

Do I have a choice?

Oh my god. What if I'm pregnant? None of my clothes will fit. What will my father say?!
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 12:28:10  

There are always choices, Eärwen.

Why don't we see if there's anything to worry about first, hm? Before you get all worked up over nothing?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 12:34:00  

Oh, god. Daddy will kill me. Or the boys will kill Gil-ga-. Oh, god.

*rolls up her sleeve and closes her eyes* I don't like needles. Please be quick?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 12:41:40  



*is going to finish that sentence with 'Gil-gamesh' or 'Gil-gahorace' or something entirely unlike 'Gil-galad', thanks*

*is quick*

*is also incredibly quick at processing the results, conveniently*

Well. Do you want the good news or the bad news? Heh.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 12:55:09  

Just give it to me straight. Please

*twists her coat sleeve around in her hands and looks at the floor*
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 13:05:16  

*coughs* Right.

*speaking like it really is the most usual thing in the world* It seems you are, in fact, pregnant. It's an intimidating prospect, I know, but there are options for you. Lots of options.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 13:32:41  

*feels completely hollow*

*and, for some reason, is more upset by her reaction than the fact of being pregnant*

*takes a few deep breaths* It's... strange. I feel like I've been here before. That's weird, isn't it?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 13:38:29  

*is a little surprised*

*doesn't quite know how to address this without bringing the Wrath of Olwë down upon him* Oh, I don't know about that. *shrugs* Some people would say this life is just one of two many. It's a common enough feeling.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 13:42:43  

*sniffles* It's OK. My uncle and my dad said I used to be married or something. I know he was called Finarfin but that's a stupid name.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 13:46:27  

*slightly relieved* I've heard that history name. I believe where he was king he was called Arafinwë.

*concernedly* Are you going to be all right, Eärwen? Is there someone you can confide in? *hands you a tissue*
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 13:52:39  

*takes the tissue and shreds it between her fingers* *continues to sniffle* Arafinwë's a prettier name.

*laughs without humour* Let's just say no.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 13:55:33  

*feels his resolve not to take on any new patients crumbling by the minute*

If you like, you can come see me once in a while just to vent your feelings. It may help, a little. And I can refer you to some people who are very well equipped to help you deal with...the more bladder-pressing issue.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 14:03:47  

I... thanks.

*stands up and clutches her coat and bags*

I should get going now. I guess I'll be in touch, or something?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/14/2007 14:10:06  

*nods* I hope you will. It's very important that you have proper prenatal care if you decide to keep the baby.

*hands you his card* Please do call me if you need anything.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 02/14/2007 14:13:29  

*nods vaguely*

*realises she really wants to go home to her Daddy*

*wanders out a bit aimlessly*
Community: [info]opus_two
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