opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*it's Saint Vendórë's Day!!*

*thinks that with a start like that, this should be a fantastic day*

*doesn't think anyone should feel sad or lonely or unloved today*

*pulls out a little bit of magic and a whole lot of Music*

*absolutely everyone has someone to love today*

*settles back to enjoy the show with a bag of those cute little conversation hearts*

Current Mood: happy
Tags: orome, thingol, olwe, nienor, luthien, vendore, aule, vana

From: [info]wailingwoman Date: 02/14/2007 17:05:58  

*is overcome with the sudden urge to give her long-time Guess Who™ partner a big kiss*

*does so!!*

*runs off, giggling shyly*
From: [info]telerinking Date: 02/14/2007 17:13:25  

*is overcome with a sudden urge to let people know they're appreciated* ?

*sends one of those annoying little teddy bears holding a heart to his daughter's room with a note reading 'Love, Daddy'* ??

*gives the receptionist at the hotel a nice bouquet of flowers* ???

*sends his sons a list of all the dealers in Delving to have them offed* Ah, yes, more like it.

*heads out for a nice, respectable dinner with a nice, respectable young lady*
From: [info]aromez Date: 02/14/2007 17:19:43  

*picks a whole bunch of Yavanna's wildflowers for Vána, so she can analyze the chemical composition or whatnot*

*isn't actually affected by the spellmagig -- was going to do this anyway*

Two birds, one stone. Ooh. Stoning birds.
From: [info]tuivana Date: 02/14/2007 17:24:53  

*cuts Oromë's dinner steak into a perfect heart, using a protractor*

*thinks all the blood gives it just the right color*

*plans on serving him wearing a tiny apron and nothing else*

*thinks procreative thoughts*
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 02/14/2007 17:26:26  

*suddenly comes to the dreadful realisation that he arranged to meet Vána (who's not his wife!!) for lunch on Vendórë's Day*

*is going to be in so much trouble*

*and can't even give her flowers to make up for it*
From: [info]aromez Date: 02/14/2007 17:42:13  

*not to worry!*

*made sure to send Yavanna a big bunch of fresh(ly bloomed) flowers*

*is considerate like that*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 02/14/2007 17:33:34  

*spends an entire, blissful day on the beach without once shooting down one of Melian's ideas*

*and so ends up not saying a whole hell of a lot that day*
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 02/14/2007 17:41:21  

*is actually starting to get nervous*

*are Mommy and Daddy getting a divorce, ome?*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 02/14/2007 17:44:01  

*really wants to know what about spending PEACEFUL hot sexin' VACATION TIME with his wife just SCREAMS divorce to you kids!*

*nope, scratch that, knows quite well, actually*
Community: [info]opus_two
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