opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*is pretty much settled in his ramshackle little cabin in the woods of Delving*

*contemplates putting up a sign saying Home, Sweet Home on the door but considers it's pretty pointless if no one else knows it's there*

*decides to risk a walk in the woods, staying alert for any guards or marchwardens*

Tags: beren, luthien

From: [info]luthiekins Date: 02/15/2007 17:54:54  

*sits in the car, feeling sad, alone, betrayed, guilty, and just plain miserable*

*watches miserably as the woods pass by outside the window*

*sees a movement and instinctively knows what it is*

Stop the car. *gets out and walks quickly into the woods to the place where she saw you*

*steps out where you can see her but avoids looking at you with her red, swollen eyes herself*
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/15/2007 17:57:57  

*is honestly shocked to see you* Tinúviel?

*strides over to you and can see you're upset* *instinctively puts his arms around you before realising that it mightn't be what you want*

*pulls back and touches your cheek* What has happened? Has that punk kid hurt you? Because if he has, so help me Eru, I'll break him.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 02/15/2007 18:03:08  

feels the tears start all over again* *is sort of amazed she has any left at this point*

*reaches an arm out to grab the front of your shirt but stops there*

*her voice cracking* You're not crazy. Why can't you be crazy?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/15/2007 18:04:59  

Why should I be crazy?

*closes his fingers over your outstretched hand* Please, Tinúviel, why are you crying? I hate to see you cry.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 02/15/2007 18:10:14  

I don't even remember you. And and he lied to me. This is all wrong. Why is it happening, it's wrong.

*walks into your arms*
*because she needs a hug*
*and dear eru her daddy wouldn't even hug her*
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/15/2007 18:12:45  

*hugs you close*

*strokes your hair soothingly* I don't know why this is happening but I remember you, Tinúviel, so well. I want to make this better for you. Tell me what I can do?
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 02/15/2007 18:18:17  

*shakes her head* You can't. There's nothing you can do.

*knows she should step back but just clings to your shirtfront instead, face pressed against your shoulder* What should I do?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/15/2007 18:25:34  

*instinctively presses his lips to the top of your hair*

You should try to go back to your life, Tinúviel. Perhaps you will remember me in time or perhaps you won't but I will be here. *sighs softly* I'll always be here for you.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 02/15/2007 18:28:45  

*looks up at you* And if I never remember you? What do you want me to do then? Are you going to wait forever hoping?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/15/2007 18:32:59  

*looks down at you* Well, if you never remember me, we'll have to start afresh.

*smiles sadly* I can wait.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 02/15/2007 18:35:34  

*steps back, drying her eyes* I can't ask that of you. It's too much for me, all of it. I've already hurt one person today.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/15/2007 18:38:10  

*lifts his hand to touch your face gently* It's not a question of you asking it of me, Tinúviel. I offer it freely because, I'm afraid, it's all I can do. It's all I know how to do.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 02/15/2007 18:40:25  

*suddenly quite harshly* Well then you are a fool. Don't you know I'm a liar and I can't be trusted? Don't you know?
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/15/2007 18:45:09  

*simply* No, I don't know, Tinúviel, because you are not that person. You are young but you are to be trusted.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 02/15/2007 18:51:09  

*suddenly* I don't love you.

I don't love you. I don't even know you. You think you know me but you don't. You think that just because you knew me years and years ago during a time I don't even remember that you know me? You don't.
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/15/2007 18:52:43  

*softly* No, you don't love me, do you? And even if I were to say that you did or that there's a chance you might again, you would deny it, I am sure.

*steps back from you* *formally* Your car is waiting, Princess. I would not delay you any longer.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 02/15/2007 18:55:24  

*with surprising venom* Don't wait up, dear.

*turns and stomps off into the woods*
From: [info]berencamlost Date: 02/15/2007 18:56:42  

*watches you leave*

*goes back into his cabin and thumps the wall with his fist*
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 02/15/2007 19:08:04  

*sits in the car as it drives along, the anger wearing off*

*suddenly feels very, very sick* Stop the car.

*runs out into the trees and loses her lack of lunch*

*crouches on the ground, leaning against a tree and heaving and sobbing until the driver comes and finally carries her back to the car*

*doesn't notice much after that*
Community: [info]opus_two
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