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*checks his voicemail while speeding along the coast road*

*hears a very irate message from his father, telling him to get his behind back to Hithlum right this instant*

*isn't used to irate messages from his father* *is sort of tempted to go to Lindon and hide there for a while*

*takes a deep breath and decides to be a man about it*

*mutters* It's not my fault he doesn't like girls. No need for him to get so bloody angry about it.

Tags: gil-galad, fingon

From: [info]skilledhero Date: 02/17/2007 14:03:51  

*is not having a good day*

*is still up when you get in, having left orders for you to be shown directly into his office once you arrive*
From: [info]finellach Date: 02/17/2007 14:05:10  

*bounds into your office, figuring that bravado is the way to go*

Hey, Dad, how are you? *puts a small package on your desk* I got you a present from my holiday. Aren't you going to open it, huh, huh, huh?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 02/17/2007 14:08:40  

*composedly* I'm not going to open it until you explain just what you think you were doing with that girl.
From: [info]finellach Date: 02/17/2007 14:22:27  

*runs his hand through his hair a bit nervously* Well, I met her in Delving and she was waiting tables, Dad, and I figured that it just wasn't right and I honestly thought you'd be happy to see her even if she isn't quite how you remembered her and, really, if it was true love, surely the fact that he's a she now shouldn't really matter.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 02/17/2007 14:33:31  

*has come to the conclusion that you're an idiot & yet again questions your paternity*

*still pretty calmly* And was it true love when you met Eärwen?
From: [info]finellach Date: 02/17/2007 14:34:27  

From: [info]skilledhero Date: 02/17/2007 14:35:30  

Eärwen. Daughter of Olwë?
From: [info]finellach Date: 02/17/2007 14:36:23  

Wait. Do you mean the daughter of Elwë?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 02/17/2007 14:41:45  


*imagines a wall, just like his therapist told him to* *imagines breaking it down, brick by brick* *gives up and imagines beating his head against it because that? Is far more satisfying*

No. Lúthien is the daughter of Elwë and unless you've knocked her up too, I'm really not interested.
From: [info]finellach Date: 02/17/2007 14:47:27  

What? I haven't knocked Lúthien up. I haven't even slept with--


I'm sorry but what?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 02/17/2007 14:53:31  

I'll admit that it's not quite the way I would have wished to have learned of my impending grandfatherhood but there you have it. You, according to Olwë, have impregnated his daughter. His only daughter, I hesitate to add, who used to be married to my uncle.

*leans back* So. What do you intend to do about this?
From: [info]finellach Date: 02/17/2007 14:58:32  

Is denying it an option?

Are we sure that I'm the father? I mean, I only met her once every night for eight successive nights.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 02/17/2007 15:06:36  

And now, I note, you're no longer denying her existence. *waves a hand* We'll have the DNA testing done, of course, but the fact is that Olwë is not the sort to get off his ass and come all the way down here unless he truly believes that you are the father of his daughter's baby.

*stands up* Congratulations, Ereinion Gil-galad. Once again, you have completely failed to live up to the very low expectations I had of you.
From: [info]finellach Date: 02/17/2007 15:11:20  


*suddenly laughs* Oh, wow. I cannot believe that you of all people are getting alll high and mighty about this!
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 02/17/2007 15:26:16  

*looks at you sharply*

*quietly* Me of all people? Me, the man who brought you up as his own? Who taught you and loved you and didn't pass you off to Círdan this time and gave you your very own ski resort kingdom? Yes, of course, Gil-galad. I'm clearly the villain here.
From: [info]finellach Date: 02/17/2007 15:29:37  

*suddenly feels about two feet tall*
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 02/17/2007 15:38:32  

*stands up* *walks around to your side of the desk and squeezes your shoulder briefly*

I am sure you will do your duty, son.

*pauses at the doorway* Turn out the lights when you're done.
Community: [info]opus_two
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