*nods* I do. I think he's mad at me. I don't want him to be mad at me. Can't you talk to him and ask him to come for a visit? I promise I won't run off again. I just want to see him. I miss him.
*hesitantly* I'll tell him, but...you really must try not to upset yourself. Even if you find yourself thinking about the Bad Things. You must remember they can't hurt you. Will you try very hard?
Because I told him we had a baby when we didn't. *earnestly* I didn't mean to!
*pouts* I won't get upset or think about Bad Things, really. Maybe. Possibly. I can't promise anything. Turambar keeps me safe anyway, so there's no reason to worry, silly.
*smiles* Good! I want Turambar to understand. The water ate our baby. There was nothing I could do except maybe not drown myself in the first place LALALALALALALALA. The water is bad. *brightly* But he'll be okay once I tell him I'm sorry I was confused. *sincerely* I don't want to be confused anymore.
*brightens up* Do you really think so? I hope so. I love him so very much. I just want him to be happy and I want him to get well if he's sick like me. Then we can have another baby.
I was worried you wouldn't come because Dr. Ron said you weren't well like me but I was really worried you wouldn't come because you were mad because you ran away last time and I felt just awful but you shouldn't feel bad because I felt bad, it was my own fault because, you see, I was confused. I really was confused I think I must of hurt my head because I thought we had a baby and we really didn't and I'm really sorry I made you think that because I didn't know any better and I hope you weren't too upset about it when you found out. I didn't even know we didn't until recently when Dr. Ron talked to me while I was somnetifically hybridizing while I slept and then I didn't even remember that he had talked to me and then I dreamt about it and.....
*gives you a little smile* It's okay. I know. You had issues. That's what nurse Annabeth said, at least. I have issues too. *seriously* I think I hit my head when the water ate the baby.
That's what I told Dr. Ron. I said you'd take care of me when you were better because you always took care of me. That's what you do. *smiles up at you*
*sadly* I know. But don't worry about a thing. Just think good thoughts and listen to the doctors and when you're free I'll have made all the roads safe for you again. *touches your cheek gently* That's what I do.
*smiles* That's what you do. You keep me safe. From the dr--- *feels her smile fade away* *does what Dr. Ron says and tries not to think about it* *thinks about dasies instead* *firmly* You keep me safe.
*encouragingly* That's right. And in the meantime I'll come see you as often as I can stand you like. And you can call me at my apartment and tell me everything new and exciting that happens while I'm gone. Deal?