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*is not caving in the face of his great-great-grandfather's wrath, no way, nohow*

*decides to focus on other problems for the moment*

*asks around at the palace and learns where Túrin's been living*

*gets up as early as he dares and takes a walk out that way*

Current Mood: awake
Tags: elrond, turin

From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 07:46:23  

*answers the door still wearing his nightclothes*

*blearily* Dr. Haphelven?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 07:48:44  

Túrin, hello. I'm sorry to disturb you, but it's rather important. May I come in for a moment?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 07:49:38  


From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 07:51:39  

*is making great headway already, YAY*

*persistently* Please? Five minutes. I understand you're probably upset about the...incident the other day but this concerns Nienor's health. And yours.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 07:54:21  

*lowers his voice when it's obvious three words won't suffice*

I just now got her to sleep. She doesn't like being alone. *glances back over his shoulder* I don't want to wake her.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 07:55:15  

*whispers* How is she? Is she okay then?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 07:57:34  

*hasn't so much as taken his hand off the doorknob*

She's fine.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 07:59:18  

*arches an eyebrow* And how are you?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 08:00:38  

*shortly* I'm fine.

*steps out into the hall and closes the door most of the way behind him*

Look. What is this all about? I need to get some sleep.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 08:04:16  

*sighs* Surely you must understand that what you have done is strongly unadvisable. Nienor is a very disturbed young woman and you are hardly equipped to take care of her.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 08:05:44  

*leans against the wall*

*shrugs* I'll manage. What choice do I have?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 08:06:50  

*firmly* You can bring her back to the hospital where she belongs. And while you're there you can stick yourself in some aggressive therapy.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 08:08:05  

*coldly* Seems to me your people haven't proven themselves any more capable of taking care of her. My sister needs me.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 08:09:36  

Your sister thinks you're her husband!
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 08:12:20  

*clearly unruffled* So what?

*matter-of-factly* But no, she seems to have lost those memories, too. All her memories, actually.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 08:16:08  

all her memories

I admit there's a certain appeal to the idea of her starting over as a blank slate. But it's not likely to last, you know.

So what?

*scandalized* I'd start on the seventy-five things wrong with that question but I'm not sure I know where to begin.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 08:19:28  

*crosses his arms* *tiredly* No. Honestly. What difference does it make? If you want to get technical, neither of us was born here. Hell, I'm not even human. I don't care if she thinks I'm her husband, her brother, her father, her son, or her plumber. The only things that matter to me are that I love her, she needs help, and she trusts me.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 08:22:15  

Aren't two of those the same thing? *shaking his head* There's more to it than that and you know it.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 08:26:04  

Sure there is. But we never knew each other as siblings, either. I'd rather see her happy than accepted. *skeptically* You never struck me as the type to get wrapped up in societal norms, Doctor.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 08:30:15  

*a little frustrated* I'm not. You misunderstand me. What I'm trying to say is that you're not her therapist.

*thinking* Anyway, if you weren't so concerned with the norms, I doubt the return of your memories would have affected you the way it did.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 08:34:00  

if you weren't so concerned with the norms

*nods* Granted. *almost amusedly* Which is why I'll take great care not to fall in love with her this time.

you're not her therapist

I'm doing the best I can.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 08:38:03  

*simply* Your best is not good enough. You can't be here twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 08:39:14  

*shrugs* Then she can come with me. Or I'll get someone to look after her when I'm not around. They couldn't do a worse job than the hospital staff have done.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 08:42:40  

*has the distinct feeling a brick wall would be somewhat more receptive than you*

You're not listening. Nienor is unpredictable. She could do anything at any time. She needs medicine and she needs stable, uncomplicated people to look after her and you are without a doubt the source of the most confusion she's ever known. Not to mention highly unstable.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 08:47:29  

*angrily* No, you're not listening! I'm trying to explain to you that I have no confidence in your system. Your system is shit. Nienor managed to slip under the radar twice in about as many weeks. I may not be a psychiatrist but I can manage a scared girl without a history, without an identity. I've done it before, remember?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 08:49:42  

*says nothing at all for a long while*

And what happens when it all comes down on her head? What will you do then?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 08:51:04  

*dismissively* The general idea is to help her make new memories, not dredge up the old ones.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 08:57:14  

*shifts his weight uncomfortably and wonders how many neighbors have awakened to the growing consternation by now*

I know you think you can solve your problems by detaching yourself from them, but until you deal with your issues, they're not going anywhere. You know firsthand how they can overwhelm you. You're standing balanced on a knife's edge.

Nienor has not even that tenuous check on her emotions. What then, when Things become too much for her and Things and She become too much for you? What will you do? Who makes up your support system?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 09:01:08  

*comes close to speaking several names but ends up systematically eliminating them each in turn*

*stubbornly* I don't need anyone.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 09:08:07  

This is pointless.

*sighs again* I hope you're right. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry about the wreck the other day. There's no excuse for it.

I'd still like to speak with Nienor regularly. Will you bring her in? *a bit desperately* I can even come here if that's the only way I'll see her. *laughs a little* I don't know what kind of operation you're running but I think this place is nicer than mine.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 09:11:26  

*overhears that thought like you shouted through a megaphone*

*slightly startled* If she'll agree to it. *as a small peace offering* I should be able to persuade her. She listens to me.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 02/26/2007 09:13:38  

*nods* I'll wait.

*quietly* If there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to call. Either of you.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 02/26/2007 09:15:21  

*nods too* All right.

*turns and goes quietly back inside*
Community: [info]opus_two
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