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*feels slightly better, if still feverish and tired*

*is starving though*

*orders some breakfast and a copy of the morning paper* *has missed getting all the good gossip while she's been sick*

*smiles when her hot, delicious breakfast arrives with the paper neatly folded on the tray*

*unfolds the paper and reads the headline*

*frowns, puts the paper down, and pushes the tray away*

I'm not that hungry anymore.

Current Mood: nauseated
Tags: thingol, luthien

From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/01/2007 07:57:23  

*comes around to see how you're feeling*

*knocks* Honey? Can I come in?
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/01/2007 09:13:05  

*looks at the paper again*

*makes a face*

*stuffs it behind her pillow*

*brightly* Yes, Daddy!
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/01/2007 09:16:06  

*enters and sits in a chair near your bed*

How are you feeling? *frowns* You haven't even touched your breakfast.

*thinks the general lack of tears must be a pretty good sign, all thigns considered*
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/01/2007 09:20:19  

Better, I think. *tries to smile* I was just getting ready to eat. I'm still not very hungry.

*pushes the tray towards you* Want some toast?
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/01/2007 09:30:11  

*shakes his head* No, I'm fine.

*gently scolding* You gave your mother and me quite a scare. We're getting too old for that kind of panic. *faint smile*
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/01/2007 09:33:00  

I'm sorry, Daddy. *smiles softly* I didn't do it on purpose, you know! I was scared too. I don't want to die.

*lightly* But I'm getting better. And I promise not to get sick again for at least a month! Not even a cough.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/01/2007 09:38:25  

*touches your cheek lightly* Don't be silly. I'm not upset with you anymore.

I know you've been hurt and angry and I'm sorry for the part I played in letting you discover everything.

*figures he might as well get any upcoming tantrums over with right now* Have you talked to your mother lately?
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/01/2007 09:43:48  

*smiles at you* I know, Daddy. I love you. I don't like fighting.

Have you talked to your mother lately?

She said goodnight last night but we didn't talk, no. Why? I haven't heard any shouting. Are you getting a divorce!?
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/01/2007 09:48:54  

I love you too, sweetheart.

*clears his throat* It's just that we've had a bit of disturbing news about your friend Gil-galad and your mother and I agreed that he's...not likely to be the best of influences on you. *can totally swing this 'tact' thing* Both of us agreed. Together. With varying degrees of volume.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/01/2007 09:51:06  

*just watch that smile disappear*

What do you mean 'disturbing news'? *carefully* I think he's a perfectly good influence.

*totally doesn't believe her mother is behind you on this*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/01/2007 09:53:20  

*bluntly* Your cousin is pregnant, Lúthien. And he's the father.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/01/2007 09:58:19  

*feels very sick again*

*closes her eyes tightly*

*is not going to cry over something stupid like this*

Oh. Okay.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/01/2007 10:03:34  

*sighs* I'm not even the tiniest bit sorry to have to tell you like this. I know you're fond of the boy but fuck knows why.

*smoothes your hair gently*

*does so hate to see you sad, though*
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/01/2007 10:08:34  

*nods* *feels a few tears start to run down her cheeks* I hate boys.

*forces a smile and wipes her eyes* I'm okay, Daddy. Really I am.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/01/2007 10:12:29  

I hate boys.

OME YAY. *scowling* They're all bastards. Don't trust 'em any farther than you can throw 'em.

*leans over to hug you* *ruefully* I shouldn't have said anything until you were feeling a hundred percent. Poor sweet girl.

*thinks he'd better leave the revelation that you're getting a new husband for another day*
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/01/2007 10:29:27  

They're all bastards.

*laughs a little* You're a boy, too, Daddy.

*snuggles* It's okay. I'm glad someone told me. That's probably why he hasn't called or come to see me or anything. I was wondering.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/01/2007 13:01:47  

*laughs too* I'm no exception, young lady.

*comfortingly* I'm sure it is. And if he's not man enough to spill all to you himself, we're all better off being rid of him, hmm?
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/01/2007 14:54:00  

*nods* You're right. Something this important happened and he didn't feel like he needed to tell me? That's bad news.

...I wonder if it means he was sleeping with other girls while we were dating?

*frowns* *doesn't want to think about it*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/02/2007 06:44:08  

I wouldn't put it past him. Most guys make a career out of lying, you know.

*has fairly good experiential data on this, too*
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/02/2007 08:06:35  

*gee, Dad, way to make her feel worse*

Oh. Yeah. I guess you're right.

*clears her throat* I'm tired. I think I want to lie down again.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/02/2007 08:08:19  

*is the best dad ever!* Don't worry. The right man for you will come along probably next week sometime. Just you wait and see.

*looking troubled* All right, honey. Just call if you need anything.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/02/2007 08:10:31  

*smiles a little at that* You're right, Daddy. He just wasn't the right guy. *opens her arms for a hug*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 03/02/2007 08:13:06  


*is thrilled you're being so calm and reasonable about all this*

*you must get it from him*
Community: [info]opus_two
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