opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*gets up early to get a start on the mound of paperwork that has been building up*

*ends up staring out the window thinking about various troublesome things*

*that would be Maedhros, Turgon and Elwë, then*

Current Mood: blah
Tags: fingon, turgon, aredhel

From: [info]thewise Date: 03/02/2007 08:49:15  

*gets up, uh, slightly later*

*has a big bowl of cereal*

*checks with 'Margaret' and finds you have no appointments that morning*

*lets himself into your office*

*chipperly* Morning!
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/02/2007 08:52:10  

*without looking up* Are you lost, Turgon? The television room is at the other side of the building. I'm sure someone could show you the way.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/02/2007 08:55:09  

What? Me? *looks affronted* I came to see how my big brother is doing. You know you've not said more than... *counts* oh, fifteen words to me since I got here.

Anyone would think you weren't happy to see me.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/02/2007 09:08:50  

I'm delighted to see you, as always, Turvo, but I happen to be very busy. The state won't run itself, you know.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/02/2007 09:10:44  

*kicks back and puts his feet up on your desk*

Margaret said you were free.

*puts his hands behind his head* *meaningful look*
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/02/2007 09:17:45  

What Margaret meant is that I'm free of appointments all morning. So that I can catch up with the paperwork involved in looking after a state that won't run itself.

Do you want anything in particular, Turvo?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/02/2007 09:19:23  

To catch up with my big brother, of course!

*picks up one of the broken pencils and makes a tsking noise* 'rissë tells me that Russandol's staying with you. How's that going?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/02/2007 09:25:02  

*laughs humourlessly* Ah. Not so well. I assume our sister also informed you that our cousin has been reborn as a woman?

*closes his eyes briefly in resignation* You can start making whatever lame jokes you want now.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/02/2007 09:27:56  

*looks at his icon*

*starts to open his mouth*

*looks at your face*

*closes his mouth*

No jokes. For now. But, seriously, dude, what's the problem? I thought you two were, like, in love and shit.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/02/2007 09:32:39  

*fixes his eyes on his desk top* Wow, I've broken a lot of pencils this morning.

*shakes his head slowly* No. Well. I guess we were. Of course we were. But Russandol doesn't remember anything. He -- she's -- a complete stranger to me. If he -- she -- even looked the same, it might be easier but -- I -- don't know what to do, Turvo. *runs his hand nervously through his hair, totally unused to being this honest with his siblings* And there's that part where I'm pretty sure I'm gay? You remember that part?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/02/2007 09:39:00  

*resists the urge to lean forward in his chair and say 'and how does that make you feel?'* *saw that in a movie once*

*thoughtfully* Don't you think spending more time with her would help her remember? From what I can tell she barely comes out of her room. She must be terrified of you. *can't help but laugh at that thought* And, well, if there's nothing there there's nothing there. You can still be friends. Friends don't have to sleep together though it makes friendship more fun.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/02/2007 09:43:33  

*looks up at you* Terrified of me? Now, Turvo, who in their right mind would be terrified of me? I'm not even half the warrior I used to be.

*smiles a bit sadly* Even if I do show no mercies to any pencil that crosses my path.

*stands up and sweeps all the broken pencils into the rubbish bin before sitting back down again*
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/02/2007 09:45:31  

*shrugs* I'd imagine a sad, lonely little girl who doesn't remember anything and doesn't know who to trust might be a little afraid of you.

The pencil snapping sort of makes you look insane. Or partially insane.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/03/2007 08:32:31  

*shakes his head* It's just so hard to think of my Russandol being that -- timid.

*laughs a little* It's a habit. I'm trying to quit.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/03/2007 09:48:23  

Well, that's the problem, isn't it? You said it yourself. She's not really Russandol. At least not yet.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/03/2007 10:41:32  

*rubs his forehead with his hand*

*tries to think of something sensible to say in return*


From: [info]thewise Date: 03/03/2007 10:43:49  

*it's been, what, twenty minutes since he last ate?*

Yeah, I could eat.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/03/2007 10:56:46  


*buzzes through to Margaret on his intercom* Margaret? Could you field my calls? I'll be out of the office for the rest of the morning.

*stands up and opens the door* After you?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/03/2007 10:59:21  

*stands up and leads the way*

*hopes this doesn't count as sibling bonding or anything*
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/03/2007 11:05:44  

*rubs his hands together* *can't remember the last time he actually took breakfast*


*awkward pause*

How is Ondolindë?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/03/2007 11:12:05  

Uh. *scratches his head* Kinda boring, actually. Hidden kingdoms don't have much use when there's no great evil to hide from. Besides Thingol. Not a lot of visitors, y'know.
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/03/2007 11:17:46  

*is in the breakfast room when you come in, curled up on a chair, nibbling on a slice of apple*

Boys. Boys, boys, boys. What's this? A civil conversation?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/03/2007 11:21:46  

Heyyyyy. Be nice, Írissë. We've called a cease fire for the morning or something. On behalf of the eggs.

*takes a seat at the table* Where are the eggs. Doesn't the cook know I'm a growing boy?!
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/03/2007 11:33:29  

*reaches for some brown toast and pours himself a cup of coffee*

Don't ask me. Írissë's in charge of all things domestic.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/03/2007 11:37:21  

That's awful sexist of you, 'káno. *puts his head on his hands and looks at his sister* Eggs, woman!
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/03/2007 11:45:05  

*looks right back at you* You know how to call the servants, Turvo.

*reaches for another apple and starts to peel and slice it* Has anyone seen Russandol?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/03/2007 11:48:27  

Some sister. *gets up to go order some eggs*

Has anyone seen Russandol?

*does his best to stifle a laugh*

We were just wondering about that ourselves. *soberly* We should have invited her for breakfast.
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/03/2007 12:05:06  

*smiles wickedly* I won't always be there for you, Turvo. Sometimes, you're going to have to do things on your own. Like ordering eggs.

*to Fingon* We should have. Why didn't we? She must be lonely.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/03/2007 12:07:26  

*evasively* I'll send one of the servants to see how she is after breakfast.

*takes a mouthful of toast* Oh, did you hear? Findaráto's back. Living in Delving, by all accounts.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/03/2007 12:12:09  

*chokes on his coffee*

*shifts uncomfortably in his chair*

Oh, REALLY. *coughs* I hadn't heard. I should... ah... visit him, I guess?.
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/03/2007 12:18:27  

*blandly* Probably.

*points at you with her knife* You know, that was one of the things that surprised me most. That you and Findaráto didn't have a thing going. *points at Fingon with her knife* I mean, it's not like there wasn't a cousin-fucking precedent, you know?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/03/2007 12:24:39  

*maintains his composure barely*

*calmly (why wouldn't he be calm)* I'm not gay, Írissë. Neither is Finrod maybe.

*forcibly happy* Besides, by that logic you would have fucked the entire House of Fëanor. Which you might have.
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/03/2007 12:44:00  

Please, Finrod was the closest thing Uncle Arafinwë had to a daughter and you know it.

*shakes her hair back* *loftily* I do hope you're not casting aspersions on my character, Turvo.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/03/2007 12:49:39  

*laughs* Please, you're talking about a family with five sons. The dog was more of a daughter than Findaráto. *waits a beat* Nerwen was a son, right? I was always a little confused about that.

I do hope you're not casting aspersions on my character, Turvo.

*innocently* I would never do that, 'rissë. I wouldn't have to. You do it well enough for us both.
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/03/2007 13:53:41  

*shrugs* Well, it doesn't matter anymore anyway, now that she's come back as a girl. *sips her tea* Findaráto, I mean. Not Nerwen. I don't think Nerwen's back yet.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/03/2007 13:56:04  

*eyebrows to the ceiling!*

*slowly* You don't say. Isn't that interesting. I'd say that's interesting.

*finishes the rest of his coffee* If you'll excuse me I have to, uh. Check on things in Gondolin! Yes. Check on things in Gondolin. And maybe do some sightseeing. Yeah. Sightseeing. I'll see you tonight.

*rushes out of the room*
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/03/2007 13:59:39  

*watches you leave with surprise*

*turns to Aredhel* Delving?
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/03/2007 14:01:10  

*laughs and nods* Delving.
Community: [info]opus_two
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