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*sits on a bench in the garden outside the palace in Hithlum*

*stares at his phone as if he's willing it to ring*

*jumps out of his seat when it actually does ring*

*runs his hand through his hair* Hello!



Ah. No, thanks, I already have life insurance.

*hangs up and sits back down*

*sighs and stares off into the distance*

Current Mood: hopeful
Tags: finrod, turgon

From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 15:37:50  

*stares at her phone, willing herself to press dial*

*finally closes her eyes and just does it*

*can't believe she did that!*

*holds the phone to her ear, hyperventilates, and generally hopes no one answers*
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 15:39:11  

*jumps up again and starts pacing*

*squeaks* Hello!!??!!
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 15:47:38  

*jumps up and starts pacing herself*

Turgon? Hi it's Finrod are you busy right now if you're busy I can call back never later.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 15:48:48  

*quickly* I'm never too busy for you!

*winces* I mean. I've got some free time.

So. *doesn't remember talking to you being this awkward on Arda* What's going on?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 15:49:35  

Not much.



From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 15:51:01  

*suddenly just starts laughing*

I don't think we're phone people, Findaráto.

*can't help but smile (to himself)*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 15:52:50  

*giggles* I guess you're right. I'm just still not used to these things. I can't see your face. For all I know you're mocking me right now. You'd better not be mocking me right now!
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 15:54:07  

*soberly* Oh, I'd never mock you. Absolutely never ever. *makes an "I'm totally mocking you" face that you clearly can't see* Your voice is kinda squeaky, you know?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 15:55:47  

Shut up you... jerk!

*settles back down in her chair, feeling much more relaxed*

At least I don't sound like one of those creepy child-predators, Turvo.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 16:01:09  

*laughs* Jerk, Finrod? Is that the best you could do? Racy.

I only child-prey between four and seven on Thursdays, thank you. And stop trying to speak Quenya, you sound ridiculous. Everyone knows you went native years ago. "Teaching Sindarin to the humans" and all. Push-over.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 16:03:34  

*in her very own mocking tone* *yes, she has one*

"I want a new dress, Daddy." "I want a pony, Daddy." "I want to marry this random human, Daddy." Who's the pushover?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 16:05:07  

*growls softly* Watch it, Felagund.

*chuckles* So when are you coming to Hithlum huh huh huh?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 16:06:33  

*clucks her tongue* Hmph. Who says I'm coming to Hithlum? Aren't you the man these days? Do you think I'm really that easy? You haven't even spoken to my father yet!
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 16:12:01  

*disbelievingly* Did you just go all girly on me, Finrod? I mean, you look girly, and you are girly, but did you go girly and stuff? I don't think we can be friends anymore.

*goes silent for a good long time*

...You were scared there for a minute, weren't you?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 16:14:12  

*flat out laughs* Oh, you think you're so funny, Turgon, you think you're so cute. Well, you are you really are aren't. With an attitude like that, I'm never coming to Hithlum.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 16:15:18  

*jumps on that* So you want to come to Hithlum? How about tonight? Tomorrow night? When are you free?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 16:16:23  

*considers* I do want to come to Hithlum. To spend time with my darling cousin. Russandol.

*quietly* Maybe I'll visit you too.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 16:19:40  

*goes quiet for a minute* I just really think we need to talk, and it's not 'over-the-phone' sort of talking.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 16:21:34  

*chews on her lip* I know. I really want to talk to you too. About lots of things. Not just... those things.

Big things are happening here, you know. Big things.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 16:24:36  

*looks at his watch*

There's a train leaving in an hour and a half. You'll get here late but, you know, better than not at all.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 16:27:53  

I... don't know, Turgon. I'd have to take tomorrow off work and I was wanting to spend some time with my parents and I've never left Rudy alone overnight and...
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 16:29:25  

*interrupts* And you've got to wash your hair and the houseplants need watering and you just can't sleep right in strange beds and I get it, okay? You don't need to lie to me. I get it.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 16:32:13  

I don't think you do get it.

*runs her hand through her hair* It's just a lot at once, you know? My mother's situation and seeing my father again and seeing you again and all of the things that go with it and... I'm just sort of afraid of getting hurt.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 16:34:33  

I do get it.

*sighs* *sits there for a while, listening to you breathing*

I... I can't promise I won't hurt you, but I can promise I won't do it on purpose. What else can I say to make you give me a chance? Please just come here and talk to me. Or I'll come there. I don't care.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 16:35:23  

*sits quietly for a while, thinking*

*reluctantly* You said it leaves in an hour and a half?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 16:36:46  

*breaks into a big smile* Yeah, yeah! I'll meet you at the station. You can stay the night here and we'll talk and everything. Please say yes. You know you want to.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 16:37:34  

*smiles a little* Fine, yes. You're such a bad influence! I'll see you later.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 16:38:13  

I do what I can. Later. Thank you.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/05/2007 16:38:58  

*hangs up*

*looks at the dog* I have to be crazy.

*gets up and packs an overnight bag*
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/05/2007 16:39:59  

*sits in very happy awe for a while*




*freaks out and runs around the house making sure everything is in order and triple checking the train schedule*
Community: [info]opus_two
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