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*would have to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to notice that something else is wrong with Lúthien*

*makes a cup of tea and a big mug of hot chocolate and takes them to her daughter's room*

*knocks on the door*


Tags: melian, luthien

From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/05/2007 20:00:41  

*looks up from the book she's staring at blankly reading*

Come in?.
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 03/05/2007 20:02:12  

*comes in and sets the hot chocolate on the floor next to you*

*sits down herself*

What are you reading?
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/05/2007 20:03:54  

*sits up and picks up the chocolate*

Nothing at all much. A book for class. It's boring.

*sighs melodramatically*
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 03/05/2007 20:04:37  

*raises an eyebrow and does her best not to laugh*

Is there something on your mind, Lúthien?
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/05/2007 20:05:25  

*shakes her head* No. Not really. I mean. Maybe. A little. It's not important.
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 03/05/2007 20:06:56  

Ohh, all right. *shakes her head in amusement and takes a sip of her tea*

*as an afterthought* I'd imagine anything that has you speaking in sentence fragments would be something we should worry about. If your not careful your father might think it's contagious. *smiles a little*
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/05/2007 20:07:42  

*smiles a little*

*realizes you want her to say more*

*goes back to sullen*

From: [info]queenmelly Date: 03/05/2007 20:11:26  

Fine then, you don't have to say anything.

*changes the subject, going off on a long tangent about Thingol's plans for an engagement party for Túrin and how she really doesn't think it's a good idea but she's going to keep her mouth shut about that and just start planning color schemes and seating arrangements and....*
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/05/2007 20:12:30  

*doesn't actually listen to a work you're saying*

*after a while bursts out* How did you know you loved Daddy?
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 03/05/2007 20:14:29  

*looks at you with mock surprise*

Oh, I don't know, I just did. I always knew, from the moment I met him. I can't really describe it; it's a feeling you get. *pushes a strand of hair behind your ear* Why do you ask?
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/05/2007 20:15:59  

*shrugs* Dunno.

*goes back to her sullen silence*


Why don't you think Túrin and Finduilas getting married is a good idea?
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 03/05/2007 20:19:11  

*tilts her head to the side in thought* Well, for one, they don't really love each other. *pauses* I suppose she might, I couldn't say for sure, but he doesn't. Marriage is serious, it's the sort of commitment that lasts forever -- though I guess that's not long these days -- and you have to be quite certain of what you're doing before you do it. I think Túrin proposed out of a sense of duty and, possibly, fear. Those aren't the right reasons.

I may be wrong, of course. Maybe they're meant to be together and they're only just discovering this. But I don't think so. I think it will end badly if it happens at all.
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/05/2007 20:21:47  

Hmm. Okay.

*is quiet for a bit longer*

How do you know if it's right, then?
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 03/05/2007 20:27:44  

*covers her mouth with her hand to hide the smile*

Well, darling, I think you just do. You shouldn't doubt your instincts. There are a lot of different feelings you can have for another person. Compassion, caring, lust, desire, platonic love, romantic love, comfort. When it's right, really right, though, it will feel different from all of those. They will all be there, but there will be something more. A sense of peace, maybe.

*looks at you closely* Is there something you want to tell me, Lúthien?
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/05/2007 20:29:55  

*listens to you in silence and almost feels that knot in her stomach disappearing*

Is there something you want to tell me

No. No, not yet.

*relaxes and takes a sip of her chocolate*
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 03/05/2007 20:31:35  

*can't help but smiling* Whenever you're ready, I'll be there.

*starts planning how to handle the ensuing disaster*
From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/05/2007 20:34:42  

*nods her head slowly* Okay. Okay.

*tries to figure out what she's going to do next*

*thinks it's not going to be pretty*
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 03/05/2007 20:36:10  

*decides to leave you to your thoughts for now*

*stands and kisses the top of your head*

Don't think too hard, honey. Some things are easier than they seem.

From: [info]luthiekins Date: 03/05/2007 20:37:08  

I won't. Goodnight, Mom.

*waits for you to leave and then goes back to trying to figure out what exactly she's going to say to Gil-galad (not to mention Beren)*
Community: [info]opus_two
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