opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*wakes up to find the loft quiet and a hastily-scribbled note near her pillow*

*gets out of bed and starts her morning routine, telling herself it's completely ridiculous to feel jealous* *is anyway*

*decides to go out for a walk in order to avoid just sitting around and obsessively taking home pregnancy tests that cannot possibly tell her anything at this stage*

*stops in at her favorite café for a mocha and looks around while she waits in line*

*thinks she hasn't worked in ages and she ought to make sure she's still Got It*

*spots a likely customer* Oooh. Pretty. *collects her drink and saunters over to his table*

Current Mood: neglected
Tags: finduilas, finarfin

From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/06/2007 11:30:16  

*is so absorbed in the sermon he's writing that he doesn't even notice your sex-exuding walk his way*

*sips his [caffeine-free, herbal] tea distractedly* *muttering to himself* Oh, no, that'll never do...a bit fire-and-brimstone really.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 03/06/2007 11:34:52  

*clears her throat delicately to get your attention*

Excuse me...do you mind if I sit down? *gives you a dazzling smile*
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/06/2007 11:36:43  

*looks up in surprise*

*appears a bit confused as his eyes alight on the many empty tables in the café*

*is way too polite to say anything though, of course*

Not at all. *smiles too* But only if you don't mind the poor company. I have to have this finished by eleven.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 03/06/2007 11:39:25  

*seats herself, flashing a bit of thigh as she does so*

Oh, that's just fine. *gives you big puppy eyes by way of adorable apology* I'm sorry if I've disturbed you.

*rests her chin on her hand and leans strategically* What are you working on?
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/06/2007 11:41:27  

*does not even dream of peeking down the front of your dress, although he's fairly certain he could see all the way to Nevrast if he tried*

*handwaves* Oh, just a sermon for the morning services. *cheerfully* I tend to agonize over every little word, you know?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 03/06/2007 11:43:06  

*eyebrows go...up!*

Oooh. A challenge.

*curiously* Oh, you're a minister! *gazes at you with rapt attention* That must be ever so interesting.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/06/2007 11:45:01  

*sits back in his seat, having apparently decided any fire and brimstone will have to remain as stated*

*laughs* I'm not sure about that. You'd have to ask all one of the members of my congregation, I suppose.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 03/06/2007 11:51:11  

*tosses her hair seductively*

Well, I think it's very brave of you, anyway. Tending the flock in such a godless city as Menegroth. *looks pensive* Look at everybody. We're all just ripe to bursting with sin, don't you think?

*deliberately absently catches up some of the artfully-drizzled chocolate on her saucer and licks it off the tip of her finger*
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/06/2007 11:53:13  

*earnestly oblivious* Oh, don't say that! Everyone has some good in them, you know. *gently scolding* You're not giving humanity enough credit.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 03/06/2007 11:57:42  

*giggles* Aren't you just the perfect person for the job then?

*decisively* You're very charismatic. With a voice like yours, a girl could be persuaded to do anything at all. *innocent smile* Like attend your services.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/06/2007 12:01:07  

*dumbstruck (but not the way you think)*

*finally* Really?? I mean yes, absolutely, I would love to see you there!

*takes out some business cards [that some bleeding-heart non-profit donated to him] and hands one to you*

*taps the engraving* That's me and below there are the times for the regular services. Come anytime you like.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 03/06/2007 12:03:28  

Come anytime you like.

That's my line.

*breezily* I certainly will. You'll get a great view from the pulpit. In fact, whenever you're finished writing that sermon, I'd very much like it if...

*trails off as her gaze falls on your name on the card*

*...* Arafinwë?!
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/06/2007 12:05:22  

*beaming* Aro, yes. You've heard of me then? I was a king!

I guess most people around here are used to calling me Finarfin but I confess I've never gotten used to that name, myself.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 03/06/2007 12:07:03  

AHAHAHAHAHA yes. I've heard of you.

*jumps to her feet* *fumbles around quickly collecting her bag and her cup* Wellitwaslovelymeetingyougottago'bye!
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/06/2007 12:08:20  

*bewildered* Wait...if you wanted to talk about the Word I'd be more than happy to...I'm sorry, what's your name, miss?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 03/06/2007 12:09:28  

Um. *takes way longer than it really should to come up with her stage name* Sunny. My name's Sunny.

Rain check?

From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/06/2007 12:10:55  

*calls after your retreating figure* Well if you really must go then I hope I'll—! Just. See you there sometime?

*was it something he said?*
Community: [info]opus_two
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