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*tries to get her head around the latest happenings in Hithlum*

*addresses the tropical fish in the big tank in the main foyer*

So. Russandol and 'káno are sleeping together, and Findaráto and Turvo are sleeping together and somehow this is news? Elwë is sending pretty little spies who can't even speak Quenya.

*scatters some food into the fish tank* Whatever next, hmm?

Tags: fingon, maeglin, turgon, aredhel, maedhros

From: [info]thewise Date: 03/11/2007 15:00:33  

*marches into the foyer*

*totally has his King!voice going for him*

Írissë! I found something that belongs to you.

*points his thumb over his shoulder at his nephew* Try to keep track of it him this time.

*finds the nearest housekeeper and orders her to pack the rest of the things he brought with him and have them sent to Delving*
From: [info]maeglinlomion Date: 03/11/2007 15:25:24  

*rubs his head and frowns at the bright lights*

*hoarsely* Thanks, Uncle Turgon. Sorry for vomiting on Finrod's couch.

*edges away from you*
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/11/2007 15:28:02  

*uh, edges away from you, thanks*

*makes a mental note to apologize to Finrod for your general existance*

*looks at his sister expectantly, waiting for her to yell at you or scream at you or beat you into submission like she should*

*has totally forgotten all about that 'second chances' thing, yes*
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/11/2007 15:50:04  

*is absolutely frozen to the spot*

Lómion? Lómion?

*rushes over and wraps her arms around her son*
From: [info]maeglinlomion Date: 03/11/2007 15:52:42  

*squawks a little before hugging back tentatively* Hi, Mom!

*taps you on the shoulder in an effort to disentangle himself*

Seriously, Mom, I think I might throw up.
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/11/2007 15:54:12  

*pulls back* *presses her hand to your forehead worriedly* Are you sick? Do you have a fever?
From: [info]maeglinlomion Date: 03/11/2007 18:21:39  

*pulls away from you* No, Mom. I'm not sick. I don't have a fever. I think it might just have been something I ate? I guess you're really not supposed to mix the blue pill and the red pill. Or maybe I'm hungry and it's something I didn't eat? I'm not sure.
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/11/2007 18:23:41  

*just looks at you* Oh, Lómion. How long have you been back? Where have you been? Why didn't you come straight to see me?

*ushers you into the nearest room (which happens to be Fingon's office) and sits you down* You said you're hungry? What do you feel like? I'll have the chef cook you something special.

From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/16/2007 14:06:29  

*looks up, startled* Írissë, what is the meaning of this?

*looks at the skinny, unhealthy-looking kid* Who's this?
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/16/2007 14:15:21  

'káno, hi! I didn't think you'd be in here.

*takes Maeglin's arm* This is my son! This is Lómion!
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/16/2007 14:26:21  

*grits his teeth* It's my office, Írissë, and it's during working hours. Where else did you think I'd be?

*stares at Maeglin* *points at him* I hope you don't have any designs on either my kingdom or my son.
From: [info]maeglinlomion Date: 03/16/2007 14:40:41  

*looks back at you* Uh. No and I haven't met your son but who am I to deny chemistry or whatever and who did you say you were?

*looks at Aredhel* Who is he, Mom?
From: [info]irisse Date: 03/16/2007 15:05:41  

He's my eldest brother, Findekáno. He's also disillusioned enought to think that he's in charge around here. Be nice.
From: [info]maeglinlomion Date: 03/16/2007 15:32:46  

*looks at Fingon appraisingly* So you're the gay one, huh? You look fucking nothing like Mom or Uncle Turgon. Do you all have the same dad or what?

Oh, oh, and you want me to stay away from your son because he's my cousin, is that it? Oh, I see what you did there. That's kind of funny but I thought you were all about fucking cousins or was that just a rumour?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 03/16/2007 15:42:11  

*stares at you for a moment*

Írissë, really, can you take this reunion elsewhere?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/11/2007 15:53:10  

*rolls his eyes and shakes his head*

Oh, of course.

*goes upstairs to oversee the retreival of his things*
From: [info]maidros Date: 03/11/2007 16:03:13  

*walks out of Fingon's room and straight into you*

*smiles up at you cheerfully* Hi.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/11/2007 16:07:04  

*looks at you* *looks at Fingon's door* *looks at you again*

*smiles broadly* Hey! Russandol! How's it going? Not keeping 'káno too busy, are you?
From: [info]maidros Date: 03/11/2007 18:19:59  

*raises one eyebrow* I wish. I actually don't see him all that often. He's always working. Was he always like that?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/11/2007 18:42:32  

Working? 'káno? *nods* He pretty much never does anything else. Even before he had his Very! Own! Kingdom! he was a little on the obsessive-compulsive side.
From: [info]maidros Date: 03/16/2007 14:00:56  

A little? *half-smiles* Fond of understatement, are you?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/16/2007 14:04:57  

I was working on *air quotes* being diplomatic. It's something we Noldor aren't very good at. Especially Írissë.
From: [info]maidros Date: 03/16/2007 14:13:29  

I'd gathered that much. I read that I used to be pretty diplomatic but apparently I tried to talk with Morgoth? I can't have been that bright.
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/16/2007 14:17:18  

*shrugs* My father challenged him to a one-on-one battle to the death. Talking seems sort of normal by comparsion.
From: [info]maidros Date: 03/16/2007 14:29:44  

Was your father not that bright either, then?
From: [info]thewise Date: 03/16/2007 14:36:56  

*runs through a list of adjectives in an attempt to find a response to that*









*opens his mouth*


He liked to live on the edge
From: [info]maidros Date: 03/16/2007 15:34:57  

*softly* King of the understatement strikes again. *grins*
Community: [info]opus_two
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