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*finally comes out of his grief-induced alcoholic stupor*

*sits at his piano, mourning the loss of all that he holds dear* *that being girlfriend-Lúthien and Daddy-Thingol*

*pours all of his anger and frustration and sadness into his composing*

*might possibly have just made the greatest rock ballad to ever hit Órë*

Current Mood: depressed
Tags: daeron, olwe

From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/14/2007 21:39:33  

*has been thinking about you quite a bit since that night, oh yes*

*not in a diry Daeron-is-gay way, you people are sick*

*stops by your shack humble aboad and bangs on the door*
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/14/2007 21:40:58  

*doesn't hear your pounding over the sound of his piano*


*is really getting into it* *sort of loves the pain for this very reason*
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/14/2007 21:43:10  

*listens to the sound of your piano for a while before rolling his eyes in exasperation*

*lets himself in and makes his way to your music or whatever room*

*slams his hand down on your piano to get your attention*
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/14/2007 21:44:13  

*lets out a little shriek and jumps into the air*

*backs away from you, trying to compose himself* *ha, compose!*

CaN I hELp YoU?
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/14/2007 21:47:12  

*makes himself comfortable leaning against the piano*


Nah, not really. Just came to see how you're holding up. You seemed a little upset the last time I saw you.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/14/2007 21:48:29  

*stares at you*

*beams and blushes on the inside ome Uncle Olwë cares!!*

*gestures casually* Okay. I'm okay. Just getting back to work. That's important. Getting back to work, that is. Work is good.
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/14/2007 21:51:30  

*nods* Good, good. With Elwë misleading you all these years I worried you might be a little more broken upset. It's good to see that you're more resilliant than that. Impressive. *sighs and shakes his head* I honestly don't know what he was playing at, though, letting you think those things and not even bothering to care about your feelings...

*puts his head in his hands as if he is exasperated* *really just wants to throw up for saying this at all*
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/14/2007 21:53:52  

*continues staring at you* *doesn't remember you being nearly this personable the last time he saw you* *thinks it's probably because he was drunk. or you were drunk. or you both were drunk*

*nods his head in vague agreement* Yeah. I guess so. I mean. I guess I just wasn't important enough for him to think about. I always thought his silent was just tacit agreement. Like he was afriad of Melian castrating him if he ever said anything.
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/14/2007 21:56:48  

*shakes his head again* That right there is exactly what I'm talking about. I mean, obviously you are a loyal subject and a valuable ally. Where does he get off treating you like this? He should be honoring you, not ignoring you. *shrugs again* I guess that's just how 'some people' see fit to run a kingdom. That's totally not at all how things were in Alqualondë.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/14/2007 21:57:59  

That's not at all how things were in Alqualondë.

*can't help but be vaguely curious, despite himself* Oh?
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/14/2007 21:59:46  

*walks over and puts a companionable arm around your shoulder*

Exactly. Everyone in Alqualondë was ignored valued for the unique aspects they brought to the community. No one was overlooked. *sighs wistfully* It was a really great environment, actually. Too bad it's gone now.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/14/2007 22:01:05  

*nods his head in agreement* That is too bad. I bet it was a really nice place. Sounds really wonderful.

*has a thought* Maybe you should find some land of your own and set up a new Alqualondë?
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/14/2007 22:03:38  

*brightens up as if that is an Entirely. Novel. Idea.*

Wow! You know, I'd never actually thought of that. It would be really great having my own kingdom again. *looks pensive* I don't know where would suit exactly, though. I was ever so fond of the sea and my boats. *pauses* You've heard about my boats, right? *waves his hand* It's not important. It's just hard to adapt to life so far of from the sea. I don't if how I could handle it. Caves are nice, though.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/15/2007 05:41:24  

*looks pensive*

*helpfully* There's always Balar.
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/15/2007 05:46:34  

True. *chinscratch*

*waves his hand* Nah, I don't think so. I'm settled in a hotel and I sort of like it here. Plus the kid's bee making friends and it's not a good idea to up and move shop when she's about ready to pop.

*sighs* The problem is my brother, though. You know how we were talking about how he treats you? Well, he treats me way worse. Won't even talk to me. Threw me out of his home -- my own brother!! He does everything he can to make me know I'm not welcome here. For all I know he's secretly plotting stuff behind my back. We might not even be safe.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/15/2007 05:50:12  

*nods and frowns* I cam see how he's not big on family since he always ignore me. He'd be entirely unlikely to sell his own daughter if the price was right! He shouldn't treat you like that.

*has no idea where these words are coming from*
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/15/2007 05:52:34  

*puts his chin in his hand and looks at you with big eyes*

I just don't know what to do, though. If maybe I had someone who was close enough to Elwë to let me know his plans -- someone who could make sure my little girl was safe. I don't want to leave here, but how can I stay when I'm not in charge we're in danger? I've asked Melian for help but she just laughs at me.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/15/2007 05:53:42  

*scoffs* Melian. She'd help you as far as the liquor cabinet, maybe.

*starts chewing on his thumbnail* I guess someone on the inside would be a good idea. But who?
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/15/2007 05:54:43  

I just have no idea.

*waits a suitable amount of time to suggest deep thought* Hey! Daeron, you're one of Elwë's advisors, right?
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/15/2007 05:57:27  

If by 'advisor' you mean 'whipping boy', then Yeah.

*glances over at you* *slowly realizes what you're suggesting* I! I! I mean! Not a good idea! Can't! Treason! Betrayl!
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/15/2007 06:01:11  

*sadly* Oh, no, I didn't mean to put you on the spot. I just thought. He's been mistreating you too and maybe. Don't worry. I understand. You have your loyalties. I just thought we were friends.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/15/2007 06:02:42  

*looks sad* *didn't realize he had a friend*

Well. Maybe I could help you out a little? Let you know his big plans, espcially if he mentions your name. Like the army. Did you know he was building an army? I doubt you have to worry about that, though, because he wouldn't build an army just to attack you. I think.
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/15/2007 06:04:26  

*files that little gem in the back of his mind under 'interesting things to know'*

*looks at you with awe* Thank you, Daeron. You have no idea how much this means to me. I just. Thank you. Now I'll know if my family is safe and I can finally sleep easily.

*reaches out and squeezes your hand* Thank you.
From: [info]loremaster Date: 03/15/2007 06:05:13  

*beams from head to toe* I'm just glad I could be of service for once. I'll let you know if I hear anything.
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/15/2007 06:05:59  

Good chap. Thanks for listening.

*walks out of your house*

*gets a little way away*

*breaks down laughing*
Community: [info]opus_two
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