opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*wakes up from his post-bender coma*

*vaguely remembers that he was supposed to go somewhere or something*

*figures it wasn't important*

*goes to the bathroom*

*passes his daughter's open room on the way*

. . .

Oh, yeah.

Tags: olwe, earwen, galadriel

From: [info]nerwende Date: 03/24/2007 15:11:56  

*just woke up from a great nap*

*peers up at you curiously*

*kicks her legs a bit experimentally*
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/24/2007 15:12:42  

*looks down at you*

*pokes your side*

Bah. Girl. Ruin my plans.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 03/24/2007 15:13:12  




From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/24/2007 15:13:47  

*jumps* Ah!

*backs away slowly*

I hate babies.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 03/24/2007 15:45:20  

*sits upright when she hears Galadriel's crying*

*gets up and picks up the baby straight away*

Daddy? Why didn't you come and see me at the hospital?
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/24/2007 15:51:52  


*tries to come up with an excuse through the haze of T&A and alcohol*

*waves his hand in the air* Oh, you know. Work, honey. But I'm here now. And she.... uh... she's sure something.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 03/24/2007 15:56:00  

*to Galadriel* There, there, baby girl. Mummy's here.

*proudly* She is, isn't he? I've called her Galadriel cos of Gil-galad? Oh, and Finrod came by and Finarfin was there for the whole bith only I don't think I thanked him properly?
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/24/2007 16:00:08  

I've called her Galadriel


*gets The Fear™*

*squeaks* GalADriEL? But wasn't that? I mean? OHWHATANICENAME.

*is so disturbed he can't even think of a Finarfin joke!!*
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 03/24/2007 16:00:59  

*glances up* Are you OK, Daddy?
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/24/2007 16:02:35  

*coughs* Yeah, yeah, great. It was real swell of you to name her after that boy, kid. He'll probably give us more money appreciate that.

*stuffs his hands in his pockets and stands at a point in the room as far as possible from the baby*

Soooo.... everything okay. Have everything you need?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 03/24/2007 16:06:50  

*nods* I think we do, don't we, Galadriel? *touches Galadriel's cheek lightly*

From: [info]nerwende Date: 03/24/2007 16:08:05  

*could use some food, actually*

*looks up at you with big eyes*

*makes adorable sucking motions with her mouth*
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 03/24/2007 16:21:43  

Aw, Daddy, look. She's telling me she's hungry!

*holds Galadriel in one arm while finding a warmed bottle of milk*
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/24/2007 16:25:43  

*stares in mute horror*

*can't really believe you're actually maternal*

*finds his voice* Yeah.... that's great.... She must be real smart. Real smart. *thinks* Sort of like you! Yeah. *gives you a comforting smile*

...*wonders how long before he can start to at least extract some money from Fingon* Say, kid, did you let that boy know he had a baby yet?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 03/24/2007 16:37:27  

*look up again, in surprise* No, I totally forgot about that. I guess because I haven't really seen him since that time I took his money in the hotel? I guess I should call him, huh?

*starts to feed Galadriel, as she walks slowly around the room*
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/24/2007 16:40:39  

that time I took his money in the hotel

*really hopes that wasn't HUSH money but assumes he taught you better than that*

*shrugs* Well, no hurry, I guess. You want to spend some time with Galadriel before he comes and sticks his nose in. Just keep in mind you have a baby to provide for now. Make sure he helps out. I can always have another talk with Fingon if he gives you any trouble. *really appears to enjoy this idea*
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 03/24/2007 17:15:30  

*looks a bit worried* Stick his nose--? He wouldn't, would he? Galadriel's my baby.

*isn't remotely taken aback by her own maternal instincts* *just hugs Galadriel a little closer*
From: [info]telerinking Date: 03/24/2007 17:21:14  

Galadriel's my baby

Sure she is, honey. Sure she is.

It's just you never know. *looks fakely pensive* I once heard of a guy trying to get custody by claiming the mother was unfit. Just watch your back. You barely know him. Who knows what he might be plotting.
Community: [info]opus_two
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