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*vaguely wonders how Eärwen and her new baby are doing*

*resolves to send her a congratulatory card or something, because that's what people do, right?*

*continues sermonizing without feeling* "...and such was the measure of his pride that—"

*closes his Book on the pulpit*

Do you mind if we don't do this today, Hank? You're the only one here and you heard through osmosis Pride #3 a measly two weeks ago and Pride #4 really isn't that different. And it all seems sort of...I don't know. Pointless?

Current Mood: melancholy
Tags: eru, finarfin, finrod

From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/27/2007 10:13:35  

*promptly* Pointless is as pointless does. With kittens.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 10:15:39  

*blinks in open surprise*

*had heard tell that you could actually speak but never particularly believed it*

*comes down to sit next to you on the bench* *or rather several feet away, because sweet Eru, the smell*
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/27/2007 10:17:26  

sweet Eru


What's the matter, Brother Father? Is it thems fax machines? Or the wimmins? *sagely* It's always the wimmins in the spring.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 10:22:25  

*half to himself* That's just the problem, isn't it? I'm a brother and a father and I was a husband. A husband! What am I supposed to do about that? I know now she was my wife and I want her to be happy. Any good man would want her to be happy. Half the time it seems like she needs more than I can give and the rest of the time she doesn't want anything. How does it soothe her to be so uncivil? And how could I have married someone like that?
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/27/2007 10:25:29  

She's only human. With kittens. And so are you. Human. So are we all. 'Cept me o' course. *cackles*

*pulls himself together* *admonishingly* You'd do well to remember it. 'Specially if you're so unhappy with the jacket-buttoned, hands-together.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 10:29:27  

*thinks you may be better off boozing it up if this is the sort of crazy that comes out when you're sober*

*touchily* I'm not unhappy. Am I? I'm attempting doing a good thing here. I enjoy helping people. Is that so wrong?
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/27/2007 10:35:01  

*belches noisily* Fiddlesticks. That'd be the cheese.

Not wrong. Not right, either. For summat else, maybe. Thems that love need love too. Them. Artanis. The girl who wasn't. And the bird and the boys who aren't but would like to be.

And you, maybe.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 10:37:19  

*makes a face and shakes his head* I have no idea what—


*looks over at you sharply* What do you know about Artanis? She was lost at the end of the world. Just like the rest of us. And I miss her.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/27/2007 10:39:40  

*rummages around in a crumpled paper bag and comes up with a gummi worm, a half-eaten sandwich and a little hat fashioned from a newspaper*

*carefully perches the hat atop his head* I read you were a king. A good king. *pointedly* With no cloth.

*offers you the gummi worm*
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 10:42:34  

*holds up a hand in polite and very, very, very firm declination*

I was a king because I was the only one left. *in dawning surprise* I don't think I'm really that patient, when it comes down to it.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/27/2007 10:48:02  

*shrugs, clearly undisturbed* The ends is what counts. Not so much squishy middlings. Also kittens. Puppies may be cuter, but still. I never said that.

*looks at you seriously* You were a good king. And father. It ain't broke. *points to the ceiling* Don't feel bad. Go back to school. *appears to consider their surroundings with some disapproval*

*bites into his sandwich rather primly* OOH! FILET O' FISH!
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 11:07:16  

*sighs* Thanks for nothing, Hank. You're one in a million.

*actually leans over to hug you impulsively*

From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/27/2007 11:07:43  

'un in infinity! *bursts out laughing* *winds it up with a few phlegmy coughs*

*rocks a few times to hoist his body off the bench*

*totters up to the pulpit and carefully lays the gummi worm on top of it* 'Ick' yourself.

From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 11:08:30  

*watches all this with something like amused horror*

*is just straightening his papers at the pulpit—is not touching that thing without gloves, thanks—when he smells the concentrated and unmistakable odor of liquor*

*looks up and sees 'you' stumbling back in* That was fast. *completely confused* Back for Pride #4, after all?

*scratches his head as 'you' retake your seat in your favorite pew and promptly begin to snore*

*decides you'll keep long enough for him to take at least seventeen showers*

*walks out in the direction of his spare apartments*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 11:51:31  

*comes in, looking for you*

*wants to see how you're doing after the hospital ordeal*

*baby sister!!*
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 12:58:02  

*looks up from some bookkeeping (always in the red)*

*finds a warm smile for you*

Hi there, little one. How are things?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 13:05:18  

*has a big smile for you*


*comes over and gives you a tight hug*

How are you? I didn't see you after the hospital the other day.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 13:08:20  

*kisses your forehead* That's what I like to hear. And you're adjusting to Delving? *fondly* Of course you are.

*somewhat evasively* Yes, ah, well...with all the panic excitement and everything, I...didn't want to get in anyone's way, you know?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 13:14:02  

I am. *squeezes your arm* Of course.

*lightly* You wouldn't have been in the way. But I understand why you might not have wanted to be there. *looks curious* Mother said you stayed for the whole labor and everything. That was... surprising kind of you.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 13:21:03  

*gestures to a chair* *pours some water from a pitcher for you*

I— *thinks for a moment* She asked me not to leave. She was afraid. Understandably. I don't think I was ever that young.

*sighs* And perhaps I felt a little guilty. We were arguing again. She drives me to it.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 13:26:31  

*takes a sip of water*

She asked me not to leave.

*admiringly* A lesser man still would have left. *♥♥♥!*

We were arguing again.

*frowns* Anything in particular?
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 13:32:12  

*shrugs noncommittally* Maybe. We may not be together but I still hope for all the best for your mother.

*laughs abruptly* You know? I don't even remember. I'm sure it was something petty and ridiculous. Yes, really; don't look at me that way. *rueful smile* We seem to bring out the worst in each other these days.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 13:40:03  

I still hope for all the best for your mother

*thinks the best thing for her mother would be being with you but is going to keep that to herself la la la*

*laughs* Well, she's quite well now. In fact, I don't think I've seen her so happy since... *stops and trails off* Well, I've not seen her so happy in this world.

We seem to bring out the worst in each other these days.

*so softly you can't hear* You always used to bring out the best in each other.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 13:49:26  

in this world

*comforted* I'm glad. I think having someone else to take care of for a change will be good for her. *curiously* What did she name the baby?

*doesn't catch that last but thinks there's little chance of mistaking your general tone, given what you just said about Eärwen's happiness*

*rests his chin in his hand and just looks at you* *nonchalantly, to change the subject* So what's new in your life, kid? Have you seen Turukáno lately?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 13:54:19  

Oh? The baby's name? Galadriel? *watches your reaction, wondering if you realize or remember or anything*

Have you seen Turukáno lately?

*looks downcast momentarily but brightens quickly enough* No, not really. He was in town a for a while but he's back in Gondolin now. Busy with his work, I should think. *brightly* Idril... Itarillë? His daughter? Is back now. He's pretty much thrilled.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 14:01:25  

Galadriel? *grimace-smiles* Well, I suppose that seems...appropriate. Or something.

he's back in Gondolin now

*raises an eyebrow* I see. *with mock disdain* Some nephew, that one.

*reaches over to squeeze your hand* *lightly* Ah, well. You I can't very well begrudge him time with his daughter, I suppose. Though I hope he knows he's still on the hook as far as our tour is concerned. *winks*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 14:06:03  

Yes, I guess so, considering. I just wonder how appropriate.

*smiles softly* You're right, of course. He's got to spend time with his family. Can't spend every hour of the day with me us. *grins* I'll make sure he knows, though. A tour we shall have! *lightly* He might be in town later this week. Possibly. I can remind him then. Someone told me they saw Írissë here as well. I can't imagine what that is about. Hopefully she'll stop by.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 14:17:18  


Curious. I hope for her sake she received a better welcome this time. Or that at least Thingol hasn't heard. I wonder what he must think of all of those these upstart Noldor in his midst.

*very seriously* If Turgon stays away too long, we'll go up there ourselves. Gate-crash. Sound good?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 14:28:05  

*laughs* I'm surprised he hasn't started chucking them out of the city right and left. He must have his hands full these days. Rumor has it that when Gil-galad first started dating Lúthien they had to hide from her bodyguards in shady bars so Thingol wouldn't find out. Apparently there's even a picture of them together on the "Famous Patrons" wall at Larry's Tap. *which she has never ever been to and would never go to!!*

*kindly* But he came around to that relationship so who knows? Perhaps Thingol is changing for the better. Or maybe Melian made him see sense. ... *doesn't even laugh* In any event, there should be someone to represent the Noldor to Thingol. They're We're people too!

Gate-crash. Sound good?

That sounds like an excellent idea. *grins* It's not much of a hidden city when he's got trains running every hour. He must want to be found.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 14:39:59  

hide from her bodyguards

*chokes on his water* Dear me. I had no idea Thingol was so...interested. But I should have. I really should have.

Perhaps Thingol is changing for the better.

*blushes scarlet, having utterly forgotten about his own dealings on the Lúthien front until just now* *quickly* I'm sure you're right. You'd be perfect for the job, little one. I seem to recall that Elu always had a bit of a soft spot for you and your sister—the actual Galadriel—anyway.

*grins* Nor is it likely to remain very hidden with all of those travel brochures floating around. You ought to show him how it's done.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 14:49:20  

Well, yes, he's always been a little.... over-protective. I hear it's been much worse this time around though due to the whole *as casually as possible* Beren situation. He was never very pleased about that.

You'd be perfect for the job

*blushes herself* I don't know about that. Maybe. It's not my place to go around representing people who haven't even asked me to. That's what a king does. I wouldn't say no to the opportunity, though. I sort of miss that sort of stuff.

You ought to show him how it's done.

*laughs* He always was a little hopeless, hmm?
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 15:07:29  

*chuckles* So it would seem. I thought he was letting up when he lifted the book ban. *pensively* I do feel rather sorry for Lúthien, though. She's a lovely girl. *is interested to note his own sense of detachment on the subject*

Well, if I were still in charge, I'd beg you to be our representative. *shrugs* Even if our family is unusually sane something of a Noldorin minority in a lot of ways.

*laughs too* Not hopeless! But you two made a good team.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 15:36:38  

you two made a good team.

*softly, and rather dreamily* Yeah, we did. We do.

*decides there's no time like the present for big revelations* *looks up at you*

We do. Turgon and I are dating, Father.

*immediately worries you'll be upset even though you're the kindest and nicest and most accepting person on the planet*
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 16:44:17  

*scratches his chin and nods* *hesitantly* I can't say that comes as a huge surprise.

*thinks about how to phrase this tactfully* And you two are both, ah, set on a fresh start, I take it?

*has no doubt you've carefully considered all the tumultuous implications of such a relationship*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 18:17:07  

*nods* We are.

At least, I think we are. *carefully* It's not something we've really spoken about yet. I was too scared to bring it up. It's still new... all of this. I think we're holding off on any huge decisions for now. At least, I want to take things slowly, make sure everything's right.

He did ask me to move in with him, though, so I think things are going well.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 18:21:20  

take things slowly

*gets a thoughtful look in his eye* I think that's wise. That's all anyone can really do, with things being as different as they are now, hm? Everything's different.

he did ask me to move in with him

Oh? And you said...?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/27/2007 18:28:53  

Right, that's what I thought. I've never really done this before. I just don't want to mess it up. This way is better, anyway.

And you said...?

I said no. *sighs softly* Moving in wasn't exactly congruent with going slowly. Neither was jumping into bed with him, oops. Someday, maybe, but now we just need to focus on getting adjusted. *smiles* Besides, I have too many people here that I don't want to leave behind.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/27/2007 18:38:53  

*pats your hand* I'm sure you have nothing to fear. If you're concerned about doing things the right way then it means you're keeping your head clear. Let's hope Elenwë somehow sees it that way, too. You know you're bound to hit rough patches given these particular...circumstances. *firmly* Honesty and openness in all things, right? But I don't need to tell you that.

*breathes a sigh of relief and smiles* You make me so proud, do you know that? *is so pleased his firstborn could never, ever commit even the slightest wrong*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/28/2007 10:59:41  

*feels a million times better about everything* I guess you're right. It's going to work out, rough patches and all. It's not like we haven't been friends for ages and Ages.

You make me so proud

*gives you and impromptu hug* I love you!
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 03/28/2007 11:23:42  

*hugs back* I love you too, little one. I just know you and Turukáno the maybe-adulterer are going to be deliriously happy.
From: [info]artafinde Date: 03/28/2007 11:36:52  

*beams* I hope you're right.

*thinks you are right, you must be, you're always right*

*the poor fool*
Community: [info]opus_two
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