opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*explores the wide world that has opened up to him during the night or day or week or month or year or infinity since...since there was something else*

*stays away for an age out of time, curious as a child*

*only lately realizes something is definitely missing since he's been gone*

*fades back to a palace and a familiar room, but does not see his body anywhere*

*has the oddest feeling it's all there within his thought, just not manifest*

*starts to maybe freak out a little bit*

Current Mood: surprised
Tags: eru, turin

From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/29/2007 10:40:46  

*sits on a stool at the counter in her favorite diner, drinking strawberry milk and reading the funny pages*

*cocks her head suddenly as though listening*

*(apparently) talking to herself, as far as the confused diners are concerned* No, child. All's well.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 03/29/2007 10:47:46  

*sees your thoughts glistening, unbearably bright*

*wanders closer by degrees*

Who are you?
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/29/2007 10:50:31  

*giggles merrily* I Am.

*quizzically* You know. Begin to remember these things. Not really a beginning, of course.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 03/29/2007 10:59:39  

*somewhat relieved* Thank you. I think.

I don't think I belong here. I'd rather be whole.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/29/2007 11:03:10  

*firmly* You're not broken. Just sharp. That'll happen if you don't tune before the show.

There's plenty of time before the refrain. *lovingly* Do not worry, child. *whispers as though imparting some great secret* Worry is your color, but other colors are nice, too.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 03/29/2007 11:10:19  

*his consciousness rippling with laughter* I know. I'm impatient. But I need my home and my home needs me.

How do I return?
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/29/2007 11:17:21  

*finds herself tickled by your lightness*

*is saddened by the knowledge that your anchoring means the return of your disquiet*

You love them dearly. It is a Good thing. Take care you do not lock up your heart. It sparkles.

How do I return?

Listen to the others' melodies. They will help you play your chords. *smilingly* Take care. Arômêz is very, very, quite contrary.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 03/29/2007 11:22:08  

*listens awhile*

I didn't know they were here. I must say hello.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/29/2007 11:27:44  

*gently* It flies quickly. But you are learning. You were chosen because you long for peace, whether you know it or no.

*sighs through a thousand ages* *enigmatically* Quiter contrary.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 03/29/2007 11:50:22  

*is full of too many questions to ask any of them* I don't understand...? But I see and I hear.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/29/2007 11:52:50  

*nods* See and hear. And forgive and strive and bring joy and feel joy.

*leans across the everything to kiss you warmly*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 03/29/2007 11:54:41  

*inspired and awed* Thank you.

*listens, fading*
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 03/29/2007 11:56:38  

*folds up her paper neatly and gives it to the gnarled old chap who has not moved from the stool beside her this entire time*

*gives the waitress a blessing and a very nice tip*

*leaves the long way just to hear the bell on the door tinkle*
Community: [info]opus_two
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