opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*flits around her garden, beaming at all the new blossoms that are beginning to appear*

*speaks to a barely begun peony* It's the time for new beginnings, hmm?

*fills full of sunshine now that everything is going so well*

*even Thingol and Melian are getting along!!*

*decides that she's earned a break before tackling more complicated projects*

Current Mood: optimistic
Tags: yavanna, vendore

From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 04/01/2007 13:15:30  

*is patrolling the woods rather morosely*

*winds her way back home, near your garden*

From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 13:21:19  

*watches you through a crack in her shrubbery* *it's a nice shrubbery* *and it wasn't too expensive*


*soft and melodious* Come talk to me, Yavanna...
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 04/01/2007 13:35:12  

*pauses, mid-stride* Must I?
From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 13:40:24  

*sits back in her chair*

I think you probably should. I think you think so too.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 04/01/2007 13:43:27  

*comes into your garden, a little hesitantly*

*guardedly* What do you know?
From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 13:48:30  

*considers* Only that the woods are crowding because Oromë won't hunt where you are and the flowers are slow to appear because they can't grow in all this sadness.

*pauses* Also that even Aulë can see something is wrong, and so something must be very wrong indeed.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 04/01/2007 13:52:19  

Not all of the animals will talk to me. They think I have betrayed them. It's kind of funny because the only person I betrayed is Aulë. Vána doesn't count. I can't bring myself to talk to him.
From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 14:01:58  

That only makes it worse, don't you think? He already knows something. Avoiding him will only make him think the worst. *carefully* It could be worse, Yavanna. We are imperfect. We make mistakes.

*smiles* The animals will come around. They always do. It's Aulë that will need a little work.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 04/01/2007 14:20:22  

*dully* Aulë hasn't left his workshop in days. I have disappointed him. I know I've let him down and I don't know how to fix it.
From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 14:25:01  

Oh, I'd imagine talking to him would be a good start. Explain to him what happened. *pauses and laughs softly* Even if you cannot explain it to yourself. Let him know where your faith lies. He is experiencing doubt. Teach him to doubt no more.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 04/01/2007 14:40:52  

Where my faith lies? If he doesn't know it lies with him and him alone, I have been doing something wrong all along.

*because she can't say it aloud, even to another Valië* I love him. Why can't I talk to him?
From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 14:45:46  

You have given him cause to doubt you. You admit this yourself. You are afraid of his anger, or of his disappointment. That is the only thing that stops you.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 04/01/2007 15:08:58  

*nods slowly*

I--thank you, Vendórë. I suppose I will have to be brave. *smiles faintly* And I'm not sure that I, Kementári, have ever been accused of being lacking in courage before.
From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 15:11:20  

Anyone who spends their time battling Oromë would have to be brave, yes?

*kindly* Go, now, make things right again. The flowers want to come out and play.
Community: [info]opus_two
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