opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*locks up his workshop after a successful month day, hard at work* *whistles as he goes out to his office* *sees that there are no voice messages waiting for him*

*frowns a little but grabs his coat and walks back in the vague direction of home* *finds that his feet grow heavier with every step*

Tags: vendore, aule

From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 15:21:43  

*sits in her garden*

*hears your footsteps and senses your presence and, despite herself, smiles*

*hums a soft tune that she knows will draw you in as it has before*
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 04/01/2007 15:32:20  

*raps lightly on the gate as he walks in*

My Lady Vendórë.
From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 15:40:55  

*looks up as if she is surprised to see you*

*bows her head slightly* Aulë, this is a surprise.

*smiles softly* Not an unwelcome one, of course.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 04/01/2007 16:01:54  

*smiles in return* I should hope not.

How do you fare in the confines of our new world?
From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 16:05:26  

Still adjusting, I think. Everything is much more -- solid -- than I'd imagined. *wry smile* But the Children keep me quite busy and I believe I rather like it here.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 04/01/2007 16:12:38  

*cheerfully* I like solid. Solid is good. One can trust solid.
From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 16:16:25  

*laughs softly* You do solid well, it is true. I am more abstract, I think.

And what of you, Aulë? How do you fare?
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 04/01/2007 16:36:09  

Yes, you have a grasp of the abstract that I simply do not understand.

*rubs the back of his neck* I am well, though not well. My wife--
From: [info]melante Date: 04/01/2007 17:14:13  

*notes your hesitation* Yes? Yavanna? I spoke with her earlier.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 04/01/2007 17:50:01  

*smiles wryly* It seems that everyone is speaking with my wife but me.
From: [info]melante Date: 04/02/2007 09:27:34  

*thoughtfully* I think she's forgotten which words to use with you.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 04/03/2007 15:56:29  

I think she's forgotten that actions speak more loudly than any words she has failed to use so far.
From: [info]melante Date: 04/04/2007 10:56:51  

I think she's afraid that certain of her actions have spoken more loudly than any words or actions she could ever use.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 04/06/2007 09:51:12  

*looks distinctly sceptical* Does she not realise she is not helping our her cause by avoiding me?
From: [info]melante Date: 04/06/2007 21:32:17  

I think she does. She's just frightened. *shrugs* It's all rather silly, really, she should know better than to fear. I wonder if she might be picking up habits from the Children.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 04/08/2007 07:59:57  

I don't think she knows any of the Children. *suddenly smiles at you* But you do, don't you? Do you find them as fascinating as you thought you might?
From: [info]melante Date: 04/08/2007 10:45:57  

*breaks into an excited smile* They're so curious! Still, after so long, I can't understand them. Things that should be so obvious they manage to make complicated. *quite seriously* You can see why they need our help. Poor dears.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 04/08/2007 10:54:46  

I think we may have missed you on Arda. You are doing good work, by all accounts. For the Ainur as much as for the Children.

*looks out over your garden* It's nice that Túrin's not being quite as noisy as he was. I can concentrate a bit better now.
From: [info]melante Date: 04/08/2007 11:00:55  

*blushes ever so slightly at the praise* I'm just pleased to be of service.

*smiles at the thought of Túrin* Yes, it seems he's finally found a bit of peace. *isn't smug about that in the least. really.* At long last. He will settle more easily now.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 04/08/2007 11:06:27  

Well, that is something at least. *takes a few steps towards the gate* We could all do with some peace, I think. *smiles at you over his shoulder* Carry on the good work, Lady.
From: [info]melante Date: 04/08/2007 11:09:52  

*watches you go with a little smile*

*settles back into her seat*

*frowns* It doesn't mean anything.

*shakes her head and clears her mind and goes back to focusing on the work at hand*
Community: [info]opus_two
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