*leaves Himlad on an early flight* *leaves a very tasteful card at Turco's breakfast place*
Many thanks for your kind hospitality, cousin. I find I am already missing your stimulating conversation. Love always,
*arrives in Hithlum and is informed by Margaret that her brother, her nephew and her precious baby son left for Delving the previous day and haven't been heard of since*
*has absolutely no desire to venture into Delving without an interpreter alone, especially if she needs to break Fingon and/or Gil-galad and/or Maeglin out of jail*
*enlists Beleg and commandeers the private jet to take them straight to Delving*
Current Mood:
aggravated Tags:
turin, fingon, maeglin, mablung, beleg, aredhel
*lights a cigarette as soon as the plane door is opened* OK. I'm going to take the nice, upmarket shopping area. Gil-galad may well be there. You know people in the police, right?
*half-smiles* My Lady Aredhel, there was a time when I was the police. I'll ask around. If I start in the dodgy pub entertainment district and work my way north, we'll probably cover most of Delving.
*immediately heads for Larry's, pretty sure that she'll get some answers*
*mumbles* I think I was sleeping I have been working a few late nights recently and with looking after Gil-galad and Maeglin and everything, I've just been so exhaus--
Ah. Well. They were here. Certainly. And then Gil-galad went to see his daughter. And Maeglin said something about going to Larry's? Does he have a friend called Larry here?
Look, the best we can do is split up. I'll stay with the car because I know it's like a homing beacon for Gil-galad. How about you ask in the hotel about this Larry individual? Perhaps he's a well-known personality about town? It's certainly not a common name.
*sighs* OK, OK. That's a surprisingly good idea, 'káno. Just -- just wait here.
*goes into the hotel*
*winces* Look, Írissë, maybe he was just meeting people there? Or something? *sighs* Do you want me to go there? I know you don't like to be exposed to the Great Unwashed at the best of times.
No, certainly not. I'll go myself. Honestly, Findekáno. That's the last time I ever leave my son in your hands. And I do mean ever. How on Órë has Gil-galad managed to survive this long unscathed?
*laughs dryly* Wait, how foolish of me. He has already knocked up at least one innocent girl, that we know of. Perhaps he's not so unscathed after all.
*oh, you did not just cast aspersions on (a) his fathering skills and (b) Gil-galad's integrity, did you?*
*takes you firmly by the arm* Dear sister, I will thank you to remember that my son is less unscathed than you or I or your own offspring. He did rule Middle Earth for thousands of years and he ruled it well. We can forgive him an occasional indiscretion, just as I have been forgiven mine. I will further remind you that you live in high esteem in Hithlum by my good grace. Gil-galad and I will be returning there as soon as he shows up first thing in the morning. Assuming you and Lómion wish to accompany us, be back here at sunrise. Understood?
*has decided that some major, major criminal stuff has been going down in Larry's lately and that he needs to keep a close personal eye on the situation*
*is currently being very faithful in sticking by his post*
*managing not to slur his words even a little bit* Well, well, well. Aren't we a sight for sore eyes?
*walks over to your table* I'm here on business. Perhaps you can help? You'd better not be running my precinct into the ground or I'll be very annoyed.
*thinks* I heard something last night. Something like moaning. Nothing major going down though.
But that kid of Aredhel's...Maeglin? That fellow's left a trail of petty crimes behind him over the space of more than one visit here. I was right on top of him myself at one point like last night but the clever devil managed to slip through my fingers. Like silk. *considers the odd look you're giving him* Or slime. The slimy fugitive bastard.
*feels your forehead too* And are you somehow unaware of my close, intimate rapport with Mels?
*grins* Seeing as I told management that as your best friend, I have your permission to liberally drink on your tab, yep. I feel pretty fucking fantastic. *ushers you into his booth and slides in next to you*
*sighs* Everybody's in a rush these days. *waxing philosophical...ish* It's sort of the defining characteristic of this world, I think. You know?
*eyeroll* Including Túrin. Boy is busy as fuck. I ran into him in the street this morning and he said something about Morwen going out to Basic today to start a new drill series and interview Lalaith. I think there may be sense in there somewhere if you want to find an interpreter.
*chidingly* It's all well and good until you leave old-timers like me in the dust.
*shrugs* Like I said. Too busy for a roll in the hay with me, that's all I know. Who knows about happy? But he's not marrying that chick, anyway. Did you know that? One would assume so. Eru knows that would make me happy.
*drapes his arm over your shoulders* It'll be a spry two hundred and ninety. Bring condoms.
*frowns* I thought she was being kinda obvious. *remembers that he's supposed to be talking up Finduilas and decides he probably needs practice* But whatever. She was just scared of losing him, I guess? For some mysterious reason she thinks he's a catch.
*a little breathless from the kiss* I don't know what to say, Sir. *glances over at you, a smile in her eyes* Perhaps my emotions have gotten the better of me.
*gives you a smile that's plainly just for your eyes*
*magnanimously* If you'd like my advice on the matter, Cúthalion, I may be free at around— *checks his watch* —twenty-three hundred hours? I'd be happy to show you what can be done about those emotions.
*raises his eyebrow* Oh, alright then. I'm sure we've time for a quickie. Even if I can barely walk today, man. *reaches down and takes a slug of your drink*
*looks up from his menu* Why does she keep doing that? Honestly, you'd think I can't take care of myself and I so totally can. *nods firmly* Ooh, can I have pizza?