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*roars up the drive at Himlad on his motorbike, just as a plane takes off overhead*

*wonder which exciting houseguest he has missed*

*jogs up the steps and lets himself into Celegorm's library* *sends a servant off to fix him a drink before throwing himself on a couch*

*waits for Celegorm to be informed of his presence*

Current Mood: exhausted
Tags: celegorm, caranthir

From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/10/2007 18:04:38  

*looks in on you from the doorway*

*smirks* Feet off the coffee table, Moryo.
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/10/2007 18:12:06  

*looks up at you* *gestures at his relatively clean boots* But it's just the perfect height for my feet and I've been working so ha-ard lately. It's not easy keeping you in the style to which you've become accustomed.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/10/2007 18:24:53  

*comes over and sits down next to you with his usual grace*

*physically removes your feet from his perfectly-clean coffee table* And I was thinking of hugging you, too. *grins* Ghastly.
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/10/2007 18:26:19  

*punches you cheerfully in the shoulder* I'm not Curvo, you poof.

*thrusts his whiskey glass towards you* Want some?
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/10/2007 18:43:51  

*snickers* Too bad. Curvo's much better looking.

Some of my whiskey? *peers at your glass with something like disbelief* I think I'll have my own, thank you. *buzzes for a servant and gives the order with a whole twitch of one finger*

*leans back and laces his hands together behind his head* What's new, little boy?
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/10/2007 18:51:45  

Curvo's much better looking.

*chuckles* Curvo? Our Curvo? I know you're peas in a pod, Turco, but really!

What's new, little boy?

*sniffs* I don't know who you're calling little. *stretches out a little, coming near to putting his feet on your coffee table again before remembering not to* We-ell. I managed to shake off a couple of nasty criminal charges. And then I shook off a couple of nasty criminals. Lake Helevorn is great for hiding bodies the evidence, you know? Anyway, I've got a bit of a scheme on the go. *very cheerfully* I may not survive but, still! I like a challenge.

From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/10/2007 19:11:26  

*smiles* I'm nothing if not faithful. But Moryo, you're wholly unfortunate that way. With your wealth I'd've thought plastic surgery might be an option?

*looks faintly amused by this discourse* I had no idea the clientele even traveled so far out of the way these days. I suppose you would find a way to wrangle it. Anything I ought to get in on?
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/10/2007 19:16:54  

Plastic surgery? You wound me, you know? And we're from the same gene pool and everything.

Anything I ought to get in on?

*wrinkles his nose* I'll ensure you reap the benefits if I can pull it off but I think it's a one-man job. *glances at you* You do like Doriath Red, don't you? I'm envisaging a decent vintage from, say, thirty years back?

*suddenly slaps you on the thigh* Say, I saw a nice little plane taking off when I was coming up your drive. You haven't been having parties without me now, have you?
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/10/2007 19:29:33  

Fascinating, isn't it? I just haven't decided whether I'm the mutation or the rest of you are.

*sighs blissfully* Oh, yes. In fact, they may not be able to do a single thing right except that. Exactly that. *eyes you shrewdly* Are you thinking what I'm thinking you're thinking?

*leans his head back and closes his eyes* Írissë is her own party, of a sort. The good sort.
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/10/2007 19:35:01  

Oh, you're definitely the freak, make no mistake.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking you're thinking?

If you're thinking what I'm thinking you're thinking I'm thinking then yes. So we'll say no more until Thingol sends out the arrest warrants.

Írissë is her own party, of a sort. The good sort. *sighs* Oh, Eru. If it's not Curvo, it's our pretty little cousin. *faintly* I'm sorry I missed her.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/10/2007 19:40:57  

*nods* Say no more. *with an ironic grin* Oh, you are a villain.

I'm sorry I missed her.

*eyeroll* I doubt whether she'd say the same. You wouldn't enjoy our visits, Moryo. So full of words and exhibiting somewhat fewer beatings and similar sources of mindless entertainment.
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/10/2007 19:45:23  

Oh, you are a villain.

Bad to the bone. That's me!

So full of words...

*stares at you blankly* Who gives a fuck about words with an ass like that? Don't tell me you're not fucking her this time round either?

From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/10/2007 19:58:38  

*pulls at his cuffs to straighten them* *blandly* No, Moryo, we are not...fucking, as you so eloquently put it. I don't expect you to understand. *raises an eyebrow* I do expect you to remember my particular feelings on that concept, however.
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/10/2007 20:02:31  

*moans and covers his face with his hands* Oh, you have to be shitting me. I thought that it'd be different this time round, you know? What a waste, Turco.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/10/2007 20:07:51  

*sharply* And I thought perhaps you'd have learned this time around to cease regaling me with your decidedly enthusiastic opinions of your decidedly disgusting compulsions.

*takes a sip of his drink and laughs quietly* Actually, no. I don't think I did.
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/10/2007 20:13:08  

*grins cockily* Please, I wouldn't be me if I didn't take every single opportunity to gross you out. And you wouldn't be you if you weren't all refined and shit.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/10/2007 20:15:21  

*really does laugh this time* Are we certain we're actually related?
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/10/2007 20:17:53  

If you weren't my brother, I'd probably have sold this house from under you long ago.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/10/2007 20:23:26  

Keep that up and the first thing I'll do as King of Gondolin is declare an embargo.

*lets you interpret that however best entertains you*
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/10/2007 20:26:02  

Hang on, King of Gondolin? And you just said you weren't fucking Írissë. *sticks his tongue out at you before he drains his glass*
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/10/2007 20:31:22  

This is the part where I silently take a drink, shrug, and look enigmatic, I believe. *takes a drink*


From: [info]moryo Date: 04/11/2007 03:29:27  

*raises an eyebrow and looks at you* I think I understand. I scheme. You scheme. We all scheme.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/11/2007 07:46:46  

It may all come to naught. I'm not sure I'd fancy being fenced in by mountains for the rest of my life. *teasingly* Ah, well, I could always place you as regent in my stead, I suppose.
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/11/2007 12:37:03  

*laughs* You may be my elder, Turco, but you must know I'm no good at taking orders. Or even friendly advice.

However did Írissë cope with that place for so long?
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/11/2007 13:10:47  

I wouldn't have said it if I didn't.

*shakes his head* I'm sure I have no idea. Perhaps Turukáno was more threatening than we remember?

*bursts out laughing*
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/11/2007 13:30:32  

*bursts out laughing too* I think someone is mixing your drinks too strong.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 04/11/2007 13:38:16  

I had a butler once who did that. Things didn't end well. For him.
From: [info]moryo Date: 04/11/2007 13:42:33  

*snorts* Just can't get the staff these days.
Community: [info]opus_two
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