opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*has been left in the care of her big sister while her mother catches up on some sleep*

*feels like she should respond to this by screaming and crying*

*buuuuuut. mostly feels like sleeping herself*

*stares uncertainly at Findaráto, fighting the urge to pass out and wondering why she trusts this person-who-is-not-her-mummy*

*except she's a baby so she's really just trying not to sleep*

Current Mood: sleepy
Tags: finrod, galadriel

From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 10:25:33  

*stares down at you herself, also wondering why this is so darn familiar*

*figures it has to do with having had three brothers and one sister before you*

*rocks you gently and sings an old lullaby in a low, soft voice*
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 10:26:44  

*feels her eyelids getting heavy and vaguely realizes that she is losing The War on Terror Sleep*

*whimpers a little*

*darn you*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 10:27:54  

*cuddles you closer and makes shushing sounds*

Oh, baby girl, stop fighting it. You'll feel so much better if you get a little bit of sleep.

*stands up and starts pacing the room slowly*
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 10:29:05  

*goes all rigid and pokes a fist up at you*

*isn't giving up any time soon!*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 10:33:13  

*dodges your little fist and chuckles softly*

*bounces you just a little*

You know, you remind me a lot of another little girl. Her name was Galadriel too weirdly enough, but she wasn't called that until she was very old. When she was your size we called her Artanis. She was my sister too, you know, and so she's your sister. Well, half-sister. It's complicated, really. She's going to hate finding out someone else has her name.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 10:35:04  

*doesn't think it's that complicated*


*you are a servant of Morgoth*

...*wait, who's Morgoth?*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 10:37:49  

*keeps walking and talking*

You see, you remind me an awful lot of Artanis. You look just like her, but I think that's just because you're a baby. And I wonder...

*gazes down at you* Artanis didn't like having to go to sleep either. She didn't really like having to do anything anyone else wanted her to, actually. But I was her big brother and I could always get her to sleep. The question is, then, how much like Artanis are you?
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 10:38:37  

*kicks all of her limbs furiously, just so you know she's not going to sleep any time soon*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 10:39:55  

*laughs* Mmhmm. I thought so.

*holds you in just a certain way and moves you in just a certain direction and sings you just a certain song in just a certain tone*

*watches you closely*
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 10:40:49  

. . .

. . .

. . .

*is out like a light*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 10:41:40  

*smiles softly but doesn't dare risk making a noise*

*keeps singing and slowly and carefully moves to lay you down*
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 10:42:15  

*whimpers and starts to wriggle around as soon as you lay her down*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 10:43:16  

Shh, shh, it's okay.

*picks you up and keeps singing as she settles on the couch and lays you against her chest*

You win.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 10:44:14  

*settles down and falls back to sleep again*

*don't even try to move*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 11:15:29  

isn't going to try*

*lays there and watches you sleep for a while*

*before konking out herself*
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 11:18:11  

*wakes up after a good, long nap, feeling refreshed*

*is pleased to see the world hasn't disappeared in her absence!*

*lifts her head and watches you sleep curiously*

From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 11:19:22  

*hears you stirring and slowly blinks her eyes open*

*wonders why you feel so much heavier*

*finally focuses her eyes on you*


From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 11:21:59  

*is scared to death by your response*


*squirms as hard as she can to get away from you*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 11:24:05  

*is shocked into silence by your screaming*

*catches her breath and comes to her senses and tries to get a good hold on you before you fall*

*sits up and puts you on her lap firmly*

Galadriel. Galadriel?

What in the Eru Fuck?
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 11:25:04  

*continues squirming hard*

*thinks you're way too unpredictable right now*

*stops when she hears her name, though*

From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 11:26:30  

*sets you down on the floor since you so clearly desire to be free*

*stares at you in shock/horror/amazement/confusion*

Galadriel? What has happened, baby girl?
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 11:28:11  

*crawls around a bit before hoisting herself up with the edge of the couch*

*hands you the TV Guide as a No More Screaming peace offering*

*wonders why you look like that*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 11:32:14  

*smiles a little and takes the TV Guide from you* Thanks, sweetie.

*reaches a hand out and smoothes the hair on the top of your head* You are just full of surprises aren't you? Whatever are we going to do with you?
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 11:34:09  

*thinks you need some time to come to grips with whatever's bothering you*

*decides to leave you alone and explore her newfound mobility*

*takes some shaky steps while holding onto the edge of the sofa for support*

*spots Rudy asleep on the nearby chair and gets an evil glint in her eye*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 11:35:34  

*watches your toddling with sheer amazement*

*snaps out of it the second she sees you going for the dog*

Hey! Hey there, Galadriel, that's a no-no.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 11:36:44  

*hears the tone in your voice and immediately understands the meaning of your words*


*moves faster, letting go of the sofa and walking unsupported towards the chair*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 11:41:16  

*gasps* Galadriel, you're walking!!


*winces at Rudy's yelp and watches him run out of the room*

*comes over and takes your hands firmly* No bothering the dog. Okay? Do you understand? No.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 11:42:16  

Do you understand

*shakes her head up and down and then right and left and then up and down and then right and left and then up and down and then right and left and then up and down and then right and left and then...*

*laughs at the look on your face and frees her hands to clap them together*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 11:43:33  


*willnotlaughwillnotlaughwillnotlaughwillnotlaugh* ...*snickers*

Okay, you, you think you're so cute. We'll see what your mother has to say about that, hmm?

*swings you up by the arms and settles you on her hips*
From: [info]nerwende Date: 04/16/2007 11:44:06  

*laughs and shrieks*

From: [info]artafinde Date: 04/16/2007 11:44:32  

Yes. Exactly.

*grabs her keys and heads out*
Community: [info]opus_two
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