Lunch! Yes lunch and making new friends. I like friends and I like you, Fin. Are you my friend? There's this strange lady who is not my friend and she's so very angry at everyone and everything and there's another girl that talks too much that you said was a sister? It's all very strange.
She has such strange words and she doesn't understand or see. But she wants to and she's nice and she's such a funny little thing.
*frowns* Not Melain, Melian is nice and funny and doesn't talk too fast and is never angry at anyone except Thingol but that's okay. *darkly* This one is called 'Mother' and she took me away and I don't know anyone anymore and she says I am 'feeble'. I don't like her at all.
*nods* She seems nice. *smiles* Happy. Miracle of miracles.
*surprised* You mean Morwen? *pondering* She is your mother, you know. You really don't remember her at all? I'd think you two would know each other best of all. She's probably just worried about you. You know better than I would how mothers are?.
You want to meet her? She talks on and on about propriety and what's right and how things will be when we go home and what my father would say and she doesn't think Túrin should have to be bothered with taking care of me but Túrin has always taken care of me and I don't want that to stop now. Túrin will tell her what's what. If Túrin can stand up to her at all.
*shrugs* She can't be that bad. Maybe she just misses the way things were when it was just you and her. Why don't you talk to Túrin about it? Tell him how much he misses me while you're at it. If he knows she's making you unhappy I'm sure he'll ask her what's going on. *winks at you* He's pretty brave, yeah? He wouldn't stop looking after you just because your mother's...what—old-fashioned?
*arrives at the restaurant and finds a table that will seat three*
*nods firmly* Yep, you're right. Turam-- *forcefully* Túrin is brave and he won't make me be where I don't want to be. *laughs a little* Even Dr. Ron was easier than her.
*takes off his glasses* *grins* I can't keep up with you, sweetheart. You move too fast or I'm too slow. Probably a bit of both. But I'm here now and my face is mostly healed, aren't I? *winks at Finduilas*
*firmly* Well. You'll just have to learn to move faster. I've already beaten the Balrog at the end of Level One and I need someone to help me jump over the crumbling staircase.
I'd come visit you but I don't know where you live. They don't watch me as closely now. Fools.
*seriously* I know. Fin told me. You'll never make it over the stairs if you try jumping, though. There's a series of hidden blocks you have to climb over.
*grabs a pen off the table next to them and starts writing on a napkin* I'll tell you where I live, but you have to get permission before you come and see me, honey. You know how those killjoys will worry if you don't. *pauses writing mid-street to look at you* We're They're afraid you'll get up to shenanigans and not realize what you're doing.
Hidden blocks? That's silly, why are they hiding? I'll find them.
*watches over your shoulder as you write* *peers at you* *very seriously* I always know exactly what I'm doing. It's them and you and everyone that doesn't understand. It all makes sense and I always understand. The rest of you are just too slow, remember.
*tosses the pen back over to the other table but leaves his hand firmly on top of the napkin*
*stretches his other arm across the back of your chair*
*brushes a light kiss over your temple* I'd like to think that, kitten, but the truth is, there's a lot of stuff you don't remember—or won't remember, I don't know—and you've got some serious problems. *as though reciting* And until you fix some of that stuff we kinda have to play by their rules. You dig? Your brother is a scary, scary man and I like all my parts where they are right now.
*laughs* Túrin's not scary at all, he's a big baby. I'll tell him what to do and he'll do it and that will be the end of it. He should know that if things are going to be fixed they're only going to be fixed with you around because that's the only time that things are right for the fixing.
*snorts* Easy for you to say. You're a girl. Kid's a soft touch when it comes to his womenfolk.
He's sort of stupid sometimes.
*laughs* You know this and I know this, but babydoll, if he even finds out I saw you today, he will kick my ass again, and it'll hurt, and I'd prefer if you didn't tell anyone I said that.
*laughs* Your secret is safe with me! *quite seriously* I won't tell him I saw you today but I will tell him I want to see you and he just can't say no to me, can he?
You're already an accessory, Fin. Sorry to say. *looks at Nienor fondly and then back at you* But you've been so helpful and gave me such good information the other day that I feel compelled to keep up my end of the bargain.