Hi Unclelwë am I really stayin' here dis is the shiniest I seen da treehouse you drawed it was a berry nice treehouse I like treehouses I bet you could fit a tree in here could we build it big enough ta fit Grampa too??
*severely* I like my treehouses outside in the real sunshine. I also build The Best Treehouses in the whole entire universe. Just ask Lúthie. My favorite saying of all time is "a treehouse is not a treehouse without a Ybox 3000 and a multi-player adapter."
*very seriously* Excellent. Then we're in agreement.
*walks you through the room* Now. In here there will be no running, no shouting, no pestering of servants, no writing on walls, and no horseplay of any kind.
*continues walking to show you the rest of the downstairs*
*in as humdrum a tone as he can muster* In this room there will be running, shouting, pestering of servants, writing on walls, and all horseplay of every kind.
*hunkers down to your level and points* See that banister over there? Nobody—and I mean nobody—ever slides down that banister since Túrin was a kid at the old house.
*snorts* Best case scenario: I break my neck. Worst case: They put me away like your father.
*rings for a servant to take your tiny suitcase from you and head upstairs*
*follows after him, waiting patiently for you to negotiate the steps two at a time, or up one and down two, or in bunny hops, or according to whatever batshit kid idea you might have today*
*stops outside the door to your room to answer his phone*
*sharply* Yes, what is it? ...A matter of national security? Mm-hm. Right. ...How am I supposed to know what to do with a chocolate bar? Mm-hm? ...With almonds. Yes. *shifts his eyes to you and quickly away again* And caramel. And there's no room in the kitchens?
*sighs a mighty sigh* Very well. *coolly* Bring it up here; I'll figure it out. *snaps his phone shut*
*looks up and down the hall* *calling* Celeborn! I'll show you your room now. Celeborn? *looks down* Oh. There you are.
*trying very hard to laugh* And here is the thermostat...and that painting over there is an original Gailrin.
Now, I don't much care what you get up to in here, but a word to the wise? Melly will throw a fit if you harbor any wildlife. My son tried that once a long time ago. Only once.
*headscratch* Of course I don't. What a vile concept.
*looks up as a servant enters carrying, indeed, a monstrous bar of chocolate* Ah. Let's see. *points to a side table* Why don't you just put it there for now? Eru knows there's no room anywhere else.
*handwaves* Oh, I don't know. It'll probably just get thrown out eventually. I can't think who might want such a thing.
*brightly* All right then. Just come back downstairs when you're ready or push this button here if you need anything. Lupe loves it when you press it to the tune of 99 Bottles of, um, Sodapop on the Wall. Dinner is at six o'clock, sharp.
*waits until he's out in the hallway before he starts laughing*