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*is not likely to start sighing but sort of feels like doing so nonetheless*

*goes to the pub to drink a lot instead*

*and brood, thank you very much*

*texts something mostly intelligible to Mablung after several shots*

Current Mood: lonely
Tags: turin, mablung

From: [info]mablung Date: 04/27/2007 07:37:20  

*plunks himself down next to you at the bar*

*looks at your row of empty shot glasses*

*looks at you* I bill by the minute.

*calls the bartender over in an effort to begin catching up*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 04/27/2007 07:43:10  

*doleful smile* 's just...I miss Beleg, okay? Also I miss sisters. My sisters. Miss my sisters. *downs another shot* Since Morwen showed up... *shrugs* And very every ever time I go over there, nobody's home. 's prolly debuting them in sociological. Social. Iety. Or something.

*SIGHS broods*
From: [info]mablung Date: 04/27/2007 07:46:24  

*lip-bite* Mm-hmm. I miss Beleg, too. Even when she's a cunt and we're fighting. *driiiinks*

Since Morwen showed up

She probably just wants to spend some time with them, you know? And also see that they get some home cooking in them that wouldn't kill a Mûmak.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 04/27/2007 07:52:48  

and we're fighting

Uh-huh. Told me 'bout that. *matter-of-factly* You're a moron.

*nod, nod, nod* *stares into his glass* Just thought mebby they' wanna come see their big brother nownthen, y'know? Like...dunno if Níniel's okay or what. We had a kinda okay thing goin', y'know? I took care a her 'n' she took care a me insome funny...ish. Right? Thing.
From: [info]mablung Date: 04/27/2007 07:55:58  

You're a moron.

*agreeably* It's very likely.

*gets his buzz on* Only maybe they're not callin' the shots, yeah? *pointedly* You know Morwen. You should call her and tell her what's what.


*snickers* You've had, like, fifteen too many. *takes your current drink out of your hand and finishes it off*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 04/27/2007 08:01:01  

You should call her

Can't. Gave her a phone. Said somethin' 'bout trapping spirits or somethin' 'n' somethin' 'n' chucked it. *laughs*

You've had, like, fifteen too many

's very likely. *frowns as though concentrating very hard on something* *half-slumps over the bar* Bloody molecules. How's a Vala s'posed t' moleculisherizeificate if a Vala's drunk?!
From: [info]mablung Date: 04/27/2007 08:06:51  

*just reaches over and grabs the bottle and takes a big swig*

*with authority* She needs a lay. *snickers harder* Oherudamnthewomanishot. Whuz this, paint thinner?

*snaps up another glass before you can get to it* Good try, Vala boy. Issmy solemn duty to...uh...not let you have no more 'til you're nosso damned slow.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 04/27/2007 08:21:03  

*makes a face* Eurrghh. Thassmy other MOM, y' dumbshit. GROSS. I got two moms. 's weird?

*cheerfully* Ho-kay. Got s'mor at home. See ya later. *slides off the barstool and sways alarmingly* Damn, Mablung. Lookit you spin. Can't y' hold yer liquor. ?
From: [info]mablung Date: 04/27/2007 08:28:56  

*sagely* Kinky. *sort of forgets to right his bottle before he stops swallowing* Oops. *fights back a sudden wave of nausea* Ohhh too much too soon. All yer fault, champ.

*sways alarmingly*

*gets to his own not-all-that-much-steadier feet* *takes your arm and hangs it over his shoulder* *wraps his arm around your waist* Home for you, kid. *laughs* Lookit me all resp- ripon- nice and shit!
From: [info]gorthol Date: 04/27/2007 08:33:19  

*stumbles out of the pub, leaning on you heavily*

*starts singing something. very loudly. but not off-key, amazingly enough, so...good?* *stops abruptly* Fuckin' love Beleg, man. He is ace.

*looks around* 's not the right way. Ahahahaha I said 'snot'.
From: [info]mablung Date: 04/27/2007 08:36:39  

*struggles to support you* oh fu OOF! Much you WEIGH, kid? Srsly?

*laughing* Beleg's, like, a girl. Or used t' be. No wait...?

*stops walking* Huh. Well my house is— *points vaguely in the direction they're headed* —and your house is...

From: [info]gorthol Date: 04/27/2007 08:42:43  

Nuh-uh. M' house is... *looks left*

*looks right*

*looks left again*

*very slowly and deliberately* I. wrote. it. down. In. case. I. get. very. drunk. *pushes up his sleeves to look at his forearms* *pulls up his shirt to look at his stomach*
From: [info]mablung Date: 04/27/2007 08:43:47  

*can't actually seem to stop laughing* Where you write it down?
From: [info]gorthol Date: 04/27/2007 08:44:40  

I forget.
From: [info]mablung Date: 04/27/2007 08:50:18  

Yeah. My house.

*takes forever to get there but does get there eventually*

*and only passes his door and two other houses' before he realizes something's up*

*unlocks the front door, not an easy task with double vision and you half-passed-out on his shoulder* Try not to puke, fucker.
From: [info]gorthol Date: 04/27/2007 08:56:20  

*shuffles inside unsteadily*

A person lives here?

*doesn't bother trying to move some of the clutter on your couch* *wanders through rooms until he finds your bedroom* *crashes on your bed and pulls the edge of a blanket over a whole one arm* It'll do. G'night!
From: [info]mablung Date: 04/27/2007 09:01:41  

A person lives here?

*snorts* Man's a comedian too.

*follows you through* Hey. Hey? *immediately forgets what he was going to say next* *runs into a doorway* Ow.

*finds the sight of you stretched out in his bed...stimulating, to say the least* Um...

From: [info]gorthol Date: 04/27/2007 09:03:37  

*kicks off his shoes*

*yawns* 'Um' shut up. Um sleeping. I'm sleeping. Um.
From: [info]mablung Date: 04/27/2007 09:08:12  

*kneels on the bed beside you* *amusedly* Y'always sleep in all your clothes?

*runs a hand downward over your abdomen* *tugs at your belt drunkenly*
From: [info]gorthol Date: 04/27/2007 09:11:18  

*slaps your hands away distractedly* Uh-huh. ...huh?

*turns over and is asleep in seconds*
From: [info]mablung Date: 04/27/2007 09:15:13  

Ahahahaha dammit.

*gets too confused by the mirrors on his ceiling to orient himself properly on the bed*

*lays down in entirely the wrong direction and flings one leg across your hip* *wonders when his bed got so short*
Community: [info]opus_two
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