opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*had, like, the most awesome day in Hithlum with Túrin and his really nice girlfriend*

*has new jeans and t-shirts that are, even now, hidden carefully until the next time she goes out* *has the best big brother in the world*

*waits until Morwen goes out before getting changed* *is soon happily walking through Delving, with an ice cream cone!*

Current Mood: chipper
Tags: finduilas, lalaith

From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 05/14/2007 20:29:09  

*sees you on her way home from a client's* *is downright relieved to be running into someone nice and normal and sane for a change*

*brightly* Hey, you. It's been awhile!
From: [info]urwenlalaith Date: 05/15/2007 03:46:50  

*smiles widely* Finduilas, hi, how are you?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 05/15/2007 06:47:46  

*links arms with you*

*can't help laughing* How am I? *exhales* Tea. I need tea.
From: [info]urwenlalaith Date: 05/16/2007 13:11:24  

*nods* Tea is good. Almost as good as ice cream.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 05/16/2007 13:17:41  

*walks café-ward*

*lifts an eyebrow* You escaped the Dragon Lady. I'm impressed.
From: [info]urwenlalaith Date: 05/16/2007 13:19:09  

*giggles* *Dragon Lady!!*

And Túrin got me new jeans? But Mother doesn't know that I kept them. She doesn't know I've come out either. I don't think she knows? But she has this way of knowing.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 05/16/2007 13:22:20  

she has this way of knowing

*nods* I get that feeling about her.

*pensively* My dad was not nearly that bad. I used to get my best girlfriend to keep all my forbidden stuff for me.
From: [info]urwenlalaith Date: 05/16/2007 14:08:46  

*scrunches up her face* That's a really good idea. Only, I don't really have a best girlfriend. I guess there's Niënor? But she can't really keep stuff for me 'cause she lives in the same house;
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 05/16/2007 14:15:37  

And there's really no telling what Niënor would do, unfortunately. *cheerfully* But you haven't been here long. You'll make friends.

How did you like Hithlum? I've never actually been there. Is it pretty?
From: [info]urwenlalaith Date: 05/16/2007 14:21:27  

*nods* I hope so. I need to sneak out more often so that I can.

*nods even more furiously* Hithlum's gorgeous. It's a bit misty but it's all out doors? And Túrin's girlfriend was there? And she's really nice.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 05/16/2007 14:26:53  

*feels her stomach turn over*

*COUGH* *cough* I'm sorry...Túrin's what?
From: [info]urwenlalaith Date: 05/16/2007 14:32:43  

Oh, do you know her? Beleg. She used to be a boy? Túrin didn't actually call her his girlfriend but when I came out of the bathroom? I think they'd been kissing.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 05/16/2007 14:36:21  

Beleg. Beleg? Yeah, I...I...Ineedtositdown.

*does so, heavily*

*sits there looking rather dazed* *is totally blocking out that last part, thanks*
From: [info]urwenlalaith Date: 05/16/2007 14:47:05  

*blinks at you* Are you OK? Oh, Eru, what's happened? Do you feel sick? Do you need water?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 05/16/2007 14:56:01  

*forces a bright smile* No, no! I'm fine! Really! I just need some tea, you know?

*bursts into tears*
From: [info]urwenlalaith Date: 05/16/2007 15:00:27  

*starts to get quite distressed herself* Finduilas? *tentatively puts an arm around your shoulder*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 05/16/2007 15:04:20  

*gets ahold of herself, more or less* I'm sorry. *sniffle* I guess...I'mnotquiteoverhim. That's all.

*quickly* But I'm glad you told me. Really I am. *could not actually look less glad if she tried*
Community: [info]opus_two
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