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*is extremely quiet and contemplative after her journey to Hithlum with Finrod and her daughter* *with her daughters*

*has not been sleeping well and has been having strange dreams* *is starting to get very unsettled*

*goes out onto the balcony of her room at the Palace and looks up at the stars* Please, Eru, please, please...

Current Mood: melancholy
Tags: eru, earwen

From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/16/2007 14:53:49  

*appears next to you*

From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/16/2007 14:57:40  

From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/16/2007 15:01:46  

Ohhh dear...let me try that again. *vanishes*

*clears His throat* *in a booming voice* *a kind booming voice though* What seems to be the trouble, my child?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/16/2007 15:04:13  

Oh my Eru, oh my Eru, where did you go? Who the fuck are you?
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/16/2007 15:06:01  

*reappears* I'm right here, kid. Did you want to talk to me or not?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/16/2007 15:10:43  

*blinks and rubs her eyes* Am I asleep? Who are you?
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/16/2007 15:14:15  

*pokes your arm* Nope. Not sleeping.

I'm Eru, Ilúvatar, God, et al. I could do the descending on a sunbeam from above or the bright white figure in the mist but that stuff usually freaks everybody out even more.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/16/2007 15:17:11  


Oh. Oh.

Wow. Aro would be so jealous.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/16/2007 15:21:05  

Aro would be so jealous.

*smiles* That's not very nice, Eärwen. But you didn't say it out loud, at least, so I'll just list that one under "areas for improvement", okay? *idly wonders if there's any chance you'd actually fill out the employee offspring self-evaluation as well if he gave you one*
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/17/2007 03:46:25  

*claps her hand over her mouth*

*finally says* I don't know why I think those things about him. I don't think I mean to.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/17/2007 07:38:25  

*nods sympathetically* That kinda thing's been happening to you a lot, hasn't it? You could power a city block with the frustration and regret coming off you, kid.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/17/2007 12:47:39  

*nods slowly* *twists her hands in the hem of her pyjama top* I don't think I'm like this except I am. I don't ... I don't want to be like this.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/17/2007 13:00:57  

*takes a seat in midair*

You can only be who you are. But who you are can be what you want. Or what you eat. I recommend the former.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/17/2007 13:03:37  

*frowns a little*

*after a while* I want to be who I am.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/17/2007 13:16:30  

*patiently* And who would that be, do you think?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/17/2007 13:20:44  

*bites her lip and blinks back tears*

Findaráto's mother. Arafinwë's wife.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/17/2007 13:23:52  

*pats your shoulder comfortingly* That's a lot to take in all once, munchkin. Don't think anybody in your shoes would have done much better.

*kindly* Seems to me you just have a little growing up to do. From the way you look after that little one, I'd say you're onto a good start.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/17/2007 13:31:09  

*wipes at her eyes* I didn't think I could. Look after her, I mean. But ... it just seems right, you know?

*manages to smile* You're sweet.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/17/2007 13:35:07  

you know?

Of course I do. Artanis is lucky to have you. *matter-of-factly* You give yourself too little credit, even when on the surface you give yourself too much. You've had some tough breaks.

You're sweet.

*chuckles, amused* I love You.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/17/2007 13:40:15  


Artanis? As in--?
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/17/2007 13:44:08  

*headscratch* ...Oh, that's right. Sorry, kid. With the Big Kids hollering up the wire at me all day long, I forget sometimes that things have more mystery for you.

Maybe this will be our little secret for a while. *mischievously* Although I should think he'll figure it out before she runs off into exile again or anything.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/17/2007 13:48:39  

Will he? *smiles faintly*

*with a little frustration* I wish I could remember them all better. I wish I could be who they all remember. I keep dreaming about green curtains and footsteps and the sea and mountain air and places I don't know.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/17/2007 13:54:44  

Have patience, kidlet. You'll have the important scenes soon enough. But part of idea is for you to find out who you are, not just what you've done. Nobody else can tell you that.

*lifts his hands to your face and gently touches both your cheeks* *not at all reproachfully* In the meantime, grow up a little, Eärwen. *kisses your forehead*
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/17/2007 13:59:37  

*smiles before feeling very, very woozy, all of a sudden*

*clings onto the balcony railing and looks at you with wide eyes*
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 05/17/2007 14:02:51  

*makes a theatrical motion with one finger and manifests a comfy-looking armchair out of thin air*

*smilingly* See? I believe in you. Take care, buttercup.

From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/17/2007 14:08:37  

*almost laughs before making her way back indoors*

*looks in on Galadriel with wonder before going back to bed*

*is asleep before she knows it*
Community: [info]opus_two
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