*frowns, wanting to understand* *softly* What does that mean, exactly?
I remember some things
*uncomfortably* It's all still sort of random, isn't it? Well, for me it is, at least. You were really...clear in my mind for a split second there, but... *shrugs*
It means -- *wipes at her eyes which are suddenly rather damp* -- it means Eru answers prayers. Sometimes, in person.
*bites her lip* *softly* I know you've made your decisions in this life and I can't argue with that, even if I want to. I know that you're Findaráto's father, and Artaher's, and Angaráto's, and Ambaráto's, and *suppresses a choke* Nerwen's, and I know it because I can see you with Findaráto on your knee in your office, trying to stop him from grabbing at your paperwork.
*flatly* Are you telling me you talked to God? *really cannot reconcile you with the girl he met two weeks ago for an awkward cup of tea*
*feels his heart beating in his throat* *blinks back tears of his own* Not Galadriel's, though. We can't go back there. I'm not a king anymore. I don't even remember what it means to be one. *sounding mournful* And our kingdom's gone, Eärwen. It's gone. *lamely* Even Findaráto's changed.
*nods awkwardly* I couldn't sleep and I met Eru. He's sweet.
Even Findaráto's changed.
She's still Findaráto and she's happy, Aro. That's what's important. *takes a hesitant step towards you* I'm not a queen anymore. What use would I or the children have with a king? And -- and -- I didn't marry you because you were a prince? Or the son of Finwë.
*breathes in and out slowly, adjusting the nearness of you* And I never, ever meant to hurt you. If I'd known you, if I'd even passed you in the street, I'd still have been young and foolish, but I wouldn't wanted to have made you sad.