opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*still hasn't fled Delving!*

*and has found work at a local auto body shop*

*on one of his breaks, puts together an Aulë's cradle, thinks Celeborn would like it*

*sends it off at the post office after work*

*while there, gets hold of a "See The Sights of Delving" Walking Tour map and decides to give it a go*

Current Mood: okay
Tags: celebrimbor, finrod

From: [info]artafinde Date: 05/23/2007 11:00:48  

*bounces along happily on her way to the train station after having come to a decision following the morning's proceedings*

*gives you a bright smile as you pass, thinking you look familiar (and also clearly new to town)*

*wait for it*



From: [info]handofsilver Date: 05/23/2007 12:11:59  

*was in the middle of looking up at the carvings on the columns outside the train station, as per the guide*

*thinks he recognizes your tone of voice first and turns* Wait, Finr--?

*stops and thinks he was mistaken* ...Hi?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 05/23/2007 19:54:58  

*gives you the encouraging smile of someone who has gone through this many a time but never ever runs out of patience!!*

There you go. You had it right the first time.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 05/23/2007 19:59:15  

*half-smiles, tilting his head*

Naw, really?

*the only other person who likes him turned out to be three, give him a second*


*smiles the rest of way* How are you, man?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 05/23/2007 20:02:15  

*breaks into a wide smile* Great, actually. Really, really great.

*impulsively hugs you tightly* It's so good to see you again, kid. How are you finding everything in Thingoland?
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 05/23/2007 20:07:31  

*hugs back, pleasantly surprised*

Well, you didn't use the Sauron thing for openers or try to strip search me, so... pretty good? Thingol's a little concerned about his visitors, isn't he?

*does a little mental readjusting* You're... small. ;) Do I have to call you ma'am now?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 05/23/2007 20:12:57  

*raises her eyebrows* Well, as we like to say, every day is an adventure in Delving. We don't actually like to say that, but it's sort of the truth.

You're small.

*laughs* I get that one a lot. But there's no need to bother with any of these "ma'am" formalities. *completely seriously maybe* Your High Wonderfulness will suffice for now.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 05/23/2007 20:17:13  

I get that feeling, yeah.

*sticks his hands comfortably in his pockets* I'll get right on that. ;)

So what are you up to these days? I hear your sister's back, and likes chocolate?
From: [info]artafinde Date: 05/23/2007 20:29:41  

You were always a fast learner. *grins*

My sister? Artanis isn't... OH! Right, I see. Actually that's sort of an interesting story. I'm assuming your talking about Galadriel? Funny that, she's actually my mother's new daughter with Gil-galad. Ha. Yeah, the name is just a coincidence as far as I know. Mother was a little short on memories at the time. *shrugs* Never a dull moment here.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 05/23/2007 20:36:36  

she's actually my mother's new daughter with Gil-galad

Oh? Oh. Gosh. Well my source was about yea-high... *puts a hand at knee level* ...so I guess he didn't have all the details? Wow. Congratulations though.

Your family's good though? *always did find it foreign concept that you not only liked but got along with them*
From: [info]artafinde Date: 05/23/2007 20:43:14  

Ah. *giggles* I see you've been reacquainted with Celeborn. It's always nice when old friends can catch up.

Your family's good though?

Everyone's great, actually. There's not too many of us here yet. None of my brothers or anything. Just my mother and father. And Finduilas. Turukáno A good number of cousins Turukáno are around, too, but not in Delving. Thingol doesn't much like the Noldor.

What about you? And your... family?.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 05/23/2007 20:50:20  

*chuckles* Yeah. They just don't make gummi oliphaunts like they used to or ever.

Yeah, the strip search threat was kind of the first clue. You'd be surprised how far a little denouncing your family will go with him. ;) :s

I'm okay, haven't seen too many people yet. That's okay though. Mostly getting some work in and I'll probably move out of the city when I've got enough saved. Yeah, I saw, uh, *coughs* Finduilas just for a sec. She seems okay. *long pause* Don't plan on going out to see my father though. I mean, you know how that all was. :\
From: [info]artafinde Date: 05/28/2007 10:54:27  

*sighs in commiseration* Of course, no, I can't say I blame you. You were always much saner than your father.

*after some thought* Just remember that this is a new life in a new world, so it's a time for second chances. I'm not saying your father will necessarily be deserving of a second chance, but you never know. Maybe he'll surprise you.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 05/31/2007 12:51:09  

Well, that wouldn't take much really. :\

*ironic chuckle* I don't know. That's a whole lot of optimism right there. I'm out of practice. ;)

*in all seriousness* But look, I don't want you to worry about me. *congenial punch on the shoulder* I'm doing my own thing this time. Like you said, second chance.
Community: [info]opus_two
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