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*eventually gets himself out of bed after an enjoyable evening in Haldar*

*pads into what passes for the poor sod's kitchen and hunts around for eggs and/or cigarettes*

*unearths a frying pan from somewhere and whistles while he cooks*

Current Mood: content
Tags: haleth, haldar, mablung

From: [info]haldar Date: 05/27/2007 18:33:47  

*crawls out of bed and showers before wandering into the kitchen, dressed in clean boxers and a t-shirt*

*leans against his tiny kitchen table* *with some amusement* So, by night, you fuck like a god and by day you fight crime and cook?
From: [info]mablung Date: 05/27/2007 18:37:02  

*scrapes some scrambled eggs onto plates and hands one to you* *cheerfully* I wouldn't pass judgment until you've actually tried my cooking.

Why does everyone assume gods are great at fucking, anyway? I'd really, really, really like to test that theory.
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/27/2007 18:38:15  

Oh, I'm sure you'll be able to charm a Vala into your bed. Any day now.

*takes the plate from you* Well. It looks good and it smells good. I'd call that an excellent start.
From: [info]mablung Date: 05/27/2007 18:45:03  

*sighs* Well, any failure so far isn't for lack of trying.

*takes a seat at the table and spears a forkful of eggs* Wilderness survival skills, my friend. Or something.

*nods at a nearby chair littered with clothes that seem to be more appropriate to some girlier type person* Didn't know you were into that kinda thing, mate.
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/27/2007 18:47:19  

*rolls his eyes and dumps the clothes into the laundry basket* I'm not. Those are my sister's things. She's not really great with domestic stuff, unfortunately.

*sits down and tries some of his eggs* *nods once with approval*
From: [info]mablung Date: 05/27/2007 18:50:06  

*figures the eggs must at least be edible and dives in with gusto*

*raises an eyebrow curiously* And your roomie doesn't mind if you bring home strange and shady men to test your boxsprings?
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/27/2007 18:53:34  

*snorts* Haleth and I might be twins but she is really quite oblivious about certain things. Including my preference for strange and shady men.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 05/27/2007 18:58:26  

*enters the apartment looking travel-stained and sporting bits of hay in her hair* *drops her overnight bag on the floor*

*happily* Well that was a fairly fucking traumatizing experience. What's cookin', baby brother? *drops her jacket on a table and tosses her keys at a coatrack* *...* *retrieves said items and reverses the order*

*stops short when she notices Mablung* Hiya. Who're you?
From: [info]mablung Date: 05/27/2007 19:00:48  

*watches you in amusement*

Mablung? *decides to leave the detailed explanation up to Haldar in case this is one of those delicate situations or some shit*
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/27/2007 19:03:45  

A fairly fucking traumatizing experience for whom, precisely?

*shakes his head*

Yeah, Mablung, this is my sister, Haleth. Haleth, this is Mablung. He stayed last night and cooked this morning. I think we might keep him.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 05/27/2007 21:10:47  

*pulls a chair out from the table, turns it around, and straddles it, facing you* Me, of course. I got me some okay rides 'til Aros and then I had to ride in the back of some farmer's truck. My ass is killing me from all the bumps. Do I smell like chickens? There were chickens.

*holds out her hand to Mablung* Good to meetcha. You two work together or somethin'?
From: [info]mablung Date: 05/27/2007 21:12:32  

*shakes your hand* Nah. *grins* We had a couple of beers down at the Rose and realized we...ah...had a lot in common.

*interestedly* Where'd you hitch in from?
From: [info]haladwen Date: 05/27/2007 21:15:24  

*smiles obliviously* That's cool I guess. *punches Haldar in the arm* My bro here doesn't get out much, ya know. Sometimes I think he forgets how to talk in something other than Computer.

Oh...Himlad. You know it? I heard my old pal Caranthir was thereabouts and had to go look him up. *looks as though she's about to say something else but only sets her lips in a thin line*
From: [info]mablung Date: 05/27/2007 21:20:43  

*gets up and takes his empty plate over to the sink*

*handwaves vaguely* I know all over. Marchwardening kind of has that effect. *casually* Can't say I get in with many former Noldor, though. If Thingol caught one around here he'd string him up before you could say "Silmaril".

*checks his watch* Speaking of marchwardening, I should probably get my ass into the break room at the office. *glances at Haldar* *lightly* Give me a call sometime if you feel like it.
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/28/2007 02:35:56  

*stands up* I'll show you out. *to Haleth* *sternly* Don't eat my eggs.

*follows you out of the kitchen* *plucks your jacket off the hall floor, where it was flung fell last night* Here you go.
From: [info]mablung Date: 05/28/2007 10:30:12  

*takes the jacket from you* Thanks. *grinning* I can see you've got your hands full for a while here.

*leans in to kiss your cheek* I'll see you around.
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/28/2007 14:29:51  

*moves his head at the last second to kiss your mouth* Don't arrest me next time, OK?

*sees you off the premises before heading back into the kitchen*
From: [info]haladwen Date: 05/28/2007 15:37:17  

*is by now hovering over the broken toaster in order to eject her toast before it can burn*

You've got friends, Haldar? Who knew?
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/28/2007 15:40:38  

*rescues his plate of eggs and practically inhales them* Mmm, yes. It's a bloody miracle, isn't it?
From: [info]haladwen Date: 05/28/2007 15:43:23  

*tosses a slice of toast at you, frisbee-style*

*sits up on the counter and swings her legs* *stuffs half her toast in her mouth at once* Aw, but you mished me. 'mit it.
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/28/2007 15:49:41  

*catches the toast and butters it*

*tilts his head to the side* Did I miss the aroma of burning toast? Or the oliphaunt-type noise you make whenever you're here?
From: [info]haladwen Date: 05/28/2007 15:52:39  

*laughing* Fuck you, man. Even the artists formerly known as elves are better company'n you.
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/28/2007 15:55:39  

*privately agrees with that statement*

*grins* I love you too, sis. Honestly, I'd love to stay and chat but I'm already late for work.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 05/28/2007 15:58:50  

*shakes her head gravely* Seriously, bro? That's gonna end up carved on your tombstone if you don't watch out.
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/28/2007 16:00:52  

Hey, just because you don't see my social life doesn't mean I don't have one. Anyway, work's important to me.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 05/28/2007 16:12:46  

*agreeably enough* I know all that. Don't you think I know? *ruffles your hair*
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/28/2007 16:17:12  

*ducks away from you* Hey, now. Hey. Now. Not the hair. You know not to mess the hair.

*wheels around and ruffles your hair in retaliation*
From: [info]haladwen Date: 05/28/2007 16:22:42  

*squawks in protest* Oh! You-! Fine then. You're not getting your souvenir!

*steals your last bite of eggs*
From: [info]haldar Date: 05/28/2007 16:36:29  

You --! You stole my breakfast and now you're withholding presents? What kind of big sister are you?
From: [info]haladwen Date: 05/28/2007 16:38:20  

*pauses* Actually, you're really not getting your souvenir, sorry. I sorta ate it on the way. I told you. Chickens and trauma.
Community: [info]opus_two
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