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*comes back from her weekend stay with her father all filled up with sugar from the two-day candy and sweets and cookies and everyothergoodthing binge*

*is put down for a nap*


*waits until her mother is distracted and takes off through the palacial labyrinth at full speed*

Tags: melian, earwen, galadriel

From: [info]queenmelly Date: 05/28/2007 21:12:42  

*is walking from the kitchens to her office, looking over the staff timesheets*

*(but mostly worrying)*

*doesn't even see the impact coming (so much for foresight)*

From: [info]nerwende Date: 05/28/2007 21:14:41  

*runs head-on into your legs*

*falls on her bottom*

*decides it's best to prevent any punishment by pretending to be injured*

From: [info]queenmelly Date: 05/28/2007 21:18:27  

*feels the thump and looks down*

*sees your tears*

Oh, honey, are you hurt?
From: [info]nerwende Date: 05/28/2007 21:20:18  

*looks up at you with big, tear-filled eyes*

Daa ga booo nah. Kaakooch.

*waves her little arms up at you helplessly*
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 05/28/2007 21:24:59  

Poor baby, of course.

*bends down and scoops you up*

There, that better? *cuddles you close* You know, you shouldn't be running through the house like that, little one. You could hurt yourself alot worse.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 05/28/2007 21:44:53  

*knows that, duh*

*doesn't really care*

*looks up at you with big, innocent eyes*

Ehhh nethy boog balk?
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 05/28/2007 21:47:35  

*laughs softly* *has no clue what you're trying to say* Yes, yes, of course, Galadriel.

Why don't we find your Mummy, hmm? I bet she's wondering where you've gotten off to.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 05/28/2007 21:49:04  

*would actually prefer to get back down already so she can continue her running-and-occassionally-shrieking venture*

*but knows when she's caught*

*sticks her fist in her mouth*

From: [info]queenmelly Date: 05/28/2007 21:50:41  

*grimaces at the saliva but can't help laughing*

I'm glad you agree!

*carries you back up the stairs and to your mother's room*

From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/29/2007 03:14:59  

*opens the door* *grins at the baby in your arms*

Auntie Melian, hi.

*to Galadriel* Where on Órë did you get to?
From: [info]nerwende Date: 05/29/2007 10:02:36  

*waves happily from her perch*

Ahhh baa neee dooo.

*is the picture of innocence of course*
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 05/29/2007 10:04:15  

*laughs* I think what she is trying to say is that she went on a brave and daring exploration and was lost in the process. Luckily she found me or we both might have been lost.

*takes a few steps into the room* I'm not interrupting anything, am I?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/29/2007 13:00:09  

*grins* You're a little young for brave and daring, sweetheart. *reaches for her daughter*

*shakes her head* Interrupting? No, no. I was just sorting through some old clothes to send down to the mission.
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 05/29/2007 13:04:48  

Good, good.

*takes a few more steps and settles delicately on a chair*

How are you adjusting then? Are you finding everything fine? Any rough patches?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/29/2007 13:10:07  

*sits down on the couch and holds Galadriel on her lap*

I'm -- adjusting slowly, I suppose. It's strange, really. The memories are starting to seep back but it doesn't quite make sense.
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 05/29/2007 13:12:56  

I think it's like that for many people at the beginning. You just had a different sort of beginning, so it makes sense that things would be slow to come back. As long as you're not uncomfortable. There's two whole lines of text a lot to remember, of course.

*gently* Have you spoken to Finarfin at all?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/29/2007 13:17:19  

*looks at the top of Galadriel's head* I bumped into him the morning after this happened. I don't think it went well.
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 05/29/2007 13:24:16  

Yes? I suppose it was probably awkward? You two did a good bit of fighting before. It will probably take time to get past that.

How do you feel about it all?
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/29/2007 13:26:59  

How do I feel?

As though I've let myself down, and I've let Findaráto and Arta- -- Galadriel down. *clears her throat* And that even though I was young, I was still myself and I really can't expect forgiveness for the way I treated someone I must have loved so much.
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 05/29/2007 13:30:58  

And Arta- -- Galadriel

*notices that but says nothing*

*smiles gently* I think perhaps you are harder on yourself than anyone else may have right to be. Yes, perhaps you made mistakes. Perhaps you were foolish in some of your actions. You were a child, though, and most children are foolish. The important thing is that you make amends for your actions now, which I have no doubt you will do.

*shakes her head* I would not worry so much about it. He loves you. Anyone could see that. I think you love him too.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 05/29/2007 13:34:46  

*tries to smile* I'm not sure about love. I -- I don't think he trusts me.

*hugs Galadriel tightly* Even though neither of us remembered it, I betrayed him.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 05/29/2007 13:42:34  

*squirms a little bit*

*the sugar hasn't all worn off yet*

*wriggles down and starts running circles around the room*
From: [info]queenmelly Date: 05/29/2007 13:44:00  

Give it time, dear. Who knows how he may feel in time.

*laughs at the little girl's antics*

*gestures at her as a way to change the subject* She seems to be growing well.
Community: [info]opus_two
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