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*finishes her breakfast and notes that Itarillë still has not risen*

*finds this not only rude, but signs of a terrible flaw in her character that must be beaten out*

*sends a servant to fetch her and is surprised when they return not with the wayward halfwit child, but with a note*


*stalks off to Turukáno's office intent on having someone to yell at discuss the matter with rationally*

Current Mood: surprised
Tags: elenwe, turgon

From: [info]thewise Date: 05/29/2007 10:22:55  

*had just settled at his desk all comfortable-like, feet up, bowl of Lucky Charms in his lap*

*hears you coming a mile a way*

*mostly just hears the servants fleeing in terror a mile away*

*quickly sits up, hides the contraband cereal, and pretends to be busy at work*
From: [info]frostyelenwe Date: 05/29/2007 10:24:05  

*storms in and slams gently closes the door behind her*

*throws the note onto your desk*

Do you know what your daughter has done!!
From: [info]thewise Date: 05/29/2007 10:25:45  

*calmly looks up as if surprised to see you* Good morning, Elenwë.

*picks up the note and skims over it*

*does his very best to hide the hEArT pALpItaTIoNs!!*

*without looking up* It appears she has gone off on a vacation. Why do you ask?
From: [info]frostyelenwe Date: 05/29/2007 10:28:50  

*bites her lip and sits down in the chair opposite your desk*

I ask, Turukáno, because your daughter appears to have taken off with nary a word or request for approval WITHOUT A CHAPERON. This doesn't bother you in the least?

*grips the arm of the chair until her knuckles turn white*
From: [info]thewise Date: 05/29/2007 10:30:52  

*shrugs* She's a big girl. I'm sure she wouldn't have gone off alone without putting careful thought into it and devising a plan ahahahahaha WHO AM I KIDDING.

*mentally plans to have a search team in Hithlum within the hour*

*smiles fondly* She just wants to have adventures, Elenwë. What's wrong with that?
From: [info]frostyelenwe Date: 05/29/2007 10:37:21  

*cannot believe your apparent apathy* *but can, sort of*

It is not proper, Turukáno, and you know it. A young girl all on her own. Unmarried. Innocent. It would be easy for someone to take advantage of her. She's far too trusting. Despite my best efforts.

Why on Órë would a young girl like her want to have 'adventures', as you call them?
From: [info]thewise Date: 05/29/2007 10:49:04  

A young girl all on her own. Unmarried. Innocent.

*can actually feel his blood pressure rising by the second*

*swallows hard* If you feel so strongly about it, Elenwë, why don't you join her on her vacation? I'm sure she'd be miserable enjoy it. I can manage here quite happily. Then she would have a chaperon, and you could visit my brother like you've mentioned about a thousand times. Hmm?

Why on Órë would a young girl like her want to have 'adventures'

*thoughtfully* She's bored here. Cramped. Imprisoned. She wants to try something new. I've been thinking about giving her more responsibility anyway.
From: [info]frostyelenwe Date: 05/29/2007 10:53:12  

*considers your suggestion* *vaguely wonders if you're just trying to get rid of her for a time*

I suppose it would be acceptable. Though I will give her some talking to when I find her. *firmly* She cannot go on thinking this sort of behavior is condoned by you or I. I would like to see Findekáno. It has been so long. *pauses before nodding* Yes, yes, I think that would be a good not disasterous pleasing idea. My escort and I will leave right away.

I've been thinking about giving her more responsibility anyway

*raises an eyebrow* *thinks that sounds positively alarming* Indeed? What could you mean by that? I doubt Itarillë could handle would welcome any sort of responsibility.
From: [info]thewise Date: 05/29/2007 10:54:57  

Good good. I'll make arrangements to have you flown there immediately.

*hopes you'll leave now*





What could you mean by that?

My Uncle Arafinwë suggested making the place more attractive for tourists. Idril's such a dear little thing and so good with people. I thought about putting her in charge of the tourism industry. She seemed to like the idea and I'm sure she'd do a great job.
From: [info]frostyelenwe Date: 05/29/2007 13:08:02  


*assumes you must be joking*

*because the idea of Itarillë in charge of anything at all is hilarious*


*laughs happily* Oh, Turukáno, you can be such a joker sometimes!
From: [info]thewise Date: 05/29/2007 13:15:27  

*sighs and shakes his head* I'm not joking, Elenwë. I think it would be a good idea and she's clearly interested. What's the harm in it? If it doesn't work out we just won't have tourists which is sort of how I'd like it anyway. If it does we'll have a new source of income and Idril will have something that isn't Celegorm to keep her attention. Win win.
From: [info]frostyelenwe Date: 05/29/2007 13:16:52  

*abruptly stops laughing*

*covers her mouth with her hand* Oh, Eru, you're serious.

*sits quietly for a moment before making a decision* Absolutely not. I will not allow it.
From: [info]thewise Date: 05/29/2007 13:18:43  

*snaps a pencil in two*

*calmly* You will not allow it?

*presses his hands together to keep from strangling you* Why not? What possible objection could you have this time?
From: [info]frostyelenwe Date: 05/29/2007 13:28:01  

*doesn't like the tone in which you are speaking to her, or your attitude*

*speaks carefully* You may set up a little tourism industry if you like, Turukáno. The city is your pet and is yours to do with as you like. Itarillë, however, is under my care. The last thing she needs is a job in public service. Who knows what sorts she would be exposed to in that situation and what horrible habits she would acquire. Besides, she has no business working. There is enough for her to do here. She will require a great deal of work before she is presentable to society.
From: [info]thewise Date: 05/29/2007 13:35:28  

Hmm. And here I was thinking I would get at least a little say in the life of my daughter. My daughter. How silly of me. Thank you, Elenwë, for opening my eyes to my oversight.

Is that all?
From: [info]frostyelenwe Date: 05/29/2007 13:37:20  

I suspect as much. Unless you would like to continue throwing this little pity party? You don't really need me for that, though, do you?

*stands up* I will make arrangements to leave as soon as possible. Itarillë and I will probably stay with your brother for a few days, assuming we are not an imposition. Can you manage at all?
From: [info]thewise Date: 05/29/2007 13:38:22  

*quietly* Yes, I think I can. I'll be certain to let you know immediately if the entire city falls apart in your absence.

Have a safe trip.
From: [info]frostyelenwe Date: 05/29/2007 13:39:54  

Sarcasm is appreciated by no one, Turukáno, and it is the mark of a weak mind.

I shall let you know when I am ready to leave. Good day.
From: [info]thewise Date: 05/29/2007 13:40:49  


*makes faces at your back as you leave*

*spends the next hour throwing his stress ball against the wall as hard as he can*
Community: [info]opus_two
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