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*can't help but notice that something is not quite right*

*realise after a millisecond of consideration that Aredhel has not made her customary intrusion visit to his office this morning* *or yesterday morning, come to that*

*phones her secretary but is not told anything useful* *phones Aredhel's cellphone but gets no answer* *phones Aredhel's home phone and still gets no answer* *phones Maeglin's cellphone and gets no answer*

*finally, with exasperation, phones his own son to ask him to text Maeglin to find out if his mother is feeling under the weather/is in Himlad/is otherwise indisposed*

*figures it's the only way that Young People Nowadays communicate anyway*

Current Mood: curious
Tags: gil-galad, fingon, celegorm

From: [info]finellach Date: 05/29/2007 13:46:21  

*groans down the phone* And you can't do it yourself because?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 05/29/2007 13:48:08  

Because the last time Maeglin listened to me was -- wait, that's right. Never. Anyway, texting was never my strong point.

Go right on ahead and call me uncool or whatever you kids are saying these days.
From: [info]finellach Date: 05/29/2007 13:50:54  

*laughs* Aw, Dad, I'd never call you uncool. At least not to your face, OK? You can't help it if you're technologically illiterate.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 05/29/2007 13:52:27  

*laughs too* Hey, you cheeky beggar! Anyway, get in touch with your cousin, would you? It's not like Írissë not to stick her nose in stop by.

Talk to you later, son.
From: [info]finellach Date: 05/29/2007 13:53:11  

See you, Dad! *rings off and texts his cousin*
From: [info]finellach Date: 05/29/2007 14:29:42  

*phones you back when he gets a very concise message back from Maeglin*

Yeah, Lómion doesn't know where she is.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 05/29/2007 14:38:33  

*sighs* Thanks.

*stares at his computer screen for a while* *grits his teeth and forces himself to send an email to Celegorm, asking if he has seen Aredhel recently*
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 05/29/2007 14:45:30  

*really is not in the mood for this shit while he's in the middle of moving again* *and while he's just getting his head together*

*shoots back an e-mail*

Few days ago. Haven't talked to her since. -T
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 05/29/2007 14:50:37  

She's not in Hithlum. If you see her, ask her to get in touch. Cheers, F
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 05/29/2007 14:54:59  

*finds himself surprised into answering you without any sarcasm whatsoever*

Will do. -T
Community: [info]opus_two
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