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*is really rather vexed*

*goes over to Aredhel's house to see if she's back yet and finds no sign of her*

*sighs with irritation when he sees that her mobile phone is in her bedroom*

*goes to his office and emails Turgon and Celegorm*

I'm emailing both of you on the off-chance that Írissë has seen fit to tell either of you where she's run off to? Her son has no idea where she is and she's left her cell phone in her house. It looks like she was going to leave letters to both of you but she must have changed her mind. If she's hiding out with either of you, please let me know.


Current Mood: aggravated
Tags: fingon, celegorm

From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 06/03/2007 13:33:53  

*has known in the back of his mind that he really ought to have heard from Aredhel by now*

*calls you as soon as he receives your message*

*cutting right to the chase* Any word from Turukáno?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 06/03/2007 13:38:50  

*entirely business-like* Not a word. I'm getting my security to go through the CCTV footage and they're not nearly finished but it looks like Írissë took her car and took the main road out of Hísilómë.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 06/03/2007 13:42:00  

*in clipped tones* It's not like her to run off with telling me anyone.

*feels some unidentifiable but strong and unpleasant emotion at the thought of how they left things*
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 06/03/2007 13:45:05  

*briskly* And I don't think any of us want to dwell on what happened last time she did this. The evidence is sitting in my rec. room and hopefully not preying on his cousin.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 06/03/2007 13:52:19  

*mentally starts to set things in motion*

*carefully keeping any emotion from his voice* Who saw her last, and where? When?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 06/03/2007 14:04:47  

Lómion, four mornings ago. In their house. He doesn't seem unduly concerned but I'm pretty sure that's just a major character flaw on his part.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 06/03/2007 14:07:23  

*laughs humorlessly* Why am I not surprised?

*decisively* I'm going to look for her. See if there's been any activity on her credit cards lately and call me on my cell if you turn up anything.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 06/03/2007 14:09:10  

I appreciate it, Turco. I'll let Turvo know what the situation is and if either of us learn anything, I'll give you a call.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 06/03/2007 14:14:12  

Good. And if not...well. *with complete certainty* I'll still find her. *hangs up*

*goes off to haphazardly pack a bag as fast he possibly can*
Community: [info]opus_two
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