opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*has the uncomfortable feeling that she's getting too soft*

*needs to do something to shake it*

*combs the whole of the Doriath forest for traps*

*collects them into a pile and unceremoniously dumps them in Oromë and Vána's backyard*

*sticks a list of the new much smaller hunting quotas on top, just for her brother-in-law's benefit* :p

Current Mood: working
Tags: yavanna, vana

From: [info]tuivana Date: 06/13/2007 07:35:07  

*finds the pile and wonders if the scrap-metal fairy visited her during the night*

*takes a few traps into her workshop and commences fiddling around with them to see how they might enhance the Chipses*
Community: [info]opus_two
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