opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*still hasn't contacted Turco again*

*but is genuinely starting to wonder if this has gone beyond ego into actual mental health issues* *it's so hard to tell in this family* :\

*over coffee, scans the Menegroth directory listings*

*comes across a name*

*pauses, (pleasantly?) taken aback*

*catches a late-morning train, Thingol's security be damned*

Current Mood: nostalgic
Tags: elrond, celebrimbor, maglor

From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 08:26:58  

*sits in the waiting room outside his office at the MHC, straightening the magazines*

*(current issues make the patients happier and therefore somewhat less likely to have breakdowns during therapy...it's a proven fact)*

*considers popping down to the third-floor vending machine for 'breakfast' since his first appointment cancelled*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 08:32:58  

*walks into the MHC lobby and finds your name on the board*

*wanders the halls for some time before he makes it to your ward*
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 08:36:59  

*sets aside last month's People for the Tuesday-Thursday receptionist*

*wanders out to at least grab himself a coffee and bumps into you at the door* *good-naturedly* Whoops! Sorry about that.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 08:41:49  

*stops and turns around to face you*

*almost-smiles, recognizing your features*

No, no that's quite alright.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 08:45:34  

*looks back at you and blinks in surprise*

Fa- M- Hello? *not quite sure what to do here* Well isn't this a surprise? *crooked smile* It's been a lifetime.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 08:52:54  

Pityo? Elrond. It's good to... You look...

*gives you his hand to shake*

*calmly* It really has been a lifetime, hasn't it?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 08:59:57  

*shakes your hand vigorously* It has, sir. Um. Anyway. *brightly* How are you? Have you been in town long? I had no idea you were alive about.

*gestures back the way you came toward the elevators* Will you join me for some nutritious vending-machine coffee and peanut butter crackers?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 09:10:23  

*restrains himself from patting you on the shoulder as well, to keep things simple for now* *really does think you look well, and is genuinely pleased*

*smiles* That sounds tasteless? wonderful since you offered, I'd love to.

I've been settled in Himlad for a little while now, but I'm just getting the feel for the spread of the rest. And just found out you were here as well.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 09:18:04  

*conspiratorially* Don't tell Brí I've been eating that swill again; she'll have my hide. *stops short* Oh! Celebrían's my wife, I mean. *looking pensive* I'd forgotten you never knew her.

*considers* Taken back the Gap, have you? *sticks his hands in his pockets* Yes, we've been here quite awhile now. *smiles a little too* I guess you know I'm a doctor then.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 13:36:32  

Oh, I certainly wouldn't correct your tastes. *puts some coins in the machine and selects a hot chocolate for himself* *will save the coffee for when he's at a proper cafe* Oh, no, just a little west of the Gap actually. It's hard to feel at home anywhere else but the Gap has so much... well, I'd prefer to have things a little different this time?

*looks interested and strangely nostalgic when you mention your wife* *imagines there's rather a lot he never knew* Yes, you lived in the North together? And you had children, yes?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 13:41:39  

*tastes his own coffee and grimaces* Yes, I can see why...well. There's a lot about the old life I we could stand to forget, I suppose.

*nods* In Imladris, on the western side of Hithaeglir. *seems slightly hesitant to talk about his children with you* We had twin sons and a daughter. *absently* They're not here now, or at least I haven't met them, if they are.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 13:49:18  

Mm, true enough? The country is still very appealing. *muses* I don't know if I really saw it for what it was, before. But it's going to be a good place to work, and not too far from Maed-- *stops short, awkwardly trying to save it* --not too far from things.

*nods, almost relieved to hear about them* That's wonderful. I'm glad you... they.. *genuinely* I'm glad for you.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 13:56:17  

not too far from Maed--

*perhaps more coolly than he intended* Isn't that nice? *quickly, having startled himself a bit* I would like to visit that area sometime.

*stares into his cup* Thank you. *as a small offering* We were all very happy. *looks up finally* Would you like to come to dinner and meet Celebrían one of these days?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 14:07:15  

*notices the tone* *can't fault you for it, in all honesty* You would be welcome. Any time. It's quite peaceful now, all told.

*doesn't convey how genuinely touched he is by the offer* I'd be honoured to. She must be special.

*looks into his cup pensively, looks up again* I wish perhaps I could express myself better in such situations. *brow furrows briefly* But it's good to see you again.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 14:19:21  

I do like my peace. *wry smile* Not that I get much of it around here. *laughs* At least my patients keep things forever interesting.

*quietly* She is special. One-of-a-kind.

*sets his hand on your shoulder* I understand. And I'm glad to see you, too. Really I am.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 14:27:59  

*chuckles* You must see all kinds, I'm guessing? *decides to hold off on his mental-illness queries, it definitely being the wrong time and place* No, but you look well.

*does the same, briefly* *somewhat bashfully* I never was, was I? But here, for the next time you are in the north country... *pulls a card from his inside jacket pocket* *sets down his cup on a shelf and starts to write his cell number on the back* (*doesn't give that to everyone*) *doesn't notice his nephew walk in as he does so*
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 14:33:56  

*cheerfully* I'm afraid I must attribute any sort of relaxed countenance to Brí. Only recently she absolutely forced me to take a vacation with her. *half-joking* How cruel of her to twist a man's arm so.

*really genuinely* Thanks. *puts your card away in his wallet* *fondly* We'll all have dinner and my wife will surely dictate when would be best to visit you.

*sees someone that catches his eye and squints past you for a better look*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 14:45:07  

Well I'll find it hard to argue with a woman like that, I'm afraid.

*shakes your hand again* I'll look forward to it.

*breaks off suddenly*
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 14:23:33  

*walks through the lobby, just near the vending machines*

*likewise scans the directory for Elrond, hoping to look up one of the old bunch*

*looks around and sees you and the back of... someone else*
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 14:29:48  

*happens to glance up and notice you there*

*his eyes widening* Isn't that...? But no, that would be quite the coincidence...?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 14:37:02  

*in the middle of handing you the card*

Hmm? Coincidence--? *turns around and notices*

*becomes rather dumbfounded*
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 14:40:51  


*was just about to introduce himself to Elrond (wow, the kid's really grown up, eh?)*

*sees you and genuinely does not know what to do*

*recollects where he is*

I'll make an appointment, sorry about that.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 14:42:21  

*takes one or two steps forward*

*can see you've grown yourself* ...I didn't know you were here.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 14:47:02  

*looks between the two of you awkwardly*

Celebrimbor, how wonderful to see you! Have you heard Gil-galad's back? He'll be thrilled to know you're here.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 14:48:29  

*roots his feet to the tile floor* Yeah. That was the point.

*hangs back, obviously waiting for you and Elrond to finish your conversation*

*really, really, does not want to get into this now*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 14:52:56  

*composes himself*

*can see it's his cue* I'll let you catch up.

*to his nephew, before he passes* You look well. Elrond has my number should you need it.

*leaves the MHC quietly, just full of questions for his brother*
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 14:55:22  

*watches you leave, totally caught off his guard*

*looks back at Elrond*

Sorry, I could have timed this better.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 14:58:01  

*looks after Maglor somewhat helplessly* See you soon then!

*turning back to you, his excitement in seeing you somewhat dampened* Are you quite all right?
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 15:00:42  

*settles* That was just a surprise.

*really sorry to make you uncomfortable* I really, really didn't mean to interrupt though.

*decides to start over*

*shakes your hand* Wow. Nice to see someone else from the old days. And you're not three!
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 15:11:10  

*waves that off* Not to worry about a thing. I'm sure I'll be seeing F- Maglor again before long.

*gives you a companionable half-hug and claps you on the back* *smiling brightly* There's not many of us about, sadly. Have you met any others? I do hope you're in town to stay...?
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 15:18:04  

*nods silently* *doesn't think he could properly express how weird it is to see those two parts of his life colliding in one waiting room*

hope you're in town to stay...?

*hugs you back equally congenially* Looking like that, anyway. It's not a bad place? *can say this after his company the other night* I ran into Finrod, and Celeborn, too. We, uh, went for ice cream. ;)
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 15:26:58  

*offers you some of his prized peanut butter crackers and a seat near one of the nurses' stations*

Ice cream? *not getting the joke, as he has not, as yet, met his former in-laws in this life* That must have been...nice?
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 15:29:56  

*takes one with thanks* (*they have these in the vending machine at work too*)

*can see your blank expression* Yeah. *as if no one would understand the irony of this but you* He's about three years old.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 15:39:00  

*pops one into his mouth* Ahhh...bliss. So have you been here long? Just let me know if you can't find anything and I'll point you in the right direction.

*startled* Three— *laughs* You don't say. *still laughing!* Oh, Eru.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 17:50:03  

*puts a few coins in a machine and gets himself a coffee too* So far I think I'm good. But I haven't really found a real place to live yet. The motel's a little divey, it was just the easiest thing that came up. ;)

*rubs his hands over his eyes, joining you in laughing* He gave me a gummi Oliphaunt, have you HAD one of those things? Good Eru. I haven't met Gil-galad yet but I hear he... had a baby with Finrod's mother? :?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 17:56:09  

*nods knowingly* Just avoid everything in the immediate vicinity of Larry's Tap and you'll be fine.

*shakes his head amusedly* Can't say that I have. Or that I'd like to.

Ah...yes. I believe the phrase generally applied to both of them at the time was "young and stupid"? I haven't heard how either of them is getting on, to tell you the truth.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 18:10:52  

Yeah, you know you're the second person to tell me that? I'll take your word for it. Had a couple or five drinks at this other place the other night... the Rose? It was decent.

Yeah, that's a good call. ;) He's up north with his family too, eh? His daughter's called Galadriel, after him, Finrod said. She'll have a helluva time living up to that, I think. ;)

*sits back* *thinks* ...It's weird though, right? All these people back, but different? Like, they're same, but it's not the same as it... was. *totally never feels like he makes sense with any of this*
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 18:21:47  

*grins* Yes, well it's Brí's and it's a filthy dive (as is the neighborhood) and it's monstrously successful. Avoid at all costs. The Rose is one of her more palatable ventures.

His daughter's called Galadriel

Oh, dear, that's...I wonder what they were thinking, on that score? *looks vaguely intimidated by the thought of his formidable mother-in-law* I daresay the poor girl's got her work cut out for her, yes.

*nods understandingly* Believe me, if you can even see it on that level, you're way ahead of half the pack. I deal with patients every day with conflicting memories, or just plain terrible ones, or patients who can't reconcile this life with what they knew. It can be very frustrating.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 19:34:16  

Yeah? She's into property management? Maybe she knows a good building I could move to. *chuckle*

*shrugs* :s Maybe that's the young-and-foolish bit you mentioned talking. All I got from Celeborn is she'll "go away if you give her chocolate?" ;) She always was a force.

*as though you weren't the first person he's met here who he couldn't be completely honest with* Yeah, I could see that. But I don't know if coming back with the memories makes any difference. You still have to figure it out. *pensively* Instead of one thing happening and moving on, it's all sort of... mixed in, now.
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 21:02:52  

Um. Just the bar and restaurant business, actually? I'm told the dive-y nature of Larry's is a key part of the lure. But she usually is in the know as far as properties go, yes.

She always was a force.

*curiously* You don't think...is she the Galadriel we know? I suppose if Celeborn's the Celeborn we know then it's at least possible. Although it'd be quite a coincidence.

*completely sincerely* I suppose you could always keep the bits you like and throw the rest away. *smiles a little* And hope they're the same bits your friends have held onto?
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 21:22:05  

Although it'd be quite a coincidence

No kidding. :s They'll have to explain it, I guess, when she gets bigger. Is that how things work, though, with the rehousing? You must see a lot more here.

keep the bits you like and throw the rest away

Yeah, doing my best. *shrugs* I figure if it stays thrown away, well, it wasn't worth missing it to begin with.

You and Celebrían live here in town then?
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/13/2007 21:30:28  

*thinks about it for a moment* *smiles* Well, some people do go about having children in the usual way, if that's what you mean. But I do meet an awful lot of people like you and me who seem to only recall just...waking up one day and having an entire life intact, just about. *laughs* Cuiviénen Redux. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to who gets what.

That's a healthy stance to take. Listen to me, psychoanalyzing. Sorry! Force of habit. At least it's been "not bad" so far. *laughs* I'll accept that for now.

Yes, actually we live just a few streets away from the hospital sector here. *sheepish grin* Much to Brí's dismay. *checks his watch* If you're not doing anything later, why don't you stop by? I've got appointments until six but we could all have dinner after that.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/13/2007 21:37:24  

not bad

*laughs back* Sure, right, I'll let you know if it changes. Then you can shrink my head and tell me why. Or maybe not.

*brightens* Yeah? *Eru knows the idea of a regular family meal was always a foreign concept to him* I mean, I'm on the afternoon shift at the garage, it doesn't end til eight, but if that's not too late for you guys...
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/14/2007 07:47:28  

*happily* No, no, that's fine. I'll give Brí a call and see if she doesn't mind adding a third to our plans.

*tilts his head and looks at you curiously* The garage, you said? That's a new venture. Have you given up smithcraft then?
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/14/2007 08:14:35  

Cool. I'll give you the number at work, I don't have a phone yet... *looks in his pockets and realizes he gave away the only card he had* *finds an old reciept instead and pencils the number on the back*

This is just... yeah. Easier for now. It's good work. I don't know if I'm ready to take on commissions again for a while. ;)
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/14/2007 08:23:18  

*looks at the number* Excellent.

*shrugs* I can understand that. Though it'd be a shame to give up on that kind of talent forever, if you don't mind me saying so. *very nearly adds "sir" and grins inwardly and outwardly* Even working for your own pleasure would be better than nothing. Your grandfather made a career of it, after all.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 06/14/2007 08:31:55  

*smiles with a mixture of sheepishness and pride* Yeah, maybe there's always special occaisions or something.

Okay. *stands up* I'll catch you and your wife later. :)
From: [info]elrondmd Date: 06/14/2007 08:35:36  

See you then. *sees you off with a wave*

*checks his watch again and dashes off to his first appointment, feeling more cheerful than he's been in days*
Community: [info]opus_two
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