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*parks herself at a sidewalk table at her favorite café*

*attempts to wade through the sea of legalese that some contrary computer vomited all over the stack of divorce papers in her hand*

*sighs* I'm going to need a lawyer for this. *maybe sneaks a cigarette even though she promised her grandfather she'd quit* *or maybe two cigarettes*

Current Mood: lethargic
Tags: finduilas, maglor

From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 15:03:15  

*leaves the health centre, full of questions*

*goes to seek out some actual coffee, making a mental note to apologize to Elrond for leaving so hastily*

*parks himself at a table (never gets coffee to go) a few down from yours*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 06/13/2007 15:13:47  

*glances up (as she's been doing all morning, for the slightest distractions from the drudgery at hand)*

*thinks you have a definite air about you but can't quite put her finger on what it is*

*sneaks peeks at you curiously when she thinks you won't notice*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 15:22:39  

*unwraps some sugar cubes*

*stirs them into his coffee as he looks around somewhat absently*

*lights on your blond hair and thinks he recognizes your face*

*finds the answers to his earlier surprise as it dawns on him who you are*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 06/13/2007 15:28:43  

*looks up again and sees you looking*

*thinking she's been caught* I'm sorry, it's just...I feel like maybe we know each other? But I can't remember having met you before. I'd definitely remember that.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 15:33:40  

*considers this for a long moment*

I don't suppose we ever did meet in person, no.

*evenly* My name's Makalaurë. *thinks* But you probably heard me referred to as Cáno?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 06/13/2007 15:41:22  

*her eyebrows shooting up* You're Maglor? Oh. Oh, my.

*awkwardly, and a bit unnecessarily* Well, I'm Finduilas. *obviously chagrined* It would appear I'm your sister-in-law.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 17:52:10  

*nods, but obviously knows your name* I don't think we were well-acquainted, before. My brother was good enough to fill me in though.

*eyebrows raise rather visibly* ... Are you?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 06/13/2007 17:59:22  

*pushes out another chair at her table with her foot and nods from you to it*

*pales slightly* Oh, yes. Curvo and I...were married just a few weeks ago. *does not provide any of the more sordid details* But it looks as though it's destined to be short-lived. Unfortunately? *holds up her paperwork and laughs humorlessly*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 18:07:02  

*takes his cup and saucer with him*

*sets it down, pulls out the chair, and sits directly opposite you* *doesn't think this is a situation he's likely to get too comfy in*

*notices your divorce papers* Right. :\

*plainly* How very like odd of Curufin not to mention it. I had no idea he planned to take up with you? settle down again.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 06/13/2007 18:11:21  

*laughs* You don't have to act so surprised. None of it was remotely planned. We're both impulsive people on our best days and...it wasn't one of our best days.

*thinks you're sort of cute when you're disapproving of everything she represents*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 18:21:59  

*somewhat resignedly, fanning the edge of the stack of papers with his thumb* Somehow, my brothers do manage to surprise me. If it were me I'd see the situation rather differently, I suppose.

*takes a sip of his coffee, looking at the table* He'd hardly mentioned his son was in town, also, but then perhaps he didn't know, either. *gives absolutely no indication or hint that he knows any more about the situation than that*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 06/13/2007 18:27:10  

*looks up at you quickly, as if trying to discern how much you know* Maybe he didn't, at the time. He does now, at any rate. But you know as well as I do there's no point in trying to get Curvo to be civil with the poor boy.

*sighs, deciding she really doesn't care how you take her words now that there's no father around to shame her into keeping quiet* And damned if I know what to say about it. I imagine said poor boy loathes me nearly as much.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 19:38:32  

no point in trying to get Curvo to be civil

Unfortunately, no. And I'm not convinced it's the better for either of them.

*takes a moment to process what your admission means* *acknowledges it with a tilt of his head* You haven't spoken to him either, then? *reassesses* I confess when I saw you only just after him...
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 06/13/2007 21:07:12  

No, it's not. *regretfully* Curvo is so infuriating. I don't know why I ever— *cuts herself off before she can go too far down that road*

*tentatively* I saw him once. *after another pause* A couple weeks ago. *just now hearing the rest of what you said* But you saw him? Just now, you mean? *her tone betraying her interest* Is he somewhere nearby?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 21:14:33  

*doesn't see any point in you finishing that thought, to be honest*

*also doesn't see any reason why a mother shouldn't know where her son is, after a moment's thought* Just at the Health Centre as a matter of fact. I believe we were looking for the same person.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 06/13/2007 21:23:23  

Oh...! *absently* Maybe I ought to— *taps her fingernail on the side of her cup* —no. That'd be too pushy. *not specifically asking you* Is it pushy if I just want to look at him?

*shoots you a very insecure somewhat baleful look* I'm not as bad as all that, you know.

*hasn't forgotten that you represent someone new and interesting she's only heard stories of thus far* *curiously* You and your brothers seem to have made a habit of taking your leisure in the one place where you appear on all the Most Wanted lists. I wouldn't peg you as the type, from what the books say.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/13/2007 21:32:29  

*frowns just slightly* Why would it be pushy of you to want to see your child?

*only a little avoidant* As I said. If it were up to me, things between you would have been handled... differently.

*raises an eyebrow pensively* Fair enough point. My brothers do like to throw caution more than slightly to the wind in these situations. :\ As for me, for some people some times it's worth the effort. *half-smile* But if I'm being followed, it would be plain to any eyes I've been no disturbance.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 06/14/2007 07:43:42  

*matter-of-factly* Well, if he wants nothing to do with me, I certainly don't want to force him.

If it were up to me, things between you would have been handled... differently.

*looks rather grateful for that remark*

it would be plain to any eyes I've been no disturbance

*laughs and toasts you with her coffee cup* I don't think that would matter much to Thingol, somehow. Having met the man, I can tell he doesn't put much stock in things culpability or due process.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/14/2007 08:08:49  

*somehow, can't fault that logic*

*has no wish to make his day more complicated with arrests or questionings* Well, I've done what I came here to do. I suppose I best not overstay my welcome. *tucks a few bills underneath his saucer*

*looks you in the eye* Give your son my best, should you see him.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 06/14/2007 08:19:55  

I'll do that. *suddenly thinks you must have thought she was trying to chase you off with that talk of being in Thingol's bad books*

*sincerely* I hope we'll meet again sometime, Makalaurë.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 06/14/2007 08:25:10  

*is feeling all the more focused now about that conversation with his brother*

*folds his coat over his arm* Do take care, Finduilas.

*walks in the direction of the train station*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 06/14/2007 08:31:36  

*watches you leave with something like curiosity*

*isn't entirely sure how someone that reasonable could be Fëanorian*
Community: [info]opus_two
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