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*returns to the city from her property in the outskirts*

*retires to her office at The Star to collect mail, updates on suppliers and bookings, and to meet with her house manager*

*finds she has been dilly-dallying on letting a laundry order come through late*

*sighs* No, Sylvia, you must really be firm in these instances. If they think there is slack they'll begin to take more each time, and in this hotel I our guests expect a high standard.

*walks her through a telephone call to ensure all orders will arrive in a timely fashion* :\

*takes lunch at a separate table in the bar and restaurant (Asian Númenorean fusion)*

*finishes the afternoon with a walk through the front of house to greet regular high-paying guests*

Current Mood: working
Tags: morwen, erendis

From: [info]mavwin Date: 06/19/2007 09:35:01  

*is seated in the lobby with a drink and a notepad, watching the passersby in a fit of entrepreneurial research*

*observes your demeanor and tasteful style of dress with something like actual approval* *makes some notes as to what you're wearing*
From: [info]starbrow Date: 06/19/2007 09:55:27  

*tucks her leather portfolio under her arm and stops at the front desk to personally oversee a checkout*

*calmly shakes the patron's hand* Thank you for visiting us at the Star. We do look forward to hosting you again.
From: [info]mavwin Date: 06/19/2007 09:59:35  

*waits until you've concluded that piece of business before stepping over to you*

*in a businesslike tone* Pardon me. I wonder if you'd mind telling me whether that dress is this season's or next's?
From: [info]starbrow Date: 06/19/2007 10:10:15  

*is only mildly surprised by the interruption, given your tone*

As a matter of fact it's an autumn preview. I see you have a practiced eye. *nods*
From: [info]mavwin Date: 06/19/2007 10:15:41  

*looks vaguely perturbed* I've spent the past several weeks acquainting myself with the strange fashions and behaviors of the people of this city. I confess it's all perfectly foreign to me but one must make the best of one's situation. *wry smile* At least until one's husband returns from the war.

*curiously* Are you the proprietress of this fine establishment?
From: [info]starbrow Date: 06/19/2007 10:26:17  

*with the smooth manner of someone who is accustomed to talking about the city with newcomers* Indeed. There are many walks of life in Delving. Even Noldorin folk have occasion to stay here. *evenly* So long as they present no trouble.

Indeed. *extends a hand, retaining her posture* My name is Erendis. *leisurely* I believe I was called Elestirne, before, but I've not seen fit to look back, as yet.
From: [info]mavwin Date: 06/19/2007 10:36:49  

*lifts one eyebrow, impressed* How interesting. I've had the pleasure of meeting only our liege lord Fingon and a few other Noldor of lesser importance. *clearly not adding up the current reality political climate entirely correctly* It's curious that you should see any with these regions largely closed to them.

I believe I was called Elestirne, before

*is only too happy to gloss over whatever 'before' you may be referring to*

*shakes your hand lightly* Morwen, Lady of Dor-lómin. *by way of explanation* I'm thinking of opening a dress shop here in town. I had to speak to you when I saw someone arrayed so modestly and looking so ladylike. There's an appalling lack of such qualities here, have you noticed?
From: [info]starbrow Date: 06/19/2007 10:55:35  

*gives a clipped, wry smile* I make no policy of refusing customers on standing. I should not stand in the way of a police warrant, mind you, but a modest, well-behaved guest is a guest.

*is mildly flattered by your compliments* The fashions do change drastically, at times. I myself tend to look to the forward trends when they present an opportunity. Modesty is no impediment to taste, I should say.

*with polite interest* Have you vetted collections for your shop? Near my other establishment, the Garden Path, there are quite a few promising designers. I believe the heart of the city does not offer the same... creative influences.
From: [info]mavwin Date: 06/19/2007 11:08:07  

a modest, well-behaved guest is a guest

Hmm. *thinks it's only proper to disapprove of this cavalier policy but can't help liking the idea of sticking it to The Man* I should say so.

I'm only in the middle of the most preliminary of preparations, I'm afraid. *sighs* It's a tragedy that we women should be forced to work outside the home, of course, but I daresay my daughters and I have been relying on my disrespectful boor of a dear son for too long already.

*demonstrating only the tiniest show of outward interest* Might I have directions to the Garden Path? I'd like to see the area.
From: [info]starbrow Date: 06/19/2007 11:27:41  

it's a tragedy that we women should be forced to work outside the home

*with decorum* Do you find it so? On the contrary, I rather enjoy the freedom women are given in this Age, not to depend so entirely upon men. *has a vague notion she has always felt this way, and enjoys it* Hard work will always find rewards, even for the (*disapproving tone*) "weaker" sex.

But of course. *ushers you toward the front desk* We are located on the uppermost outskirts. Our guests enjoy the distance from the city centre, close enough to the open country for day trips. *pulls a tri-fold brochure from a shelf at the front and opens it in front of you*
From: [info]mavwin Date: 06/19/2007 11:38:57  

*authoritatively* The freedom is desirable, yes, but I often find the most useful way to get anything done is to withhold sex make the menfolk think they orchestrated the entire thing. *sounding matter-of-fact* Not ideal, perhaps, but it does eliminate a good deal of blame and whining and carrying on down the road.

*has a look at the brochure* *frankly* Very impressive. We must be related. Perhaps we'll end up neighbors if the good taste in this town is as concentrated as it seems.
From: [info]starbrow Date: 06/19/2007 11:54:01  

make the menfolk think they orchestrated the entire thing

*dissatisfied* They will tend to that, as a rule, of course.

Thank you. *smiles with care* Will you be looking in that area? I do not think you'll be disappointed with it. Untouched country is so precious.
From: [info]mavwin Date: 06/19/2007 11:58:51  

*looks at you a bit closely* That savors strongly of long—ill?—experience. Have you a husband?

*confidently* I ought to start nearer here, I suppose, until my venture is assured of success. *in a moment of unaffected sincerity* But I do miss the country. Where are you from originally, if you don't mind me asking?
From: [info]starbrow Date: 06/19/2007 12:04:38  

*sharply* No. *reconsiders this more calmly* I don't believe I will ever be the sort, to make that type of bargain. It requires too much... compromise. *gives just a touch of a frown at this sudden animosity*

*quite warmly* Ah, I was born and raised in Emerië, in Númenor. My strongest memories are of that place.
From: [info]mavwin Date: 06/19/2007 12:18:14  

That's certainly your right. *appearing unconvinced* Marriage may not be for everyone. *tactfully does not pursue the subject further*

*shakes her head in confusion* I have no memory of those names. *thinking* I recall reading something in library about...an island? Was that Númenor? But it isn't on any of our maps at home, I'm sure of that.
From: [info]starbrow Date: 06/19/2007 13:50:22  

Mmm, of course. *tactfully does not press the issue either*

*small smile, remembering her homeland* Yes, that is it, an island. I think there was once talk of forging a marine alliance with Middle-Earth, but I can't believe such a thing would ever succeed. Tar-Meneldur was the peaceful sort. *frowns* But why shouldn't it be on the maps? Surely they've only omitted it? It's a splendid country.
From: [info]mavwin Date: 06/19/2007 14:18:16  

there was once talk of forging a marine alliance with Middle-Earth

*more perplexed than ever* You must forgive me. I really have heard nothing of this realm. My husband is very extensively traveled, though. Perhaps he can tell me something more about it when he returns from battle. *says this last as easily as she might say "when he returns from his daily walk"*
Community: [info]opus_two
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