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*has her ailing car towed to Celebrimbor's garage, where she's informed that he's out of town*

*shakes off her disappointment and makes plans to pick up her car in two weeks*

*walks over to the nearest branch of the First Imperial Bank to see if she can talk her way out of an overdraft charge*

Current Mood: busy
Tags: haleth, thingol, mablung

From: [info]sindacollo Date: 06/21/2007 09:21:36  

*stops in to retrieve the last copy of his will from its vault in order to properly write Lúthien out of it*

*declines the free pen and/or calendar while he waits*
From: [info]haladwen Date: 06/21/2007 09:23:52  

*tries to calculate how long she's going to have to wait in the endless queue for the teller window*

*turns on her mp3 player full-blast and bops her head to the music*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 06/21/2007 09:31:00  

*is still sitting on the other side of the desk in the bank director's private office when two armed and masked men burst into the bank, fire shots into the air, and suggest rather impolitely that the bank patrons lay flat on the ground and inform them of the whereabouts of all the money*

*starts at the sudden noise out the open door and dives under the desk for cover* *whips out his cell phone and dials the emergency number*

*listens to a soothing recorded voice tell him that while all lines are currently busy, the MPD looks forward to serving him during his emergency* *...*
From: [info]haladwen Date: 06/21/2007 09:37:55  

*glances up briefly when she sees all the people in front of her in the queue drop to the ground simultaneously*

*thinks they really haven't been waiting that long, sheesh*

*hums along quietly and off-key*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 06/21/2007 09:41:22  

*watches as one of the masked men directs the other toward the back offices and, theoretically, the main vault*

*cringes when the leader notices your odd behavior and walks up behind you, poking you in the back with his gun, yanking out one of your earbuds and snarling "I SAID 'ON THE GROUND', LADY!"*
From: [info]haladwen Date: 06/21/2007 09:46:48  

*whirls around in surprise* *quickly processes what's happening*

*sizes the man up, jams the heel of her hand against his windpipe, hard, knees him in the crotch, harder, and kicks his legs out from under him*

*scoops up the gun when it skitters across the floor and plants her boot firmly on the would-be thief's neck* Back of the line, ya bastard.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 06/21/2007 09:49:57  

*is really a bit impressed, honestly*

*emerges from the office when it occurs to him that it's a little safer now He Is The King and need not stand for such blatant flouting of his law*

*calls across to you loudly* Look out. There's another in the back.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 06/21/2007 09:52:25  

*trains the gun on you for a split second before determining you pose no threat*

You there. *beckons to you* C'mon over here and keep an eye on this guy.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 06/21/2007 10:01:03  

*can't help but be intrigued as to where this is all headed*

*comes over and places his considerably heavier foot on the fool's head*

*tries again to call the marchwardens in the meantime*
From: [info]haladwen Date: 06/21/2007 10:06:53  

*issues orders to the shell-shocked patrons as though it's second nature (because it sort of is)*

Hey, lady. See to getting all of these folks outta the building, will ya? Everybody stay close for questioning. And you there, pal—skedaddle and find us some cops, huh? Anybody here a doctor? I think that girl's fainted. You two big fellas there carry her out. Get her some fresher air.

*trots off toward the back offices and reappears some time later with the second robber, his hands held high, and her gun stuck in the small of his back*
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 06/21/2007 10:09:17  

*stays standing where he is, arms folded, watching these proceedings curiously*

*turns to you when the last of the bystanders has been ushered outside by the motherly type you placed in charge* Where did you learn to do that?
From: [info]haladwen Date: 06/21/2007 10:13:52  

*pokes the second thief until he's joined his partner on the floor*

*settles down to watch them and wait for the police to show up*

Huh? Oh. The old days, I guess? *laughs* I was a pretty decent fighter back then. Had to look out for a whole mess of people.

*sees one of the robbers move an inch and kicks him in the side* *cheerfully* Do that again and I will blow your fuckin' head off, buddy.
From: [info]mablung Date: 06/21/2007 10:18:39  

*bursts in with several other armed marchwardens on his heels*

*starts at the sight of Thingol* *lowers his weapon slowly* Sir? What are you doing here? Where are the maf- your bodyguards??

*gives swift orders for the others to take the robbers into custody* *shakes his head* I've been trying to nab these jokers for ages. They hit this same damned branch, like, a month ago.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 06/21/2007 10:21:43  

*eyeroll* So now I'm not allowed out by myself in my own city, Mablung? When on an errand I'd rather Melly not know about?

*gives his prisoner another nudge with his toe* As you can see, I am perfectly unharmed. I'm not so fucking old as all that yet.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 06/21/2007 10:25:30  

*gives Mablung a wave of recognition when he comes in*

*listens to this exchange with mild embarrassment* Shit. *a little nervously* Sorry, Your Majesty. You're a lot taller in person. I'm Haleth. *holds out her hand when it's clear her name isn't striking any bells* You gave me and my clan leave to live in Brethil once? Which was really swell of you by the way.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 06/21/2007 10:27:06  

*shakes your hand firmly* And what do you do for a living, Haleth?
From: [info]haladwen Date: 06/21/2007 10:29:14  

*blushes slightly* *evasively* Oh, a little of this, a little of that. I was waitressing part-time up 'til about a week ago? I spilled this guy's chicken parmesan all over him. If that wasn't a bloody nightmare I don't know what is.
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 06/21/2007 10:32:47  

Well, Haleth, I like the way you handled these morons here today. Both the criminals and the spectators. You're obviously well-trained and know how to delegate responsibility. Not that I'd know anything about delegating.

*casually* How would you like to be Chief Marchwarden of Doriath? It's a temporary position, I should tell you. Until Cúthalion returns from assignment.
From: [info]mablung Date: 06/21/2007 10:34:24  

*breaks off in the middle of Strenuously Overseeing Things when he hears this last*

—the fuck?!
From: [info]haladwen Date: 06/21/2007 10:41:37  

*her jaw dropping* Are you shitting me? But isn't that— *hazards a glance at Mablung* —I mean, isn't he...?
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 06/21/2007 10:46:08  

*turns to Mablung with a baleful look* You see, Marchwarden, I've been monitoring your progress since Beleg left—oh, yes—and the sad fact of the matter is, you've failed to apprehend not only a whole slew of petty thugs, but a few somewhat unpetty thugs, as well, including several sons of Fëanor, who, I have been informed, have not exactly hidden their presence in the area. And often, I fear, simply for love of a pretty face. Or prettier nether regions, perhaps. Now that I think about it, you've actually failed in just about every one of your major duties that comes to mind. *brightly* A really astounding feat, even for you.

So what do you have to say for yourself?
From: [info]mablung Date: 06/21/2007 10:47:42  

They were really sorry?
From: [info]sindacollo Date: 06/21/2007 10:50:17  

*rubs his hands together* Excellent. I'll have that noted in your disciplinary report.

*authoritatively* Now, once you have adequately disposed of these two fine fellows, you will take Haleth here back to the precinct and see that she is properly trained on procedure and protocol. After which time you may consider yourself on probation.

*wishes Haleth good luck (sucker) and leaves*
From: [info]haladwen Date: 06/21/2007 10:53:19  

*steps over to Mablung once you've gone* *regretfully* I'm really sorry about that, man. I had no idea anything like that was gonna happen. I just came to sort out my checking account.
From: [info]mablung Date: 06/21/2007 10:54:20  

*pretty curtly, for him* Forget it. Just follow Jerry back to the station, all right?

*walks out before you can say another word*
From: [info]haladwen Date: 06/21/2007 10:57:39  

*is almost too sorry to feel good about being able to tell her brother she finally has a real job*

*will make it up to you. honest to eru.*
Community: [info]opus_two
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