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*continues to be very concerned about his sister*

*calculates that she's been home more than a week and hasn't left her house*

*has visited every morning and evening and has been refused entrance*

*goes to his office, his finger hovering over the intercom button*

*changes his mind and picks up his cell phone to send a text to his son* You out of bed yet, you lazy bugger?

Current Mood: anxious
Tags: gil-galad, fingon, aredhel

From: [info]finellach Date: 07/01/2007 07:02:17  

*is woken by the sound of his phone beeping*

*peers at the screen bleerily*

*manages to text back* I'm just getting up now.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/01/2007 07:03:04  

*smiles at the reply*

Likely story. When you get up, will you go see your cousin?
From: [info]finellach Date: 07/01/2007 07:03:57  

*shakes himself a little*

Which one? Itarillë? Please say Itarillë?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/01/2007 07:04:40  

*laughs and dials your number*

Come on, now. Lómion isn't that bad, is he?
From: [info]finellach Date: 07/01/2007 07:05:23  

*lets out a noisy yawn in reply*
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/01/2007 07:07:01  

*holds his phone away from his ear and grimaces*

That was rather indelicate, Gil-galad. Anyway, I'd appreciate if you could track him down and ask him how his mother is doing.
From: [info]finellach Date: 07/01/2007 07:07:57  

*snuggles closer into his pillows* 's okay, Dad. Last I heard, he said she was doing fine.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/01/2007 07:09:19  

*patiently* Was this before or after she disappeared?

*warningly* And text messages don't count as a valid form of communication in this case.
From: [info]finellach Date: 07/01/2007 07:11:27  

Da-ad. For the youth of today, text messages are the foundation of communication!
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/01/2007 07:13:00  

Careful, son. You're starting to sound very reasonable. If you continue growing up at this pace, I'll have to find a job for you. How does High King sound?
From: [info]finellach Date: 07/01/2007 07:25:31  

Oh, no. No, Dad. Seriously, I still stay up all night and I never do my homework and I'm sure I'm due to be suspended from school again any day now. I'm definitely not ready for the big, bad world.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/01/2007 08:13:17  

*teasingly* Are you sure? I know there's a great deal of filing to be done around here. I daresay Margaret would appreciate the help?
From: [info]finellach Date: 07/01/2007 10:10:38  

Oh, ha-ha-ha. You're a funny guy, Dad. Hey, what was that thump in the background? Did Margaret just faint from the shock that I might be allowed near her precious filing cabinets?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/01/2007 10:11:59  

*laughs softly* Don't be cheeky, young man. Now get up and go see your cousin, will you? I should probably go check on Margaret.

*as an afterthought* And be sure to eat breakfast, won't you?
From: [info]finellach Date: 07/01/2007 10:38:30  

*rolls his eyes* Yes, Dad, I'll be sure to eat something . Talk to you later.
From: [info]irisse Date: 07/02/2007 17:19:35  

*knocks on the door before sweeping in*

Can you explain why Margaret has broken out the smelling salts, brother?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/02/2007 17:24:22  

*looks up* It's the fear that my son might be helping out around the office, I think.

*breaks into a smile and stands up* Írissë.
From: [info]irisse Date: 07/02/2007 17:37:07  

*briskly* Well, he might as well be gainfully employed. Oh, do sit down, 'káno. It's just me.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/02/2007 18:13:47  

Silly girl. I know it's just you.

*sternly* Now, don't go wandering off like that again, do you hear?
From: [info]irisse Date: 07/02/2007 18:50:12  

Please, 'káno. You can't treat me like a child.

*examines her nails* It just got a little out of hand, that's all.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/02/2007 18:53:16  

I certainly can treat you like a child. You are my little sister, after all.

*a touch exasperatedly* You were abducted by the ex-husband who killed you.
From: [info]irisse Date: 07/03/2007 14:43:51  

*scowls* It won't happen again. I won't let it.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/03/2007 15:20:55  

You better not. *softly* You scared me, 'rissë.
From: [info]irisse Date: 07/03/2007 19:34:38  

I can take care of myself, you know. Honestly, I'm quite embarrassed about all this fuss.
Community: [info]opus_two
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