opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*Decides to upload a review of the latest episode of Healer Who to his myspace but finds that his laptop simply will NOT boot up.*

*Goes through the appropriate ritual for the technologically frustrated; presses random buttons in the hope that something will happen, restarts, unplugs, restarts again, starts swearing under his breath and eventually starts swearing loudly and becomes gripped by the urge to throw the infernal thing out the window.*

*Wonders if Varda took a screwdriver to its innards while he was asleep.* ¬_¬

*Decides to make an effort and use his new-found spare time to take an interest in his company, so starts reading the financial pages.*

*Is quite sure it'll all turn out to be fascinating once he gets into it.*


Please Eru, kill me now...

Current Mood: cranky
Tags: eru, manwe

From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 07/02/2007 16:51:26  

Please Eru, kill me now...

It doesn't really work that way, you know.
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 07/02/2007 16:56:46  

I know but can you blame a Vala for trying? I mean, have you ever read this stuff? It's in another language. I thought I was pretty good with languages but this is just ridiculous. I mean, what the hell is a NASDAQ?
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 07/02/2007 17:02:39  

It's all tied in with idol-worship somehow. Don't worry about it. Try getting a hobby, son. Barbecue with the colleagues or—oh! Have you tried shuffleboard??
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 07/02/2007 17:09:57  

Shuffleboard? Isn't that like bowls only less exciting?
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 07/02/2007 17:15:56  

No. No, it isn't. Clearly you've never experienced the high drama of a dead heat going into the tenth frame.


Don't you almost-roll your eyes at me.
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 07/02/2007 17:20:45  

And you have? Who do you play shuffleboard with?

Sorry. The almost-eyeroll is a near perpetual state for me these days, it's nothing personal.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 07/02/2007 17:26:18  

Hank the Wino was a big shuffleboard buff back in his prep school days. I posed as a foreign exchange student and took him on once or twice. His nickname was Hank the Crank. That wasn't shuffleboard-related actually.

the almost-eyeroll is a near perpetual state for me these days

And how is dear Varda, by the way?
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 07/02/2007 17:43:26  

Did you win?

And how is dear Varda, by the way?

From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 07/02/2007 18:00:09  

In the Cup final? Vanquished in that gripping tenth frame, I'm afraid. I spent so many nanoseconds forming just the right body so as not to give myself an advantage. I'm afraid people were actually placing bets on us. I'm not proud of it.

*lightly* You'll remember that even Valar receive performance evalauations, of course? Like I always say, "the extra 'A' is for 'achievement'!" Meaning that I'd like you to attain one. Even if it's only sniping less.
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 07/02/2007 18:28:34  

Even if it's only sniping less.

*Figures that at least that's a goal...of sorts.*

Yes sir. I'll do my best.
From: [info]ohyoureru Date: 07/02/2007 19:31:14  

*mental!smile* I know you will, child. And get out of the apartment once in a while, for my sake! Television really will rot your brain and then you'll have to make a brand-new one and so on.
Community: [info]opus_two
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